Concealed Carry

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That's a good point about NICS.
Let me pose a quandry. The TX
system has a pretty decent class
in the use of force, conflict
avoidance and the law. One reason, I
like the TX system is that people who
carry hear this stuff. More would be
even better.

How do we educate folks without some
licensing? Also, if NICS checks
takes carry of felons - does that position
imply that all gun sales and transfers must
go through it. That's a big debate for
the private sale discussion.

I choose the legal route. That doesn't mean that I don't have an aversion to the concept of the beauracrat giving me a permission slip for something I inherited at birth. It is a noble purpose to get people informed of the laws relating to lethal force. CHL classes are a decent introduction. I'm not sure that fees are geared with an educational intent, but just as another revenue generator and control mechanism for the state. I would believe it more possibly if renewal fees were waived in lieu of qualified training courses. I know if I take an unrequired safety course on my bike I get a break from my insurance provider. That is one way of motivating people to get educated without state intervention. My state recently took over this training and it will be more available and cheaper to folks in the future. I oppossed this move because it is not supported by user fees, and the state will only screw it up. Getting on a bike is a priveledge. If the state wants to regulate my right to carry, then I have no problem with them subsidizing my trip to Thunder Ranch. :)
If NICS were designed to keep guns out of the hands of Bad Guys, then they would not need to take information about the Good Guys and keep it on file.

The "excuse" for NICS is to "keep guns out of the hands of bad guys. Obviously that's a smokescreen at best. The "reason" for NICS is to register legal gun owners.

As for training, I have suggested mandatory firearms training by the government, the military, the NRA or some other organization. (I got shot down ... BAD!!!)

Hey, we can do it for defensive driving - and it's supervised (strictly!!) by the (state) government. Why not for firearms training?

Make it mandatory and universal - for the militia and RKBA!
Coinneach, the last half of Section 13 of the Colorado Constituition states that it may not be used to justify concealed carry.

Is this a new addition?

Lawdog, the exact wording is "...but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons." AFAIK, that's how it was originally; I have no info on whether it's been revised.

Open carry is legal in Colorado, except for the occupied territories (Denver and Boulder). However, open carry may alarm the sheep, regardless of whether your gun is holstered. Therefore, in the interest of public peace and blissful ignorance, I choose to conceal my weapon. I also choose to not bribe the Sheriff to allow me to do so.

Carry permits are intrinsically illegal, based on a strict literalist interpretation of the Second. As someone who chooses to be responsible for his own safety, I'm caught between two contradictory laws: one says I can carry whatever and however I choose, the other says I have to get permission to do so. In this case, I defer to the higher laws: 2A and the law of self-preservation, without bowing and scraping and begging for the "privilege" of doing so. BTW, that's what Sheriff Anderson's CHL app calls it: a privilege.

(pause for breath)

It was not an easy decision for me to make. I do carry openly when I feel comfortable doing so, and I've never caught flak from any LEOs for it. Hysterical citizens, yes, which is why my usual mode is concealed. No sense getting into a pissing match with those people who don't, won't, or can't understand that good guys carry guns too.

Sorry about the long-winded reply; it's late and I tend to babble when I'm tired. I hope this makes clear why I choose to disregard Colorado's concealed-carry permit laws.

Gonna cuff me now? ;)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Amigo, I'm in the middle of a 40 hour PPCT course. I ain't cuffing NOBODY else 'til the aches go away.

I was just curious if that last part had been added in this latest round of hysteria. I'm trying to keep a running tally of extra idiot laws I can directly trace to the media hoo-hah surrounding Columbine.

(Just between you, me and the fencepost, I never arrested anyone for Unlawful Carry unless they were stupid enough to aim it at me or a civilian.)

Caeca - The type of rig you need is a good IWB rig or a SOB holster. Look at the pouch like IWB rig from LAW CONCEALMENT SYSTEMS... they got adds in all the gun rags... It will hide a big gun on you with no problem.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
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