Colt 357 revolver. My newest acquisition.

Well I lost out. Seller had the Colt, a nickel Model 19, and another blued Model 19. Unfortunately the first buyer took the Colt and the Nickel Model 19, and of course the second buyer took the blued Model 19. All of these were going for $500.00 ea. But, the seller has access to a Colt Trooper in the future for the same price and will give me first crack at it, so hopefully that works out. I think as far as him keeping his word, I believe it was a matter of semantics as to what I believed constituted a deal. In talking to him in person vs texting he seems a very honorable and honest man, after all he is a Naval officer. While dissapointing, I feel ok how things went down and hopeful for the future possibility of a good transaction.
Been a fan of the 22 LR version of the original Trooper. Have a couple of them.

I almost purchased a 357 model a few years ago at a pawn shop, but the shop was quite inflexible on price and it was a re-blue. So, I punted.