Combo gun that also supports two rifle or two shotgun barrels?


Does such a beast exist? I like the concept of the combo gun, but I'm wondering if it's also possible to configure it as a O/U shotgun or double rifle (technically not a combo gun at that point). Thanks!
Drillings ( two shotgun barrels and one rifle barrels) exist but are antiquated, rare, and expensive - besides being almost useless in practical use. Producing a quality double barreled shotgun is expensive. Producing a quality double rifle is VERY expensive.
Winchester 21 double barrel shotguns have been rebarreled to 45-70 double rifles.

Shotgun ammo has a maximum peak pressure about 15,000 psi. Proof loads have about 21,000 psi. Few shotgun doubles have actions capable of safely using rifle ammo producing 30,000 psi and higher.
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"...not a combo gun at that point..." Neither is an O/U shotgun.
In the old days, NEF/H&R single shot Handy Rifles could be fitted with shotgun barrels. At extra cost and only in the factory. However, like many things these days, it'll depend on how much money you want to spend. There's no reason a Savage 24 or even a SxS shotgun couldn't be fitted with any barrel you want. Keeping in mind that double rifle barrels by themselves are scarce and really expensive. The technology of regulating(making 'em shoot to the same POI) is an art.
There are lots of drillings available on the assorted auction sites. Nearly all of 'em are made in Germany. Blaser USA, Inc. makes 'em too. Some of 'em run under a grand US, but most run around 3 grand.
My objection to a drilling is the weight. They're heavier than the usual full-size hunting rifle. True for me, anyway, since I was usually a walking hunter with many multi-mile treks.
I have my great grandfather’s 12 gauge / 7.62x mmR side by side and took a deer with it about 15 years ago.

As it was made in 1893, powder puff loads were used with Nosler Ballistic Tips (which expanded textbook even at 750 FPS)

While it made me feel good that my great grandfather’s old gun was back in the field, the joy of carrying the old hand checkered walnut and beautiful old style long barrels quickly gave way to an appreciation that the thing weighs more than a post hole digger. It gets heavier and heavier as the day wears on.

I came to realize that the idea of a gun that could be a shotgun or rifle depending on what one came across transforms in to “I am lugging around not a very good shotgun and not a very good single shot rifle.”

How about taking a double barrel 12 gauge and simply slipping in a couple of converters to .44 special? Some of the new designs are said to reach as high as “not horrible at 25 yards.”

At least then one has a nice shotgun and only a couple hundred bucks are out trying to make something that would never be as pleasant to use and not even in the same ball park for accuracy as a low end Savage rifle.

Me? For a while I was using a single shot Stevens shotgun and carrying a .22 pistol in my pocket or a Contender carbine in 30-30. Either setup weighs a third of my Grandpa’s grand old gun.

It’s a great idea, but the idea just can’t be implemented for less than the cost of a nice truck.
I saw a 16/16/222 Rem drilling made in WV go at auction for $1,200.

Might be an ok fall turkey gun. Not sure i'd want to carry the weight though.
A few

There are a few of the old Savage / Stevens combo guns out there. Most are .22 and 20 ga.
I seem to recall there were a couple models in center fire, like .222 maybe?
The Finn 612 SC, made by Marocchi of all people. Appears this is almost exactly what I had in mind. The downside is that with double triggers it's $2k, and the rifle caliber options are limited.

The ad I linked is for a 512SC combo. Unusual that they charge extra for double triggers, is that what you want? I don't know of anything around here that something off their caliber list would not handle. $2000 seems cheap for a big game combo, you could pay more for an antique in an odd caliber.

I saw a 16/16/222 Rem drilling made in WV

The Three Barrel Gun Company of West Virginia was long gone by the time the .222 came out. I wonder if this is Something Else or a conversion.
If you want it all, it can be made; guys like Hofer in Austria can build one gun that has all four barrels on it at the same time (vierling)

Plenty of O/U combination guns where one barrel if for rifle cartridge and one for shotgun.

Drillings can be made with 2 rifle barrels and one shotgun barrel or the other way around
many English made gun where there separate shotgun barrels and separate rifle barrels that fit on the same 20 gauge sized frame.
The legend I learned was that in early days, the aristocrats shot driven game and a combination gun let them have a caliber/gauge suitable for anything that went by the stand.

In modern times, a combination gun lets you have a lot of capability for only one entry on your license. (When I first saw that one, you could pretty readily license five guns in Germany. More got tough.)
I have a Valmet 412, 12 gauge 3" over .223 Rem for coyote calling. Great gun! Single selective trigger. Zero scope with the shot barrel using either shot or slugs at 40 yards. Then tweak the rifle barrel so it hits dead center using the scope reticle at 100 yards. Sounds difficult, but it is very easy. Elevation adjustment is under the forearm, move it forward or back to change elevation point of impact. Windage adjustment is at the end of the barrels. The 512s and 612 s are basically the same.
Too bad nobody makes a Paradox any more. I once admired a Westley Richards Faunetta, 20 bore on the Paradox system. I don't know what I would have done with it, but it sure looked good.
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