Concealed Carry in Condition 3

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If the OP is more comfortable caring in condition 3 then there is nothing wrong with that. He has a firearm available should one be needed (better than leaving it in the car). The mentality of always being ready for a gun fight is one of the reasons the anti's think we should be in straight jackets instead of caring weapons on the street. The last time I looked Dodge City was civilized and strapping on a six shooter was not a requirement for picking up a gallon of milk.

Should I find myself going into an area that might be of some risk, loading a round into the chamber would be no problem at all, but until then condition 3 might give some more peace of mind.

I would rather have a gun to defend myself with that can be loaded in less than one second, than be known as looking for a gun fight the second I walk out the door.

What, so everybody that carries with a round chambered is some kind of blood thirsty nut case? Or is it everyone that carries in general? The antis don't really believe in the concept of self defense at all, so why should we care what they think anyway?

If you chamber a round as you enter an area "that might be of some risk", might that not draw a bit of attention?

As for the OP, I suspect that once he has been carrying for a while and becomes more familiar/comfortable with his weapons, carrying fully loaded won't be an issue. As long as you handle your gun safely (which you should do in any condition), there is no advantage to carrying with an empty chamber.
JN01 said:
If you chamber a round as you enter an area "that might be of some risk", might that not draw a bit of attention?
If I think I'm going to an area where I'll need a firearm (unless it's my deer stand), I'm not going at all. I carry a firearm for those perfectly safe places like shopping centers, churches, and large parking lots. I don't go to places where I might need a firearm. (snarky, I know, but I don't go to places that are known for disruptive behavior.)
As for the OP, I suspect that once he has been carrying for a while and becomes more familiar/comfortable with his weapons, carrying fully loaded won't be an issue.
My point entirely.
The mentality of always being ready for a gun fight is one of the reasons the anti's think we should be in straight jackets instead of caring weapons on the street.

And you are part of that problem, congratulations. Instead of leveling with these ignorant fools, you are just further supporting their misguided logic.

I don't carry a gun because I think I will be engaged in a gunfight. I am far more concerned with someone pulling a knife, a blunt object, or a group of thugs surrounding and outnumbering me. I know several people who were attacked and beaten severely by groups of 2 or more people. One of my sisters best friends was attacked by a group of 3 drunk college kids who ended up smashing his face repeatedly into concrete stairs and he needed major facial reconstruction surgery and had swelling in the brain.

The last time I looked Dodge City was civilized and strapping on a six shooter was not a requirement for picking up a gallon of milk

Yeah because last year an elementary school full of young children was attacked by maniac, real civilized.

Because just last year a movie theater full of people out to enjoy themselves was attacked by another maniac, as well as a shopping mall.

Because just last year two crazed brothers detonated IED's at the Boston Marathon, then proceeded to drive to my hometown, shoot it out with police rittling the neighborhood with bullet holes, detonating IED's a block away from my house, and turned my town into a war zone. Again, real civilized society we live in.

I would rather have a gun to defend myself with that can be loaded in less than one second, than be known as looking for a gun fight the second I walk out the door.

I am sorry that you are so self conscious about what people think about you that you are willing to put your own safety at risk. Also I don't think anyone on here is "looking" for a gun fight. I think we could all live our lives happily never having to use our guns in self defense. Thanks for further vilifying us in the gun community who choose to have the means to defend ourselves.

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What, so everybody that carries with a round chambered is some kind of blood thirsty nut case?

I think you missed the point. He should carry whichever way makes him more comfortable, but he should carry.

No, I do not think everyone is a nut case, but if you would care to lay down on the couch and tell me about your childhood we can find out. (LOLOLOL)

Now that is a joke that you left yourself open to. But, I would have concern about anyone that has to attack someone else that has a difference of opinion than their's and if they should be carrying. (And I am not laughing about that!!)

What the OP does not mention is how much thought and effort he puts into making the gun ready to shoot and getting off a shot or shots with the minimum delay. Every physically possible condition of readiness has been used by somebody at some time. Jeff Cooper and Massad Ayoob have done stuff that might surprise the enthusiast. You should do what you are comfortable with but it should also be something that you are GOOD at.

If I were afraid of an auto that was farther away from firing than a click of a safety and a crisp trigger pull or a long DA-ish trigger pull, I would stick to revolvers. But that is ME and NOW. To the horror of most Internet Experts, I once carried in Condition 2. I still have a Commander fitted with a spur hammer for the purpose. I don't use it that way any more, but I have different attitudes and skills than I used to.
This has descended into a worthless discussion.

I would caution some that insulting those who carry in one condition or another is not the way to go.

That being said - my opinion, based on training, is that carrying unchambered is foolish for self-defense. The reasons have been well stated on the Internet a zillion times since Al Gore invented the web.

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