Colt Walker


New member
Well I stumbled on a good deal online for a used walker. $225 and free shipping! But look at his description:

This is a no name replica NOT a uberti I have shot this baby about 1000 times & it never has been a good gun, Shoots like it has a hinge in the middle...LOL! not accurate at all It does work & has never had a chainfire

What do you think? Is this a good buy?:confused: It doesnt sound very promising
How about finding out what the "no name" is.
It could be one the owner isn't familiar with that still has a good rep.
As far as the the lack of accuracy goes, it could very well be the shooter and not the fault of the gun.
Most folks who have Walkers seem to enjoy the flame and boom and how impressive it looks hanging on the wall more than anything else anyway.
You simply must do better than something with a hinge in the middle. A worthy quest, come back and show what you got.
5th shock

Ben doesn't have it yet...just shoppin'.

Or maybe you meant he should look for a better Walker.

+1 on the boom and smoke, and the thing may be fixable. Ask the seller more questions about it, as others have said. :)
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Not Accurate?

Most Colt BP revolvers shoot high. That could be described as "not accurate" but we still love them.

Think the guy who is selling it needs to be more specific.

I have an ASM Walker and it is good quality. I doubt mine has a thousand rounds through it.

At 225.00 it is hard to go wrong unless it is so bad that even the parts are not worth it.
Probably that it shoots way high like it's supposed to at close range. They were sighted in at 75 yards so as to either hit a man on a horse or hit the horse. Either one was acceptable.
New BP Slang

Sounds like an interesting possibility. Maybe you'll get some more detailed answers from the seller that'll be helpful.

If it works out, maybe we can adopt "a hinge in the middle" as some new BP slang?
You also never know if the guy went to the bother of working up a load for it. My Uberti Walker likes 45 grains 3F Goex.

If the OP is buying/bidding online, pictures would be nice. Easy to copy and paste/post. Very curious about the "hinge" thing.
Is it me or is that wedge in upside down and backwards?

Looks like an ASM with the trigger and bolt spring screw being too long and made those marks on the first 1/3 of the cylinder; easy fix.

Is it in time and what is the condition of the barrel? You can probably already plan to replace the cones, Track of the Wolf makes some nice replacements for them.
+1 for Dragoon's work.

He'll set your arbor and wedge to where they don't move under recoil, so you won't get the "battering" effect on the wedge when shooting max loads. Also, his trigger and action work is sublime.
Thanks so much guys! (Checks going out tomorrow!! Lol)

It does look like an ASM and the wedge slot looks to be upset somewhat. This happens because of the aforementioned arbor prob. All fixable of course.

BTW, I like the Tuco line!!

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Glad you like the Tuco line Goon, I thought no one got that.

Well the seller got back to me, this is what he said:

It is a cheap old worn out replica Walker Colt. of course it does not really have a hinge in the middle. It is just a cheap replica that was never accurate & shooting it for the last 20 years has not helped. I have been shooting this thing for 20 years and it is safe to shoot, it is NOT accurate... but it is safe and it does work.

So I still know about as much as I did before except that its 20 years old:rolleyes: