But if i wanted a pistol to carry the all steel full size HP would take a back seat to the light weight 9mm Colt Commander. So my opinion would rest on: shooter or Carry piece.
Yep, I'd agree to that statement, but don't get me wrong, I carried one for 9 months during my first tour in Vietnam...loved the gun, wish I still had it...but a lighter piece would have been more comfortable in the aircraft.
I find the HP the perfect grip size and shape for my hands, as do both of my sons, but none of us carries one for CC purposes; preferring instead a lighter gun for all day carry. Here are some of my thoughts on HP's in general.
My HP is a .40 with that beautiful deep blue reminiscent of pre-war Smiths and Colts...and every time I holster it, I get a tinge of guilt, even with a soft lined leather holster. The good news is that the currently produced ones I've examined at Budd's in Lexington, KY, are as good, finish wise, as my early 80's model.
Too, while the grip is as perfect as I'm ever going to find on God's Green Earth, I do find the safety position and size difficult to disengage during my draw and presentation move. It's correctable with an after market part, but as is, it's problematic for me and I find that I miss it many times and have to use my support thumb. It's a training issue, no doubt, but would be a definite consideration if I was to use if for concealed carry.
Another minor, cosmetic only issue with the current crop of HP's is the size of the adjustable sights. For me, they just are too tall, awkward looking if you will. While good for speed work and even better for slow fire, they just stick up too high for my taste. For comparison, check out the old-school S&W J-frame sights mounted on some custom HP's from the 60's through the 90's. Milled into the slide top, and with a suitable front sight of the Baughman ramp style, they're perfect to my eye.
HTH's Rod