Colt Supports Gun-Banners?

Dennis, may I have a title to that beautiful sonnet so that I may print and frame it???
It's true-in fact,Colt's owners support the worst of the lot,Charles Schumer. From the New York Time:

"As one sign of Colt's independence, Zilkha came under criticism when he contributed $2,000 to the 1998 campaign of Sen. Charles E.Schumer, the New York Democrat, and $10,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee -- two of the gun industry's
least-favorite causes. This led several gun owners to set up World Wide Web sites and call for a boycott of Colt's products."

The text of the entire article can be read at

I'm not a big fan of Colt, despite the historical significance of their name, it seems that they have allowed the quality of their product line to deteriorate over the years. This has put them in a weakened position to compete with other manufacturers.
I can remember when the firearm that is routinely referred to as a "1911" today was simply called a Colt .45 Automatic.
Their dominance in this and other areas has withered. So it's not surprising that their market share has also dried up. If the private sector is rejecting their products in favor of their competitors, who else can they turn to but the government? If they want a contract, they're going to have to jump through some hoops, even if they alienate the private gun owner that has supported them in the past. It's a matter of financial survival for them.
In addition, there are studies that show that if this "smart gun" technology they are working on is successful, it will open up a significantly new and sizable market of people who are NOT presently gun owners.
Rather than try to win back us old timers who may harbor some disdain of their tarnished reputation, they will aim their efforts at the fresh meat they see just over the horizon.
You can put anything on that post but my real name!
It was just a "quickie"! The ones I'm gonna try to get money for, hopefully, are a bit easier and more fun to read.
By the way, IF you really plan to frame it, dare I ask where you will hang it?
(THIS could get good! Over a hole in the privy wall, maybe?
Dennis, I think it would go beautifully on the old cherry tree at the farm--the one I use as a wind-break on those certain occassions (I'm afraid to use the privy inside that old tar-paper shack--never know what might come up and bite ya

You have talent, that lil verse is very very good!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Thanks, DC. I just HAD to respond to your comment about me over-apologizing (if I can coin that word...)

Hate to be serious for a moment, but you really do amaze a bunch of us here at the TFL homestead. Your research and your ability to express your point are absolutely stunning - eg your post on the Church prohibiting crossbows, etc. It's good thing Rich got you to "volunteer" as Moderator - in spite of all the kicking and screaming (chortle).

When I was a kid we'd visit friends and relatives in central Pennsylvania. The "house away from the house" was a cold, frightening trek for a pre-schooler from the suburbs. There were times I chose a different spot enroute because of the "unseen" things in the pit! Hmmm, if I remember it was a large horse chestnut tree that provided the "windbreak" I needed.
"...In my youth it sheltered me, and I'll protect it now!"
just read in the newspaper that Colt won a $500,000 grant from the feds to investigate (develop?) a "smart" gun.