Colorado TFL get together


Member In Memoriam
Had some off-line talks with some & we want a get together. Got time to plan & too many other parties going on right now anyway.

Would like to get a bunch up to the house & maybe talk a couple of "personalities" on over.

Let's do it. Who's game?
I'm in, assuming I survive NYE. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I'm a new poster to TFL, but have been lurking for a while, have been on Glocktalk for a while. I'm a young'in at 24, but would be interested in meeting some other Colorado shooters.

Count me in, that is if you don't mind sombody from Cheyenne dropping down.

Everybody must be nice during show and tell though :) :) :)
Hey y'all from up north. C'mon down. I live outside Loveland & WY is closer to me than is the Springs. We'd welcome our enlightened brethern from anywhere.

Let's see what kind of response we get & try to set a date. Weather's gonna be a problem (maybe) ... don't have enough room in the house to have 30 folks inside but got a huge deck.
On a long gone BB a bunch of it's members started having a get together. It was dubbed "Gunstock" (get it?). Some of those members post her (John Hunter & Richard Jefferies). Gunstock's started out as just a few posters getting together and evolved into an annual get together hosted by a well know industry insider.

The following is what normally occured (time line wise) at Gunstocks and this worked extreamly well.

Friday Night - Attendees meet at Host's house for general BSing and Sucking Beverages. Retire early!

Early Saturday Morning (0700 or so)- Meet at Host's house and move to range. Morning is set aside for "formal range session" (i.e. everyone shooting a course of fire under timer, ballistic jello testing of ammo, randsom rest testing of arms, ammo comparisoms, etc or what every you want to have everyone do as a group)

Lunch - Held at range consisting of lunch meats, chips, sodas, etc)

Afternoon - General Bang & Clang. Attendees would bring firearms that they though others would be interested in and like to shoot. MUCH BLASTING!

Late Afternoon/Night - After Range a break of a couple hours while everyone cleans up. Then a get together at Host's house to grill out Hamburgers/Dogs, suck many beverages and letting the BS fly. Night usually ended late.

Sunday is reserved for recouperation and attendees trip back home.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Dave that sounds like the way to do it. I might be in and a couple more here that I know, just need aaaadvance warningggg. Keep it to one weekend or us Kalifronia type's might want to stay permanently.
labgrade....David Schmidbauer idea sounds so cool....I'd even promo it on the show :-)...."GUNSTOCK 2000" ......maybe I'll try and dig up "Country Joe and Fish" to supply background music......thanks David!.....still LOL :-)
On a serious note we could arrange this on the weekend we are planning on having Alan Keyes address a AFN fund raising dinner in either Johnstown or Ft.Collins.....planning on about 500 folks showing up.....just a thought!
RE - Gunstock

While this term for a get together of members of a Firearms related BB is not "copy righted" I, for one, would consider having been ripped off if it was used by another BB.

I think I speak for all Prodigy SSBB members, past and present, when I say...

"Think up your own kowl name! This one is taken! ;)

(no meanness intended!!)

Now, haveing said that... maybe members of TFL would like to join Gunstock in the future? It could be a combined Prodity SSBB/TFL Gunstock... kind of like consolidating forces! If the powers that be at TFL would like to do this either myself, John, or Richard can run it by the Prodigy members.

Sounds like a great idea to me!!!

What the hell... I'm going to run it up the poll and see how it flys. I'll let you know.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited December 19, 1999).]
David.....correct me if I'am wrong but did you not get "GUNSTOCK" from "WOODSTOCK"mmmmmmmm!'s that old hippie thing in me coming out :-).....outside of the name the format is great...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>correct me if I'am wrong but did you not get "GUNSTOCK" from "WOODSTOCK"[/quote]

Well... lets see.

Don't think so. Got it from that part of the gun that brings the other parts together so it can be used.

Wait... Having to do with Guns... bringing people together that are firearm enthusiasts...

Naaaaaa - Woodstock was about Music!

OK OK... had to be a wise arse. Yes of course that is where the idea originated. A play on words (a la Gunsite).

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Ah yes us children of the 60's have to stick together.......from "peace and love" to "guns and freedom"....who would of thought!
Ah, the talk of old hippies brings me a misty eye & music? Full auto sounds like Neal Pert to me but he's so slow. :) Can you say post-ammo letdown?

Thinkmy range is shutting down this spring so can't comment on that availability ... will have to see.

Keep the comments coming, but a weekender sounds good to me. Not much room in the house but plenty for tents, campers around the house.

No-L (that's you Rob), when's the Alan Akeyes bit? Hadn't heard that one yet. Would be a hoot to get him out on the range.
Just like the "Bubba's" thing we do things kind of fast....just something we are trying to put together sometime late Jan or Feb ...depending on his (Keyes) commetments....something to help him and for the range ...there is that one just outside FT. Collins that I think is kinda cool....I really think this is a good idea!
i am here in also. as for the range outside ft. fun, it is a member range and unless anyone here is a member of the owl canyon range we will have to look elsewhere. unfortunately the one i belong to has a 2 guest limit at a time. the pawnee grasslands might be happening depending on the weather
I belong to Mile High - west of I25 on 7 & am not sure of the guest limit. Think they would be POd with 30-50 "guest." Extended family might fly tho'. ;)

There's another range NW of Greeley (pretty nice too boot) - see who I can dig up for that one.

I can see it now at Pawnee - at least we could dispell the black helicopter myth with the pictures of one! Hey, we could even ... nope, not going there one li'l bit. ;)
We could even...

...test the effectiveness of the Barnes X-Pander sabot JHP 12-gauge slug in a real-world demonstration? ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872