Colt Supports Gun-Banners?


Staff Emeritus
This may be old news on TFL but search isn’t working and this is too important to ignore.
If it already has been discussed (into the ground) then I ask a TFL “Chief” to delete this “Indian’s” post.

There is an entire history to be read at this url (below). I have NO idea of the validity of this information (OK, MalH? :) ) so I’d appreciate comments.

Colt's new CEO is Steven Sliwa, a former professor at Embry-Riddle university. Sliwa,
like Stewart before him, is no friend of the RKBA cause, as shown by his political
contributions. From the CRP we learn that Sliwa has donated to a number of
gun-grabbers: in 1995 he gave $1000 to Bill Clinton, and $1000 to Louis Stokes; in 1994
he gave to Tom Harkin and Frank Lautenberg. To his credit, Sliwa later gave to some
pro-gun candidates, such as Robin Hayes.
Recently, I learned that Sliwa gave a talk at a meeting of a public policy group called Join
Together, which is concerned with firearms violence. Predictably, they are rabidly
anti-gun, and quite left of center. What was Sliwa's talk about? Using technology to
increase firearms safety, ie, Colt's "smart gun" research


There is a lot more to read and ponder. The writer, as I understand him, states Colt
executives support anti-gun politicians (as well as pro-gun politicians). Then the writer says the NRA defends Colt executives against the gun owners’ backlash (blaming it on bad press).

There are links in the referenced article to related sites.
Again, if this is “old hat” to everyone on TFL, I apologize; however, I feel this is
information to be explained, discussed, and remembered.

I recall something about this...but it was far from being a "dead horse".

I needs to be opened again...time to see who our friends and enemies are...DC is making a list of who's been naughty or nice and ya'll should as well....the line in the sand is being re-enforced

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Good show! I wonder if the alleged transgressors are still with Colt or if they "lit out" for quieter pastures.

In any case, thanks folks, for trying to get to the bottom of this. (Jeez, the Janet Reno MISquote seemed more likely than this!)

Jeez Dennis...

Rush Limbaugh even suckered for that quote until Heston clued him in.

Gads, I'd hate to see what you'd be like if ya forgot and left your fly down at church ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC I had just gotten over the image of you watering the Nashville mayoral candidates lawn and now you start talking about unzipped flies.....and in church no less. :D

Seriously. Isn't it ironic that the antis constantly use misinformation and out right lies to villianize gun owners yet we (gun owners) are always quick to apologize for any misinformation about them? You can bet that Reno would never correct fraudulant, damning quote attributed to Heston.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

We believe in truth and honor, they don't. We want to win fairly, they don't. They are Americans too....pretty sad, isn't it?

(yikes, can it be I have an obsession with lowering plasma volume? ;) )

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
That one's true, Dennis. It was discussed at length on another board at the time it occurred. I, and many others, heard him talking about it with our own ears and then later trying to weasle out of it saying he was mis-quoted. I don't recall the exact speech, but I recall the feeling I had after it. Namely, no more new Colt guns for me. Used is ok, as it won't fill Colt's coffers. It's a shame for a company with such a great history.
He's in the twilight zone!
Why would a producer of products which cater only to a certain segment of the populace work so hard to anger his market?

Well, maybe he was trying to win a government contract? (grin)
Maybe he wanted to be a "bad boy" so he could gain attention when he was "rehabilitated"??

Surreal. Bizarre. (I'm stumped....)

Bewildered Grump
I had a chance to buy either a S&W686 or a Colt Phython for about the same price. I bought the S&W and have nevder regretted it. I have heard a Colt rep talking about their "smart gun" technology and I want no part of it. Right now, the powers that be seem to "love" Colt and seem to be snuggling up to Colt with military contract "bait." I say, you sleep with dogs and you'll get fleas. Colt does not seem to be the friend of the gun-owning American citizen.
Denis, I haven't seen actual numbers, but I've heard that the bigger gun companies, Colt among them, make most of their income off government sales. Besides being so heavily and arbitrarilly regulated that the President could put most of them out of buisness with a word. I've always thought that they were the weak link in this fight.
I've been trying to decide between the Ruger SP101 and the Colt Magnum Carry. Looks like I've made up my mind.

Mr. Sliwa, you're not getting any of my cash. So sorry.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited June 04, 1999).]
I might note one of the most threatening aspects of "smart gun" technology: That little transmitter the government will give to all their employees, (And OTHER criminals will inevitiably get their hands on, of course.) which causes every civilian smart gun within a modest range to go "click" when you pull the trigger.
Maybe what we really need to do is make gun manufacturing as popular as reloading. (And while we're at it, find a good way to home manufacture brass and primers.)
I've known about the Colt flip-flop attitude for quite some time now and do not spend any money on Colt products. Buying Colt products to me is like going to K-mart and handing them $$ to support Rosie O'D.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
You asked for this: :D

I wear a big belt and a pair of suspenders;
so I won’t be “left in the lurch”,
And I’m sure I would cry, if I unzipped my fly,
and was caught like that in a church!

I struggle all night, to get my quotes right,
Especially from government tyrants,
If I see I’ve done wrong, “I’m Sorry!” is my song,
but I’m damned if I will drop MY pants.

I’m so glad you forgive, and say, “Live and let live”,
When I misquote some dipstick in government.
‘Cause you’ve made me aware, of what we must dare,
To win back our Second Amendment.

So I lose sleep at night, to prepare for the fight
that I hope will be only by voting
But our forefathers’ honor dare not be a “goner”
Our history Clinton better be noting.

He should not ignore, what happened before.
If they dismiss our pleas as mere raves,
If they try to disarm us, they WILL have to harm us,
For we’ll die before we’ll live as slaves.

My name’s Forrest Grump. They call me, Forrest Grump!
Ok, I talked to the Colt factory rep at the outdoor festival. He admitted to being a little fish in a big pond, but also said he had heard this before. Seems Sliwa gave a speech somewhere a while back where he made a reference to the thousands of existing gun laws and said they won't go away. His intended message was that these laws are already on the books and we're stuck with them. The anti's have misquoted and twisted these remarks several different ways to make it look as tho Sliwa is on their side. Colt rep says it's all BS. Unfortunately, it keeps coming back to haunt them. He has no idea where this reports of political contributions to antis come from and considers the whole thing highly unlikely.

Consider this. Colt Industries is a huge coporation. Colt Firearms is only a very small part of Colt Industries (about 10% last I heard). Colt Firearms is accually a pretty weak company still trying to rebuild after years of serious labor disputes. Government contracts are about the only thing keeping them alive. This is why prices keep going up while quality has been dropping.
Two possibilities:
1. The antis may consider Colt an easy target in their attempt to shut down gun makers. It would be a huge feather in their cap if they could put Colt out of business.
2. Colt may be kissing some serious butt trying to stay alive. You don't bite the hand that feeds you and right now that hand belongs to the most anti-gun president in history. Everything could change with the next election.

Either way Colt is in deep do-do and just trying to survive. I don't agree with it, but I do understand it.

It's a shame common sense isn't more common.
Gentlemen: , I seem to remember that Colt was purchased recently with in the last 5 years by non other than FN Fabrique Nationale... who by the way, won the last round of contracts for our own M-16 rifles.

Maybe I have this all mixed up , can someone clear this up?

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?