Columbia vs. Venezuela & Ecuador. Impacts?

Might it be a smart idea to sell short on "Reynolds Wrap", and invest in "Gulf of Tonkin Wrap"? Just sayin...

I'd double layer it.

Lets get real boys and girls.....a nation state has the right to defend itslef. The mere presence of FARC in Ecuador is an act of war against Columbia...and lets not play the maybe they didn't know game please......FARC isn't a couple of homegrown infidel's a sophisticated group of Marxist thug-terrorists first financed by Narco trafficantes that has sought the violent destruction of the Columbian state from the outset...oh wait...

Did I say Marxist??? cozy we have two of the leading revolutionary nations in South America conveniently right there too, on no, *wink wink* we didnt know that this true representative of the peoples will has been hanging out in Ecuador due to the violent suppression of the legitimate aspirations of the freedom loving peoples of Columbia by the jackbooted thugs of the capitalist exploiters led by the bloodsuckers of the US Imperial BushCheney criminal regime and their slavering Columbian lackeys...

This type of crap with the Communists has been going on since 1917. Kudos to Columbia for kicking some butt and taking Chavez, the Ballot Box Dictator, down a peg.

WildandcolumbiaisourallysoheyafewwordsdonthurtAlaska TM
Sorry about your head Tamara, but I don't have any disorders. I just didn't communicate clearly.

I'm not in favor of nationalizing oil companies or govt bailing out poor folks.

What I'm in favor of is govt providing the incentive for or getting the hell out of the way for oil companies to increase the supply through more exploration and refinery construction.
Only govt can relax the govt induced prohibitive restrictions on exploration and there hasn't been any leadership in that respect.

Govt stonewalling is the only reason we're not punching holes in the tundra of ANWR.:mad:
Maine is a huge customer of Joe Kennedy's Citizen's Energy, thus I have to endure a constant loop of his commercials on local television. I'm pretty sure that Chavez could get elected up here, the idiots running the state are certainly borrowing from his playbook, and getting the same results. And that's why so many Mainers need Joe's free heating oil.

The bottom line is that if it weren't for our dependance on oil and cocaine neither Columbia or Venezuala could afford a war.
So the US is harboring terrorists that have committed acts of violence against the people of Cuba.
Would the fans of Columbian military adventures be OK with Cuban aircraft bombing Miami?

MIAMI (caribbeannetnews/AFP) - Declassified documents recently released link a Cuban terror suspect, seeking U.S. asylum, to a 1976 Cuban airliner bombing, and show he was, for years, on the CIA’s payroll.

The CIA paid Luis Posada Carriles $300 a month in the 1960s, and the anti-Castro Cuban worked for the CIA at least from 1965 until June 1976, according to documents made public May 10 by the National Security Archive at George Washington University in Washington.

An FBI document from November 3, 1976 quotes an informant as saying Mr. Posada Carriles was in a group that discussed the bombing of a Cubana Airlines plane, in which 73 persons died. And another FBI document from October 7, 1976, a day after the attack, cited an informant as practically admitting that Mr. Posada Carriles and another man, Orlando Bosch, planned the Cubana bombing.

BTW the Chavez FARC connection is right here.
The difference being, Buzzcook, is that we aknowledge Cuba to be an enemy (though one not worth attacking ourselves). And if we had a terrorist (er... sea base...?) on our soil and Cuba (somehow) attacked it, well, I guess we shouldn't let terrorists base in our territory if we're not willing to give them the protection they deserve!

I mean, sheesh, you promise some guys a safe place to prepare to knock down a government and let them get whacked like that? Very shabby stuff there... If we were harboring terrorist camps, we'd probably have troops/ships unobtrusively placed to be able to respond to an attack, likely under a cover story of protecting the area from infiltration by anti-Cuban terrorists.

And like I said before, if we honestly didn't like the terrorists, our response would be more of a "while we understand the urgency Cuba feels in defending itself, as a sovereign nature we demand that Cuba share any intelligence with our military regarding hostile presences within our borders rather than violating them itself" and less of a "Cuba's attack was a violation of our sovereignty and we demand a full apology!" And I highly doubt we'd immediately move troops to the border, recall ambassadors, and threaten to nationalize Cuban (*chuckle*) companies operating within our borders.
Would the fans of Columbian military adventures be OK with Cuban aircraft bombing Miami?

Their funeral. Might makes right and the winner writes the story in the great game of politics among nations.

You may note that the terr at issue in the story, infra, is merely hiding out vis a vis actively doing something, unlike FARC, who kill regularly.

WildpavetheparkinglotAlaska TM
So might makes right
until they see the light
All their rights will be protected
till somebody we like can be elected.

I do note that bombing 79 people on an airliners is just as much murder as shooting them in the jungles of Columbia.
If we are judging who's worst by body count in the area, it's the government of Columbia that takes the prize.
BuzzCook are you defending the Marxist revolutionaries?

If so why?

Marxism has been responsible for more war and genocide than any other ideology.

It is also anathema to everything our country stands for, should stand for and was founded on.

Every time some of them bite the dust the world is better off.
Nate45 if you want someone to defend Marxism you'll have to look elsewhere.

I will say that there are a lot of dead civilians in Central and South America that became Marxists after they were murdered.