Comparisons of 45 acp and 357 as a sidearm? Need help choosing.

I don't "carry," but if I were to do so, and it had to be a .357 or a .45, I'd choose the .45.

Have you ever shot a .357 without ear plugs outdoors? Your ears will be ringing for a while. Not only that, if you ever had to fire it in an enclosed environment, you could blow out your ear drums with one shot. You'll be "handicapped" with a loss of one of your senses...not a good situation in CQB.

I like the idea of a 45ACP wheelgun, especially if you already have a 1911. You can't go wrong with a 357 Magnum though. It's a tough call. I think that the final decision would have to be what fit your pocket better.
I think the 357 is a harder hitting cartridge in a revolver, as most 45 acp revolvers require a bulkier cylinder, you can get a smaller 'full size"revolver in 357. There are fewer choices in 45acp in a revolver, as oppsed to the sw 625 and the old colt new service. A 6 shot 45 is bigger at the cylinder than a 357.

Either is adequate for the job, but if you want a concealable wheelgun the 357 is the way to go. If its a belt gun only it doesn't matter. With moon clips you can make some very exotic loads for your 45 acp revolver.

Ive often wondered why companies that offer 45lc snubbys don't make a 45acp version.

If you don't reload, having the same ammo for all your handguns might make sense. Since you have a 1911, a 625 might make sense.

Honestly, my fave .357 is a 4 inch gp100, my fave 45 acp revolvers are Colt new service and SW 1917 models. In old guns, you obviously don't shoot +p stuff, but those old revolvers don't kick much.

Also of note is that 357 cant use moon clips, whereas 45acp can.
Also of note is that 357 cant use moon clips, whereas 45acp can't

This is not true any smith revolver can be modified to take moon clips and the performance center makes 357 mag 8 shot revolvers that use moon clips.
Given the choice between my S&W Model 66 and my S&W Model 625, I'd take the 625. Less recoil, less muzzle flash, less muzzle blast. Both are very effective calibers. The 625 is faster to reload, due to moon clips. I find speedloaders to be relatively fumble prone.

You can probably get a gunsmith to modify a Model 66 to accept moon clips.

Both are excellent guns.
