Columbia vs. Venezuela & Ecuador. Impacts?


Wow, google news headlines flying faster than punches in a UFC match!:eek:

Cliff notes: Columbia helicopter attack kills a FARC rebel commander in Ecuador (with US assistance in locating satellite phone). Ecuador and Venezuela freak out; massing troops on their respective borders, ambassadors get kicked out all around. Charges fly back and forth, with latest being Columbian president Uribe threatening to bring El Presidente Hugo before an international tribunal for supporting the guerrillas.

Comment: This could all be a tempest in a teapot, or develop into a major regional fiasco. Could this be the straw that breaks oil prices upward? (OPEC meets in Vienna tomorrow.) Will US fan the flames to bolster McCain's presidential stature (i.e., military experience needed with a threat on our doorstep)?

I've been watching developments with interest, and wondered what other members thought...
I dislike Chavez. Strongly. I think he's a jerk. But even with that bias in mind, I am most curious at his outrage at Columbia's violation of Ecuador's borders. I think Columbia's accustations that Ecuador and Venezuela are on FARC's side (on their side as in "giving them money and aid" on their side) may not be unfounded... To answer the unasked question "how would you feel if an attack like this occurred on American soil?" I'd have to answer "that depends, do I consider the group attacked to be friends or enemies?"

I'll leave it up to you to decide which of those two options Hugo's bluster seems to point towards...
Yes of course. The US will covertly get the war rolling so McCain can get in and keep the opium pipeline from Afghanistan flowing and the war in Iraq to hide the true intentions of BushCo and their operatives. They learned from Reagan's mistakes.
Yes of course. The US will covertly get the war rolling so McCain can get in and keep the opium pipeline from Afghanistan flowing and the war in Iraq to hide the true intentions of BushCo and their operatives. They learned from Reagan's mistakes.

The good news is that the price of Reynolds wrap will be stable under the new administration :)

WildtinfoilAlaska TM
Whack out Chavez it will only help the region.

I would support us covertly helping to take out Chavez.

Pat Robertson got flamed for saying we should assassinate Chavez, its actually a good idea.

The only good marxist socialist revolutionary is a dead one.

Really, seriously, no kidding.
chris in va said:
I guess you guys have heard the Citgo ads on the radio, about helping less fortunate Americans with 'Venezuelan oil'.:rolleyes:

stevelyn said:
That's more than our own govt has done.:mad:

I appreciate your disgust with our government, however it should not be in the business of purchasing citizens fuel for them. Or anything else for that matter.
That's more than our own govt has done

I agree lets nationalize the oil industry and give everyone free oil. *insert sarcasm smiley here*

WildthatwillworkfortheeconomyAlaska ™
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That's more than our own govt has done

Yeah, right. If only the US Government would spend a little money now and again on social welfare programs. :rolleyes:

Chavez's CITGO oil assistance program only provides heating oil assistance through Joe Kennedy's Citizen's Energy Corp., and consequently only helps those who reside in heavily Democratic Congressional districts.

Last I heard, Joe Jr. was taking approximately $700K in salary for runninig this "charity."

Just more typical Kennedy slime.
That explains the recent legislation being discussed in another thread that revokes tax breaks for Companies that produce, refine, and sell in the US. That hits all of then..except CITGO..........

The Clinton's gave the American economy China, then they wailed about American companies moving over seas, now it's Venezuela, get ready for the production and refining to move to S. America. Oh the gnashing of teeth when those jobs go south.....literally......wonder which party will be doing the wailing. Maybe the one who holds the Congress that passed this legislation..........
For those interested, here's one good AP article, dense with detailed information on the regional conflict:

Re: US "fanning the flames", has been derided as tinfoil by certain members...this latest news article provides some support. And who frames the conflict in terms of US internal politics?
Bush denounces Venezuela, supports Colombia in crisis

Bush denounced Tuesday Venezuela’s moving of troops to the Colombian border as “provocative” and said the government of Colombia was under a “continuing assault by narcoterrorists”.

Bush had telephoned Uribe who had earlier said that the long-awaited Congressional approval for the US-Colombia free trade act would be the most important sign of US support.

The approval is being held up by Democrats who say the Colombian government does not provide enough protection for trade unions.

“I told the president that America fully supports Colombia’s democracy and that we firmly oppose any acts of aggression that could destabilize the region,” Bush said.

“I told him that America would continue to stand with Colombia as it confronts violence and terror and fights drug traffickers.”

“The free trade agreement will show the Colombian people that democracy and free enterprise lead to a better life,” Bush said. “It will help President Uribe counter the radical vision of those who are seeking to undermine democracy and create divisions within our hemisphere.”

Although Bush did not name the rebel group he called “narcoterrorists”, Colombia has been fighting a four-decade-long war against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), which is involved in Colombia’s drug trade and has kidnapped hundreds of public officials and private citizens, killed some of them and bartered for ransom for others.

Might it be a smart idea to sell short on "Reynolds Wrap", and invest in "Gulf of Tonkin Wrap"? Just sayin...
Before the Islamic Illogics got our full attention I was pretty convinced Colombia was going to be our next war. The rhetoric on the war on drugs and the cozy marriage between FARC and drug cartels was getting heated.

Chavez is a side show and a distraction even in his own country. I severely doubt their military will allow themselves to get into a shooting war with Colombia because they will be defeated even with their shiny new toys.
Re: US "fanning the flames", has been derided as tinfoil by certain members...this latest news article provides some support. And who frames the conflict in terms of US internal politics?
I'm not clear on how that shows the US fanning the flames on their conflict.
I dislike Chavez. Strongly. I think he's a jerk. But even with that bias in mind, I am most curious at his outrage at Columbia's violation of Ecuador's borders. I think Columbia's accustations that Ecuador and Venezuela are on FARC's side (on their side as in "giving them money and aid" on their side) may not be unfounded...

Chavez has several reasons to get all hot and bothered about the raid. A laptop was captured with information on it that links Chavez and the FARC financially. Chavez definitely doesn't want any direct links between him and the FARC traced by the Colombians. The Colombians may have gotten enough information to determine how much Chavez is aiding the FARC already.

There is also the fact that Venezuelans are well aware that Chavez is running Venezuela into the ground. A war will take their minds off what Chavez is doing to the country. Plus, since Venezuela makes up its food production shortfalls with imports from Colombia, Chavez may be able to blame the constant food shortages on Colombia and not his failed economic policies.
stevelyn said:
chris in va said:
I guess you guys have heard the Citgo ads on the radio, about helping less fortunate Americans with 'Venezuelan oil'.

That's more than our own govt has done.:mad:

Don't blame me. I'm voting for Ron Paul

My head just exploded.

Let me get this straight: You're going to vote for the libertarian who says that it's not the government's responsibility to bail out poor folks because you're disgusted that the evil government hasn't bailed out poor folks? Do I have that right?

You don't have a political philosophy, you have oppositional-defiant disorder. Please tear up your voter registration card before you use it to hurt someone.