It's not as bad as you think, but it's good that Colt is speaking out. A good article about the 400 workers at Colt in Conn. going to their state legislature explaining what the result of draconian gun laws really is. I wish Remington and other manf. would do the same.
Link to article:
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- The president of one of the nation's oldest gun manufacturers closed down his Connecticut factory Thursday morning and bused 400 of his workers to the state Capitol so they could personally urge lawmakers not to pass gun control legislation that they say could risk their livelihoods.
Veilleux said gun customers are well-connected and know what is happening in different states in terms of gun control efforts.
"Our customers don't want to support the state of New York. So our customers aren't going to want to support the state of Connecticut," he said. "And our association is so strong with the state of Connecticut, that it's inevitable that it's going to begin to erode."
Link to article: