Colorado TFL get together


Last I knew they did. That's just something we'd have to check out, huh? District's in my area so I could call 'em up & see what's the scoop.

Weather's the biggest consideration. Wouldn't be too fun with 2 feet of snow on the ground & a 30 miler blastin' away.
Got a chance to try and do some catching up today, wonder how many hours it will take?????

How's things going in getting a TFL Colorado round up going, or has things been rather hectic with the hollidays????
Personally, I'm holding off on making plans until well into January... just in case, y'know. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I've hunted the grasslands before.. dog towns are getting hard to find up there tho due to ranchers poisoning and outbreaks of puppy-dog plauge (safty tip DO NOT HANDLE prarie dogs).

But wheter we do Denver, Fort Fun or Colorado Springs it should not be too hard to get a meeting room for a hand shake and a smile and requires less logistics than a january on the high plains shoot out in the elements. Even a $5 cover charge for the meeting room is not out of line.. or hell there is the Tanner gun show coming up on the 8-9.. or ???

C'mon you radio guys don't have a promotions director?? You need a girl/guy Friday to take care of stuff like this.

please let me know if I can be of assistance.


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 28, 1999).]
Damn. Too many options for too much fun. Took off better than I would have expected ... there's lot of us in the general locale (WY thru CO - so far).

Tell ya what. Since I started this thread, I'll do an e-mail bit (12/30) with those that have replied & see if we can reach a, uhm, yeah right, a majority vote (consensus - brain fade) on what we want to do re now at "a place" vs a bit later at "the house" or a "place to shoot, etc. Weather's just too much of a consideration here abouts ....

film at 11
If you guys get this together at the end of January or early February, there's a very good chance that I will be out there from Virginia around that time. My family (wife and kids, and my parents) are in Greeley, so I'd be up for just about anything within a couple of hours of there, including the Springs.

Just need a couple of weeks' notice so I can get a good air fare!
E-mail out this AM to whoever's up top & "local." Anybody not receiving, e-mail me & I'll stick you on this list.

Let's see what we come up with.
Is any of this near Bailey?.....ive a good friend who now resides their and I wouldnt mind seeing him and his family....or at the least hooking him up with yall..fubsy.