Colt 1903 Hammerless


New member
Been wanting one for a while now, they are quite scarce here in Switzerland and the few I saw were expensive and in poor condition.

Saw this one last night on the website of an LGS I’ve bought other nice stuff from and trust, so I texted him and asked him to put it aside for me. $ 650, now waiting for the permit. Colt serial nbr lookup says it’s made in 1940.

Until when were those made ?




And I’ve got abt 2000 rounds of ammo waiting for it

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As best i know they were discontinued in 1945. I think that's a type V. I sold my 1911 manufactured type III several years ago when they were everywhere and weren't considered anything special. Good shooter and one of the most beautiful pistols made to my eye. By US standards you got a solid deal.
I've done some research on these. There is a type I with removeable barrel bushing, a type II that has a fixed bushing and and type III that I believe has a magazine disconnect. Not sure when all the changes were made. Based on the serial number I would say that one is a late production gun from the late 30s or early 40s. Nice guns. I'd love to find one for a reasonable price. You used to see them under $500 but I think they are pushing $1000 these days.
Not as many Colt collectors in Switzerland to run the prices up.

Type I: 4" bushing barrel
Type II: 3.75" bushing barrel
Type III: 3.75" bushingless barrel
Type IV: 3.75", bushingless, magazine disconnect

Sam Lisker considers a Type V to be wartime guns and postwar parts cleanup.
Interesting that it is about a 1939 model when many guns were probably being bought in a panic in Europe due to the Nazi threat. Makes sense that you would find one in that date range in Switzerland. In the late 1930s countries like England were buying up all the guns they could find. Sounds like the U.S. today:cool:
They are a ton of fun, I have a friend who has on and have been able to shoot it several times. Great little gun. Its on my list of guns to add to my collection some day.
Beautiful Colt OP. I’ve been wanting one of these for a long time, my great grandma used to own one and story is she ran off a chicken thief one night with it during the depression. Chasing him away with a few rounds fired at his tail.
Took it home last night for $ 570.- in a three guns deal. Well I actually stopped by the range before heading home. The good news is that it came with a box and two magazines, the bad news is that the box is in poor shape, shows that metal and wood is more resistant than cardboard.










Shot at 15 meters. The grip is a tad small for my hands, the pinky is either squeezed in or under the mag, and it shoots a bit to the left, so I’ll have to (carefully) drift the rear sight. Great gun though.


