Concealed Carry Question

Not to go off on a Wal-Mart tangent, but I think the "No Guns" sign is against corporate policy and the local manager acting on their own. I remember reading recently where someone challenged a "No Gun" sign at a Wal-Mart and confronted the manager who refused to take it down, so he took it up a level to corporate and the next time he went there it was down. Heck, most Wal-Marts sell guns don't they? I know all the ones near me do.
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NRA sanctioned Personal Protection courses require a lawyer to back up the instructors. Such courses are frequently advertised in local periodicals. My club sponsors them. Our lawyer is pro-gun (he's been shot at) and terrific at discussion of fine points of self defense law in this state. See if local clubs offer these courses and you may find this is a very economical way to Q&A an attorney regarding specific CCW issues in your state.
Wal-Mart has stated many times that their gun policy is what the state law is.

Here in Az. signs have no effect other than in bars serving alcohol. It must be a sign given out by the state. Others can only ask you to leave.

Property rights? Will they or can they guaranty mine & my family's safety coming & going? In the dark parking lot? I think not!
Concealed Handgun License

Here in So. Texas, all Wal-Mart Stores have a sign on door that says no firearms allowed only
those with CHL.( Not the exact wording ) but it makes it clear that a CHL holder is permitted to enter.
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Concealed Handgun License

With a CHL are permitted to enter with a firearm....( Sorry about the incomplete previous post)