Concealed carry at the range . . .

Private range, CCW OK no problem for members and working RSO's. Members may carry open BUT the gun must be unloaded except on the firing line.
My club allows loaded, holstered firearms - CC or open - anywhere on the property, but they can only be unholstered, and then treated as any other firearm, at the firing line. They must be reholstered before leaving the firing line, or treated as any other firearm (unloaded and cased). Working from the holster is allowed only if you are the only person using the range.
I belong to two ranges, one is a membership at a public range and the other is private and is by invitation only by a member that will vouch for a new member.

The public range says they honor concealed carry guns but request that concealed carry gun remain concealed. Once, while shooting at that range, the air conditioning was a little weak and I took off my concealment shirt, leaving my concealed gun in plain sight. Hey, I was on the range, right? Wrong. If the gun was to be remain holstered in plain sight, it must be unloaded with the slide locked back, or, placed on the shooting bench.

The private club gives the members full run of the place. Open carry, shoot from the holster, do whatever drills you want....safely. First member in becomes the RSO and when he leaves, the next guy becomes the RSO, etc.
The range I go to is about a 15 minute drive down the highway from the edge of town run by fwp IIRC. The only rules are posted on a small billboard next to the barbwire fence and cattle guard. The only authority figures I've ran across there was a deputy that was wanting to see how tight our groups were and a volunteer that comes out on the weekends to remind you to pick up your trash. He even give you a pamphlet with the rules of cleaning up and there's a target on the back. Told me to read it then shoot it. It isn't a fancy place. Vehicle pull offs with dirt lanes leading to a plateau. I get a little nervous when there's 50 people trying to get in and shoot on maybe 20 lanes. But for the price of $0.00 I find time during the week to go when there's a little solidarity and less risk of people who don't take safety seriously.
When I lived in NYC the rule is carried in a locked box to an from the range. Living in the projects the box was empty . Long Island NY , you can carry to an from the range. Some ranges are open 24/7.
CC and OC are fine.
Drawing from a holster is not allowed (whether firing or not), except during one of the two cowboy action clubs' meets.
Only LEOs are allowed to carry (open or concealed) which bothers me a little. I have seen some fairly questionable gun handling from LEOs.
Here in CO posted signs only apply to open carry and not concealed carry. The shop would have to have metal detectors to enforce no conceal carry here.

Now I did ask the guy at the counter if I could practice drawing, but there were too many people there at that time.

I did unholster my pistol while in the booth and placed it on the bench as any other pistol. Normally I would unload it and treat it like any other pistol until I'm ready to leave, at which time I will reload and reholster it back to it's CC position. Last time I just shot out that mag of my carry ammo.
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Holy cow at all of the ranges that will not allow you to holster or practice draw and fire out there. I've never heard/thought this would be a restriction at other places, but apparently it is common.
At all the ranges here everyone enjoys showing off what they have so concealment is not in their vocabulary. The range is the place to see and be seen. No one seems shy.