Colt closing rumor

Ah, I see BigG is venturing into personal attacks, which is the final sure sign of someone who has no real argument. It's okay, BigG, we know how bad you feel about all the crappy Colts that got manufactured in the 80s-90s, and we really do sympathize. Maybe someday you'll be able to see beyond the ego-identification thing and buy a really nice 1911 like a KIMBER.


No offense Big G, but I got some email that didn't sound like it was intended for me! I'm a very happy Kimber owner!
With all due respect, fellers, Brian Bilby is an eminently qualified gunsmith. Whether or not you agree with his beliefs, they are considered and thought out based on long experience. At least give him the respect he is due. I would in no way try to tell him anything about a 45, other than I like Colts! We all have our favorites!

Think of the marvelous resource we have in Brian and Richard Heinie and Gale MacMillan and others, I know of nowhere else where I can get advice from the horse's mouth like this forum. I have seen other forums erupt in flaming to the extent that these verifiable experts leave. Please reconsider before tellin them their knowledge is CRAP!



Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Aw, BigG, I would never tell Brian his knowledge is crap. That I would save for you. Brian is obviously an expert at customizing 1911s. Which is, perhaps, why he dislikes a 1911 that doesn't need customizing?
Rik, nobody mentioned any names, if the shoe fits, wear it.

The Colt company will probably live to piss on the forgotten K!M3ER logo which I believe won't last another 10 years. When was the last time you saw a K!M3ER rifle? Don't think they make 'em anymore. Short term profit motivation, IMHO.

As far as you being a writer, you must write the K!M3ER ads, as they are as full of it as the 6:00 o'clock news!

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
BigG you didn't have to mention names...eveyrone here knows how obsessed you are with me. As for Colt being around...well, sure, SOMEONE will be calling themselves Colt. Perhaps next the French will buy them out...
Brian B, if Bill Ruger did as you say he did, then I agree he is true an unprincipled phallis among phalli. Do you have evidence or supporting documentation (links, etc.) verifying this is true (besides hearsay) - I mean evidence that he actually lobbied IN FAVOR OF the 10-round limit because it helped Ruger viz-a-viz other pistol makers, NOT JUST that he accepted a political compromise?
BigG: Oh please, grow up already. Especially with how you spell Kimber. How freaking childish can you get?
Maybe we should all start spelling your name as B!gG since many of us probably can't stand you enough to spell out your name properly.

I will have to find it, but American Handgunner several years ago printed a scanned copy of a letter he sent to Congress lobbying for a magazine capacity ban. Ruger got pissed at them and threatened to pull advertising. They said, hey you did it , tough! I'll find out what issue it was and get back to you.

It's well known that he did this.

From what I understand, the Politicians that were developing the anti-gun bill contacted Ruger and asked him "we are planning on limiting magazine capacity, what would be a good number". Ruger (for whatever his reasons were) came up with 15. He did not actively lobby congress from this limit, congress was going to place this limit no matter what he said.

Christopher Nemeth
But Ruger then wrote this letter and sent it to members of Congress loobying them for the 15rd limit, to screw his competitors. Any way you cut it, it sucks and that it why I won't buy any new Ruger guns.

All post tailhook general and flag officers are suspect regardless of branch. They were brought in precisely for those PC qualities. Colt is just doing what it thinks it needs to survive and protect it's stockholders. Will I buy another new Colt? Probably not, unless they change their strategy. I am sure there are enough folks like me who will force the change by not buying or Colt will fold or worse yet, devolve into into the arsenal of the oppressor. Kind of like throwing a pass in football- only three things can happen and two of them are bad.
cnemeth, Brian is right. Ruger's letter was unsolicited. This was around 1987 and Glock had a 17 round mag and was kicking Ruger's ass in the police market. You didn't see S&W pull a stunt like recommending a gun control measure to help our their business.