Conceal Carry in other states

smince: Does Al. require a b/g check or is it totally left up to the county sheriff?
You guys think $25 is high you should try $117 like Fl. it is however good for 5 years.
Delta, we do have background checks run in all counties. It's like the one they do when you buy a gun. It only takes a couple minutes to do, thats why its only 10min to get the permit. I think the eventually do a more extensive b/g check after a while though.

Here in Marshall Co. It's $10 but we gotta renew yearly.
When I first got my permit (1981 was a misprint, it was actually 1983) our Sheriff did a one-on-one interview with everyone who was a first-time applicant. When my wife decided to get her permit, we renewed them on the same day (better chance to remember when the expiration date was). When I said I wanted to renew my permit and get my wife one, the Chief Deputy said "if he already has one, give her one, too." (see above statement on "questionable spouses"). This was circa 1991. Since then, it is just a matter of presenting the old permit and a check for renewal.

To answer your question, as far as I know, no background check has ever been done on me or my wife (for a permit, that is). So I can't comment on whether one is run on current applicants or not. And, believe me, I'm not complaining about the $25.00 (When I was stationed in GA, $30.00, good for 4 years).
I think some states do not recognize other states ccw permits because of some diffenences such as Louisiana and Florida ( two states that I know for sure ) require you to take a ccw class before issuing a permit some states make you take a class and qualify on a shooting range and some states like Indiana have no requirements at all with the exception of not being a felon and age restrictions
I also live in Alabama. At one time our permit would allow only one and at max two serial numbered pistols on the permit. Now they are unrestricted in that you have no pistol identification and are allowed to carry a firearm concealed on your person. Some counties also allow "open" carry, my county does not.
Discretionary issue is a problem, and where it is unevenly applied it's unfair. I know this, because I live in Mass., where the issuing authority is the local police who have complete discretion for issuing Licenses to Carry Firearms.
ONe town might be a shall-issue town, and another a virtual no-issue town. Fortunately, I live in a rural town with a police chief who has no problem granting licenses.
Between my Mass. license and my non-resident N.H. license, I may carry in many states.
There is no reciprocity in New England, but Vermont, which is a non-licensing state, honors both of my licenses.
It's a real crazy quilt of laws out there, gents.
Texas doesnt recognize Alabama permits because they dont meet certain requirements. Texas Govenor recently has also signed some agreements that allow other states permits to be recognized even though they do not recognize Texas permits. I live in texas but have Relatives and am a propery owner in Alabama. so it kind of sucks that there is no reciprocity.
Arkansas (AR) Resident here. The whole state is weird. :D I can say that being born, raised and being a resident.

I am a bit out of the loop since I haven't assisted with CCW licenses in a bit. I have the AR resident and FL non- resident. AR is expensive! The training req's do not recip with some states, hence the reason no recip.

I know there was real big 'discussion' about AR residents using ONLY a FL non- resident. AR State Police should look at FL and other states' recip - I do not know the current position on doing this - last I heard the SNAFU was still causing flak.

The deal is for instance AR is good in FL, but one has to travel thru NON recip to get to FL. So a lot of folks just went with the non-res FL as AR residents. I mean for same monies, one gets a whole lot more recip states, including the states b/t AR and FL.

My resident is up for renewal in May. I may join those that : 1) went with FL only in the first place 2) let their AR laspe and use the FL non- res. onl 3) Some folks add NH to add some states when they travel "those directions".

I need to check into this ( have someone else check - I think that gal at ASP still remembers me - being in on part of the "discussion" )

Now I have not been to IL. My last trip coming back from PA - my only concern was all them guns I had picked up and having to travel through OH.
I didn't stay in OH long, took the fastest , shortest route to KY.

What I and others do is get the latest Updates from AND from the Website of states to travel through , AND anything else pertinent and print mulitple copies, have copies on Floppy's and on Flashdrive.

One might need to have the hardcopies to present. Never hurts to have a way to 1) print a copy , 2) provide means for said copies to be given to a LEO agency or DA or whomever needs...err..."informing".
Your honor may I borrow the court's USB port - I can provide documentation, make copies, with references and cites.., oh- old PC huh -well then we will use the FDD..." :D

Pre-Plan, have a plan , have a back-up plan and document, document, document...