I own two Pythons, a 6" 1961 and a 4" 1974, and owned a 8 3/8 1974 (maybe 75) S&W 27 (my son owns it now), and while I think the overall trigger feel is comparable, I think the Python is overall the finest display of craftsmanship I have seen in a firearm. From the richest most beautiful bluing (it's no wonder it's called Royal Blue) to how everything just looks finished at a higher level.
Don't get me wrong, I love the old Smiths as well, and they are indeed quality firearms. But they are working excellence and the Python is elegant excellence. If that makes any sense, lol.
Edited to add, if I slowly pull the trigger in DA on the Pythons, I can feel the stacking. It's not bad, but it is there. Still very smooth and breaks like glass. The 27, nor my 1975 17-4, stack in slow DA fire. In SA, while the old Smith's are smooth and crisp, the Python ' s are better. Lighter, cleaner and crisper is how I would describe it. Neither the Smith or the Colt are bad, and will spoil someone on what a good trigger feels like, but the Python, especially in SA, is just that much sweeter to me.