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springmom, if you are not a communist then why are you getting your panties in a ruffle whenever I disparage Marxism. Just kind of noticing a trend here..
I only read the first question/post

So, forgive me if I missed something in the middle. But, have you ever been to the highway dept or tax office in your town or state? We might not have to stand in line more than 5 minutes to buy something in this country...but we sure do to meet the requirements of the government.
To the original point, I'd say no. As already noted, many (most) of those urging a collectivist model assume they'll be the beneficiaries of it. Academics assume education will be a priority (Pol Pot notwithstanding), poor assume it will be free cake and cookies, etc.

Hayek has a nice little chapter on that tendency, as I recall.

As to "Libertarian Socialism" - feh. One might as well deal in dehydrated water.

Words have meanings, and the meanings of those two words are contradictory. The level of state control required for a socialist system is so far removed from libertarian ideals as to make the term truly ridiculous.
Beware of putting labels on people. True, they stick better to some people than other but mainly, the problem is that the label is more often false than true. That is, innocence is assumed.
springmom, if you are not a communist then why are you getting your panties in a ruffle whenever I disparage Marxism.

O isnt that special....:rolleyes:

The whole premise of this thread is silly, since there has never been a true Marxist or communist government anyway. Not realizing that comes from watching the history channel instead of cracking a book. I have a reading list available for those who care.

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