Colt closing rumor


New member
I heard a rumor from a dealer at the Oklahoma City Gun Show on Sat that Colt said to heck with it and closed their doors on Thursday. Can anyone confirm or deny this? I sure would hate for it to be true!
I heard from residents in Hartford weeks ago that Colt was planning to close its doors. The rumor I heard from dealers are that they're planning to close, but restructure, and then reopen...
There's suppose to be four new Colt divisions after the closure. One for the military, one for the Cowboy crowd, one for civilians, and finally a research division for the "smart gun."

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Who cares about colt. They gave in to the commie-socialist gun grabbers. They're just getting what they deserve. If you surrender to a God-less commie, then you have to expect that you are going to die at his hand. Ask any Viet-Nam vet!!!
When is the funeral.
The heck with Colt! They have sold their souls to HCI in order to make a buck. They are planning to shove intellingent gun technology down our throats. Just tonight there was a program on the History or A&E channel about modern guns. One of the featured guns was the new IColt. A statement from one of the executives from Colt said "everyone is going to have to use one of these guns in the future". They have put a lot of assets into intelligent gun technology, with the plan that at some point it will be forced on us. Do yourself and all of us a favor, don't buy this companies junk guns. Tell your friends, neighbor and family member that Colt has junk guns.

They'll never get my pre-iColts!

I still love 'em, no matter whut y'all say!


Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
I saw the same show on the History Channel--now I've changed my mind about Colt. I HOPE they go out of business! Screw them and the "politically correct" horse they rode in on!
With gun companies like Colt, who needs HCI?

Sic semper tyrannis

I owned a few pre-70 Colts 1911s, and they are great pistols. It's too bad that through
the years that the management at Colt is steadily getting less brain. I wonder if
these guys in the management are getting
high on drugs or money. I guess that anything
is for sale for those guys. Maybe they
deserved to be hanged.
Its fun to bash Colt, but I am not certain it is all deserved. I mean, they just hired a retired Marine Corps General as their president! Somehow, I have a hard time visualing a hard core United States Marine in cahoots with HCI. Can't see the two of them sitting at the same table, unless the Marine is leaning over the table and choking the crap out of them. :)

Besides, I love my Colt CCO and am actively looking for a Colt's Government Model...
Intelligent guns are a joke. ANYONE with intent and a little time will be able to bypass ANY controls built in. Just like safes, the security only reduces violation where time and opportunity are limited.

If I have to buy an intelligent gun I expect the controls to be circumvented within 5 minutes after getting home. If a BG or the criminal market obtain intelligent guns, the same holds.

The real problems are 1) people actually believe in them and will probably get in a tissy fit when they find they have been duped and 2) guns will be available only to criminals and the elitists who can afford the extra gimmick.
I would expect to see the handgun division of Colt go into backruptcy. Not the rifle or smart gun companies. You will see it reborn in a right to work state that is more gun friendly. The breakup of the company, the movement of those new divisions out of Ct., the production drop during a slow period, and the announced worker layoffs were steps to prepare the handgun division for shutdown. The state of Ct. was awarded the rights to the Colt logo during the last bankruptcy and a stipulation for Colt to continue using it was to stay in Ct. The diversification also lets the handgun division bear the weight of all the legal action by the cities and now HUD. By bankrupting one division the company, the assets of all the other divisions are protected from the civil suits, and any money awarded will never be paid to the cities from a bankrupt company, Colt is then free to open a new handgun division in another state. As a business consultant I find the logic behind the manuvering very interesting and a brilliant way to save the company, its assets, and still stay in business. I do not know for a fact that this is what is happening, but I do see it as a great protective move on the companies part. If you think Colt should stay in business to make a statement and the owner risk losing his $40 million investment, I suggest that you get your money up buy him out, then you can risk running the company into the ground and lose all your money. A business operates to make money for the owner, not to please its customers or create jobs for employees, but I guess we can all be pretty free when it is someone elses $40 million.
"[Colt] just hired a retired Marine Corps General as their president!"

I wonder how this guy answered his "29 Palms" gun confiscation survey?


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788
With the fine traditions Colt has and the superb models they can still produce,when they really try, it would be a shame to have them disappear from the scene completely.
It's indeed fun to bash Colt for giving in or to praise other companies for fighting the good fight. As a consumer, it is wise to reward companies that do fight the good fight with our dollars.

In any case, corporations exist to make money for its stockholders--no more, no less. It isn't all that clear (to me) who exactly owns Colt anyway.

We should mourn the passing of Colt--the loss of any gunmaker is a bad thing. But, we should also put the blame where it belongs. Poor quality products, poor business decisions, the political climate and so on. As Jeff pointed out, it's "just business."

Also very American.
While it is true that Colt is run by a couple of major league dorks and jerkoffs right now, I still get a laugh out of guys who go off on Colt, but then turn around and buy guns from other companies who have done much worse, particularly Ruger. That a-hole lobbied congress for the 10rd magazine limit and the assault rifle ban because it didn't affect his company as much as the others. And then the NRA who would have barbecued anyone else who did that, got real forgiving at the receipt of a million dollar check from him. Screw him. He's the one who's actions have affected us for years now. Everytime you pay big bucks for a high capacity magazine, thank the Bill Brothers, Clinton and Ruger.

Poplin - Don Zilkha owns Colt. He is an investment banker from NYC and daddy had a lot of money. He admitted to me that he doesn't know anything about guns, but he is a businessman and hires people who do. I was one of his most vocal detractors when he had Ron Stewart as President, who gave an interview promoting gun registration, owner registration, and federal gun safety classes. Due to an internet campaign Stewart was fired, Mr Zilkha was not very happy with me as a result, but he learned from it.

Brian - Actually the letter Bill Ruger wrote to congress in 1987 promoted a 15 round mag limit because Glock had a 17 round mag and was kicking his butt in the police market. DiFi picked up on that idea for the 10 round mag ban which finally pasted in 1994. Ruger gets all the credit for giving them the idea in my book.

Colt is still operating. The site is up, customer service is working, and no indication of them shutting down. If it happens I would not expect to see it until next spring or summer after there is more progress on the civil suits. If they do shut down it will be only temporary and long enough to move to a more hospitable environment.
read the articles i posted, it sounds like colt will not produce an iColt due to lack of backing ( i guess the federal gov't isn't giving colt any R&D money )

what will we MD people do in 2003 when only smart handguns are legal for sale?

I for one am going to move


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
Where would you move to? Face it, the US is the best hope for our individual rights. We need to fight for them. If everybody who owned a firearm was a member of one Progun organization you wouldn't see all this crap about "Reasonable" gun control....