Colt buys H&K

I'm sorry that this drives me crazy but the
way these actions are portrayed are as another step to cease manufacture of guns for citizens.

The ceasing of sales to us is not portrayed
as a business decision but as a capitulation
to the antigun movements.

Plenty of guns and companies flop -
like Colt's American A-hole 2000 (oops)
or its DoubleDodo line. No more Sterling
Arms around. But Colt seems to go out of
its way to present its "business" decisions
with an antiRKBA tilt.

So I'm nuts. I'm interested all of a sudden that the USPs aren't that good. I've shot
the 45ACPs. Was Ok - nothing to get excited about. I thought the Walther and HKs were
over price compared to the Glocks.

I've shot almost all the modern 9mms and
no gun is worth $200 more than a Glock.

Now that should start an argument.
I still don't get what the big fuss is about the price of H&K's. I can buy a full size USP 9 or .40 for $50 more than a comparable GLOCK. If $50 bucks is a big deal then I guess they are WAY more expensive than a GLOCK. Is the GLOCK really that much better than the H&K? I'm not sure it is. Costs of handguns are not driven only by the cost of manufacturing the things. Look at what is happening with the CZ line. In a couple of years (if not sooner) they will be commanding the same prices as the GLOCKS, SIGS, H&K's, and Beretta's. Prices are driven up by consumer demand and availability. Believe me, $50 is not a big price difference. Shake

[This message has been edited by Shake (edited December 31, 1999).]
Spyderman - cause when we go to war again and we get drafted - perhaps we will have some cool toys to play with...
Before we get hit by a MLRS missle attack...


Well - because there is always the chance that we could get laws that will allow is to have the 2nd Amendment and get to use those types of arms.
Or they could be had by Class 2 liscense.
Or I am trying to be optimistic and not CRY!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Well citizens, I have my thoughts and here they are.

I have been a criminal defense attorney for 8 years and a prosecutor for three years before I went into defense. I am now a prosecutor again (Thank God).

I have seen the laws from both sides of the fence and I am here to tell you that the law SUCKS. PERIOD.

Those idiots in washington (small caps on purpose out of lack of respect) and all the state capitals dont have the sense the good Lord gave a common house fly. They are all Public Relation hounds and camera hounds for votes. They want votes to stay in office, to get the kick backs, pay offs and perks. Who in their right mind would spend 4 million dollars to get elected to a job that pays 125,000 per year. No one I know unless there was something really neat to gain... you make your pick.

The idiots in charge have not figured out that it is the CRIMINALS that are the problem not the law abiding citizens.

Maybe just maybe the politicians dont give a rats a_S about our children our safety or our liberty. Think of this, why does the government want our guns, because the government wants more power, how do they get more power, by taxing us (law abiding citizens) into submission. Then by removing the rest of our liberties so that we become servants of the government. Instead of the government being the servant of the people.

Our government today is EVERYTHING our founding fathers feared. It is big, unruly, oppressive and uncontrollable.

We have liberal judges in the seat of justice, that let the criminals go free and then penalize the law abiding citizens when ever they can.

Our univerities are run by liberals, I have degrees from some of the most liberals univerisities and I am hear to say, that it is disgusting to have to sit and listen to the professors spout their dumb ideals. They too have no idea how the real world works.

They are brainwashing our children into thinking that guns are the root of all evil and that the government is the only entity that can solve their problems. free thinking is not allowed and completely discouraged. if you argue with or try to put forth your conservative opinions you are never called on and your grades reflect the liberal attitudes. I graduated with some pretty bad grades in classes such as "Poverty law" , criminal sensitivety, both by the way were required. I refused to be endoctrinated into the "poor" mentality and the government as the savior.

The one and only reason the government wants our guns, is so they can tax us to death and restrict our freedoms until we are nothing but slaves to the all powerful and all knowing government.

This is a dark time in our nations history and until the majority of americans wake up and figure out that the federal government is the enemy and that liberals are at war with our values and morals, we will be doomed to become slaves.

We need to vote for morals, character and honesty in our elected officials and not for some pretty boy that looks good for the camera. I dont give a damn if your are republican or democrat or independant but by GOD at least be honest with the people. I would vote for a democrat that said with the truth and did not try to get votes with lies. All the politicians today seem to be after a career in politics and that makes them useless in my eyes.

You want to know where the money is coming from, look to the federal government and the new york liberals.

I am so disgusted with all the politics and the gun grabbers. Hell be honest say you want my guns so that you can tax us todeath, and take all our freedoms. Dont say to protect my children. My children our protective by Smith and Wesson right now and they sleep well at night.

I have seen how the police protect people, they protect people when they are already dead from the violent crime. Ask any honest police officer and they will tell you they are NOT there to protect. They can not protect the citizens.

Maybe we should get a class action law suit to sue the liberal mayors when people are killed and the police failed to PROTECT them.

Protect me... my conservative arse. To hell with them all. I will protect myself and my family with my last breath and my last bullet.

Judge Blackhawk
I'm a professor - so thanks for the kind words Judge. I've taken my advanced statistics class to the range. I use Lott's data for examples of time series. In Intro - I use examples of
Jeffrey Dalmer vs Albert Fenstress (two cannibals) to discuss legal issues of insanity. I have three students working on a firearms research project with me next semester. In fact, my school gave me a research grant to go to LFI.

We have a sizeable group of faculty, with CHLS who are hunters, targets shooters and the like. They range from Orthodox Jews to ex-army Bullseye champions.

In fact, some of the "Conservative" business faculty are quite antigun. They would like to screw their employess for profit and depend on the guards of the gated communities to protect their affluents butts. One recently got in
a bit of trouble for posting very sexist jokes on our school list-server. Conservative AND
a gun wussy.

I grant you that professors tend to be liberal in a fair number of institutions. But being liberal doesn't have to mean antigun. It is
a shame it is seen that way now. There is
a lot of conservative crap that I don't approve of. But I'm RKBA.

In fact, IMHO - the strong perceived link of
the RKBA to Conservative politics of extreme nature leads us to lose the center and many women.

Now I will get flame - take your best shot.
Great quote. Remember "In a world of compromise, some MEN don't." I like to see women included in the shooting sports, but somehow I can't imagine Patricia Ireland and Gloria Steinem packing Teutonic heat, regardless.

I knew one professor in my college carreers that was even remotely connected with firearms. I was speaking from my own personal experience. Anytime a professor found out that I was into shooting firearms, I had to hear about the evils of guns and how guns and hunting should be band because in a civil society we do not have a need for either.

I meant no disrepect to any specific professors, but that in my opinion, our colleges are brainwashing or attempting to brainwash our children.

I am glad to hear you are a shooter. Wish I had you for a prof, would have been fun to relate.

Judge Blackhawk
Judge & Glenn: I m also a professor and an MBA Graduate. Was a docket Clerk also in court.

I am tired and sick about hearing government promises to Alleviate the hardship of the masses. I am from the masses also but able to study and intermingle of some of the elite.

I worked with some Colonels and Generals and see their crookedness in getting grease money of the country not for themselves through handsome illegal commissions especially on military purchases.

It is correct, how can we believe a certain politician in his good rhetoric speeches when in fact we know many of them if not all are LEECH of the country, but they are the one whom the people trust are given in shaping the good destiny of the country. A barrio captain up to Senator with a minimal salary but live like kings, where are those money came from. As what you said they will spend millions but a salary for a year is that not much could even hardly reach .5 million.

I am from a third world country and has more problem if it comes to human abuse. I come here in Saudi Arabia just to make both ends meet as my teaching profession also is not promising, but I will end this kind of work abroad soon as I will be more effective to contribute of anything beneficial for my country if I am home. My Government promises a lot of good work and employment improvements but the truth we are getting doomed. Only the elite really go rich and richer and the farmer up to the ordinary factory worker will always get poor that is why insurgency cannot be addressed well by the government.

We, who are Overseas Foreign Workers are called unsung living heroes because we send our dollars but when we are back home, we'll be treated nothing. Thus we have a saying as overseas workers, that who among us when we stop working abroad become, politician, businessman or just be thrown on the river.

Last November, I asked my wife to renew my 9MM license but she cannot as they need the owner to be there personally to get some clearances and some seminars as there is a new order in the Phil. National Police. I mean it is getting more strict in the issuing of licenses.

The same to what is in my mind, thus why the authority is too harsh to the law abiding citizen in the owning of firearms, whereas, the criminals can freely roam around. In a few incidents where legal owner involve in shoot out, they already take it as a reason to be more strict in the owning of firearms by the civilians. I've been a victim of all sorts of harrassment but I am still here standing as a law abiding citizen and still a law abider till I can also contain everything.

During our martial law years, I speak freely also in the school and I was recruited by the gov't to work with them, but when Marcos leave the country that work ceases also. It is where I have learned and see what is to be working in the Gov't now adays.

I am not only the one speaking of the plight of my country man, but there are many of those concerned citizen also and I am happy for that, that many of them put into action of what I am thinking to do also. I was surprise that there is similarities to what is going on the world campaign against owning firearms.

If HK is owned by Colt God help us. The worlds finest arms company down the tubes. Pardon my french, but Colt sucks. They build crappy guns and couldn't manage a little league baseball team. This SUCKS! I promise, if there is a God, I will go to church every Sunday (unless I am sick or at a funeral (in which case I might count that as church))if this rumor turns out to be false--or the deal falls through.

Big G. The HK91 is not a rip-off of of the MG42. I is, however, a development of an assault rifle concept developed at Mauser--where Heckler, Koch and Siedel all worked( or at least two of them). It does share some internal features with the 42' and, more especially, the advanced (read sheet-metal) production features of that gun.

Again--Colt sucks! If HK gets bought out by that bunch of morons I will take it as conclusive proof that there is no God (as if Jar-Jar Binks and the cancellation of Peanuts weren't a big enough clues).

Greg Bell
Greg, you mus' be one of them that likes 'em a lot!

Welp, if the rumor is true, maybe for the first time they will produce an HK with a decent trigger... Who knows, more strange things have happened! LOL :)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG

It is true, me likey HK!

Psst.. did I mention that Colt sucks!

Hey, if you want a good trigger buy a P7 or scrounge up a P9 (I agree, however, that USP, Sl-8 and Hk91 trigers bite). It would be nice if Colt could clean up the triggers on those cap pistols. However, maybe HK could return the favor by helping Colt products function at least occasionally without jamming. Further, Colt is the only one of the two that has products whose names are synonomous with crap--like, say, the M16, all American 2000, etc (Damn it, I am on a roll so do not mention the HK Vp70z).

By the way, the gun that the Hk91 is a rip-off of is the stg 45. I'm sooo picky.

Anybody want to sell their crappy Hk products cheap! I am here to help.

Now Smith and Wesson is for sale. I've got $1000.00 that says Colts will buy it. It appears to be their mission.

I guess I'll start collecting knives.

Ship all COLT Government Model Automatic Pistols, magazines, and accessories immediately to the undersigned for disposition. You will be contacted directly for a cash settlement. Do it now!

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
Greg Bell: I just bought a .45 USP and can't wait to try it out BUT I have to jump in here on this one: while the Colt All American 2000 was a POS, the M16 and AR15's are great rifles that have only gotten better over the past 40 years.

I agree that the M16 is a fine gun. However, you have to admit it built up a pretty terrible reputation, however undeserved. I would love to have one.

Colt the company, however, SUCKS!

The USP is a great handgun. Whether you're biased towards another brand or the USP isn't a good handgun for you, I don't think you can honestly say that it's a piece of junk. I doubt the US Special Forces chose HK's SOCOM because they felt that they'd had too many years of having reliable sidearms and felt like a change towards poor quality, unreliability, etc. would make missions "challenging" again.

I've got a USP 40 F and as soon as I bought it and broke it in, I got rid of my custom ($600 woth of custom parts and 'smithing) GLOCK 22, Para Ordnance P14, and my Springfield Service Model.

I've shot, on more than one occasion, over 1800 rds with hardly a break longer than 2-3 min. in a single session, and during none of those times, did I ever experience a single malfunction. This includes +P, reloads, etc. None of my other handguns ever functioned that reliably when shooting only factory ammo.

The USP is the best handgun for ME. I'm not about to knock GLOCK, SIG, Kimber, etc., simply because I don't like them personally, or because they aren't good for me. SIG, for instance is an example of this. SIG's handguns are excellent. But not for me. The grips don't fit my hand well. That doesn't mean that it's a piece of ****.

I've never owned a Colt firearm. I've shot a few, both their rifles and their handguns. They were fun to shoot and I didn't experience any real problems with them, but I do often hear of their poor quality and reliabiltiy as far as their recent models are concerned.

As far as HK's rifles are concerned, from what I gather, they seem to be pretty damn good at what they're designed to do. The MP-5 has become a paradigm in association with a SWAT team. When I explain to someone who isn't familiar to firearms what the MP-5 is, they're confused until I just tell them to think of a SWAT team and the submachine gun that they carry, and they know exactly what I'm talking about. I know the MP-5 isn't a rifle, but the MP-5 is probably the best example as to the company's quality.

The PSG-1 is so good, it's scary. The new G36 is said to be excellent. All in all, I believe it's hard to say that HK produces poor quality firearms.

This deal with Colt scares the **** outta me. I am keeping in mind the fact that it's presently just a matter of a proposal/offer, but just the thought of it -- and after reading that article -- is enough to make me sick to my stomach; I'm not joking either.

We have to act, people. But that's not all there is to it. We have to keep in mind of HOW we should act. If we clamor up to Capitol Hill, so to speak, in an aggressive and/or beligerant(sp?) manner, then we'll only be perceived as the barbaric, ignorant gun owners that the media and anti-gunners have tryed to portray us as. We'll be the cause of our own demise. This is a matter of poilitcs and business; Historic quotes and a chip on the shoulder are neither diplomatic nor professional by any means.

Contact HK; express your opinions and fears. It doesn't matter if you like HK or not; your favorite manufacturer could be the next one up for bid. Limiting your opinions and thoughts to a forum isn't going to turn the table. It's time to put a foot down, loud enough so that we can be heard, but not so hard as to have the media portray us as environmentally unfriendly.

Good Luck and Thanks For Your Time,

John Coleman
Bad news indeed.

I agree that the AR-15 has become a fine assault rifle. Of course, mine is a Bushmaster...

Jar-Jar Binks? LOL!