comments from L. Neil Smith, struck me as interesting

Glad you appreciated my juvenile attempt at humor, Let.

Just to be clear: I was just kiddin', RP folks. Ron Paul is most certainly a politician, and I know that darn well. Like I said, just kidding around!!!

Besides, Ron Paul would be one friggin' ugly prostitute. :D
Let's take a SANE look at the 2 people on the floor:

One is a woman of unknown history who has chosen a life of crime, breaking laws set in place by her community for the good of the community. Chances are she has spread around many diseases, and very possibly a deadly one; people may have died because of her work. Working as a criminal in a criminal organization a large percentage of the money she works goes to violent people who do nothing for our society but make our streets less safe. Her income enables them. Anywhere she chooses to work is immediately devalued and becomes a place a respectable person would not want to be. By feeding the weaker instincts of some men she has broken up families. Confused young men, looking for their first experience with love, have come to her believing she has something to offer them. As a result their first experience with sex was with a woman who stank of the streets, cared nothing for them or what they got out of it, and as a result their views of women, sex and love are forever corrupted.

The other is a person who has devoted his life to public service. Many in his professional are known to be corrupt; whether he is or not we can't know by just looking at him. What we do know is that it is his profession that keeps us all going. It is thanks to him that we have the finest infrastructure in the world; fine quality roads, an excellent school system, police and fire. It may have been his office that helped a wounded vet sort out issues with the VA. He may have cast the deciding vote that enabled shall issue CCW, or stopped an anti-gun measure from passing. It is his class that keeps us from sliding back into tyranny.

So the question is ... which would you save?

The filthy whore who spreads disease, crime, corruption, violence and threatens the very fiber of our culture? Or the politician who works in a noble field and at least has the potential (as do all of us who are NOT criminals) to do great good. Or great harm.
Sorry, the whore gets saved again. Politics isn't a noble field and never has been. It's not public service, it's servicing the public. Particularly since I, and most others, know that it was the politician who made prostitution illegal in the first place, making it difficult for her to get medical assistance to treat any condition she may have.