Colo Springs church assault ended by armed citizen; not well covered in media!

Gun Laws was approved by the lawyers who do not want us (Gun lovers) to do:
1. Not shooting the crimes because this is COP's job. Even though you have gun but you have to notify cop first. You will be dead in one minutes. the shortest time would takes cops to come in is 6 minutes (time to put up with all gears and call backup).
2. No one allow to Carry Gun in most of the vulnerable zones (Churches, Schools, Theathers, Arenas, Stadiums and more beside that some private places also place a No gun sign) regardless one having a license to carry. Crimes love this law because they could execute the innocent people without a stop. This is rediculous law.
3. Good citizens must register and finger prints when we want to have gun and carry license but not the crimes (we all know that). If the crime is shot dead, luckily, the case would be closed but if crime still alive, the good citizen would be sued because shooting crime is still only cop's job.
4. I am frustrated with the lawyers who's making money on Constitution's loop wholes.
5. Any other idea please share ?
editorial on the events

Last week there was a terrible incident at a mall in Omaha, Nebraska. Even though there were signs at entrances to the mall that guns were not permitted, a 20-year-old mentally unbalanced thug walked into the mall and started shooting. Eight innocent people lost their lives.

After the Omaha shooting I opined that things might have been better if there had just been one person – someone with a concealed weapons permit – with a gun in that mall. Could that person have managed to drop the shooter and save a few lives?

Well, predictably, my comments met with howls of outrage from the anti-gun types out there. One frequent comment was that the shooter had an assault rifle and that anyone with a concealed handgun would have been no match for this guy.

Oops ... seems like that excuse is no longer workable. Remember the gunman who shot up two churches over the weekend? It seems that Michael Murray walked into the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado carrying a rifle. He started shooting. Pretty much like the Omaha mall incident so far. But that's where the similarities ended. Jeanne Assam is a member of the New Life Church. She was volunteering as a security guard. She had a handgun. She heard the shooting and ran to the location. There she saw Murray with the rifle. She wasted no time – she didn't think twice – she shot him dead with her handgun. Handgun vs. assault rifle -- predator dead. Would any of you imbeciles out there like to post some more messages now about how someone with a handgun could not possibly confront and take care of a man with an assault woman? Well, this woman did it. So when the shooting starts you anti-gun candy asses can go cower in the corner somewhere and let a woman protect you.

I saw other absurd comments addressing the idea of allowing concealed weapons permit holders to carry inside malls. One such comment was from someone who would not want to be in the "crossfire" that would come if there was actually someone else in the mall with a gun. Yeah .. right. Just try to tell me that whoever posted that comment would, upon hearing the first gunshots from the predator, would look around and say "Thank goodness nobody else around here has a gun." What kind of an illogical fool would be waiting to be shot by some maniac, all the while being thankful that only the predator had a gun?

Some people just won't let logic get in the way of an emotional argument.
the shooter had an assault rifle and that anyone with a concealed handgun would have been no match for this guy
Depends on how sneaky the guy with the hand gun is.

You don't just run out in the wide open and challenge the guy to a duel.
No, you'd want to sneak up on him so you can get a good head shot if possible.
Not a LEO or a politician???

I dont get can Joe and Jane America get it right without them??

I saw on the news there are a lot FAT cops running around with M16 and all kind of gears. It makes me laugh.

shake my head everytime I see this.......the reaction force could take over a small 3rd world country........always late and million dollars short.

Could it be that the answer all long was us? Think how cheap and effective would it be if society took seriously CC and even if 5-10% of any given population was armed and self trained.

Do we trust ourselves with self protection and liberty??

I was just posting in a thread the other day about "Can you live with being called a coward?" Wasn't really surprised about the number of folks who clearly wouldn't have enough courage to do what Ms. Assam did.

clearly the 60's generation has had an effect.

My heart goes out the family AND for Assam.
Do we trust ourselves with self protection and liberty??
Apparently not.

I think most American have forgotten that the government exists to serve the people...not the people existing to serve the government.

It's toally out of control as the people we elect at all levels of government consistantly ignore the will of the majority of Americans.

It's a shame that the only time we come together is during a serious crisis, such as the few months after 911 when everyone applauded Bush for doing something about terrorism.

Now, Bush is the terrorist and the muzlim extremists are "freedom fighters"

If the US doesn't have sense enough to protect itself, then we deserve to get hit again, and again, and again...because of our own stupidity!
A coupla' things ...

Even local news media refers to the armed citizen as a "security guard," thus giving her some kind of "official" capacity. Even Rosie believes in armed security guards -- for things like large money transfers or HER children:


He walked into the east entrance of New Life Church firing his rifle and a security guard, Jeanne Assam, shot him. Jensen said Murray traveled approximately 80 feet down the hallway before he was hit. Police say Assam shot Murray, but could not positively say it was her shots that killed him

woman who shot killer

"If we had not had an armed person on our campus, 50 to 100 people could have lost their lives yesterday," said Boyd.

"I just knew what I had to do," said Assam. "It was me, the gunman and God."

What we need to do is STOP them from getting this spun message out. It was an armed citizen who stopped this assault, and if not for Colorado CCW many, many more would have died. This is exactly the kind of thing that we approved CCW for in this state, and now the media is trying to take this success away.

I suggest everyone who reads this write a letter to their local editor resonding to their coverage, and noting how legal CCW saved lives. We need to deluge the popular media with the truth.

And in terms of the poster who commented that many of us who not have had the courage to step up and do this ... BS!

When someone starts shooting at a mall or a public place, there are good reasons to not engage. You don't know how many trigger happy police are charging up to the scene, you can't be sure you're looking at the BG and not an undercover cop, etc. While I praise and commend people who will charge into a gunfight in any situation, it's not always wise for your personal safety.

But an attack on my church is different. That's my community and a place of my friends. It's a place I know well and people I know well, and outsiders are easier to identify. It's a place I have a personal stake in and both the building and the people are part of my life. Of course if gunshots broke out at my church I would run to the trouble, just as many unarmed people at the church in the Springs ran forward to help. Whether or not I would succeed as well as this woman is unknown, but danged sure I would respond.

I'm sure about anyone who takes the effort to CCW would.
This "armed citizen" obviously has had some training.
At least enough training to know what to do.

I would have no problem shooting anyone who is either taking lives, or is about to.
That's the one time it's OK to blow 'em away!
This "armed citizen" obviously has had some training.
At least enough training to know what to do

They did. But so do I. And so does EVERY SINGLE Coloradan with a CCW, and many who don't.

Any one of the thousands of armed citizens in Colorado could have stopped this. I just wish there were more of us. And less "gun free" zones where this killing can take place.
Yep. The only way to put a dent in crime is to shoot back...instead of just reacting after the crime has already taken place which is what the cops do in most cases.
I think most American have forgotten that the government exists to serve the people...not the people existing to serve the government.
Theoretically is correct but Reality is not.
Are you still paying taxes ? If yes then The people existing serve the government. Question yourself what if a group of Intruders (about three bad guys) are in your living room and your bedroom so who will serve whom? Can cop (who salaried from your tax money) protect you. What if you shoot those bad guys but none of them die then who gonna be sued and revoke the gun rights?
I think either you are a dreamer or a cop otherwise, you may need internet and web to study more about it.
here is some thoughts:
1. If everybody have guns and crime rate is down to "Zero" then
2. We only need traffic monitors.
3. Cop's budgets will be cut. Lots of them will loose jobs. Police department will have a major cut .
4. Lawyers will be loosing all criminal cases and no making money, Judges will only have part time job (Traffic Ticket).
5. And more and more...
6. So bottom line is if people can have good and proper selfdefense then will the Goverment still serve people ?
There are too much to tell but too little space to write.
You are smart enough to know. When I was in the 20s, I was so naive and not anymore since I have to pay all kind of taxes and it keep increase every year while my income is decrease every year. Hopefully, my children will not be homeless.
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Well, originally the government was intended to serve the people that created it. It's what made the US unique in world history.

It's obviously it's not that way anymore.
The fact that an armed citizen using a firearm to stop a shooting would NEVER make it into Big Media. They just can not permit that story to get out. So how do you fix it? In the case of the Appalachia law school shooting the little factoid of guns being used by student was simply disappeared. Denver is media saturated so what you do there is put a spin on it. Not a citizen, but an armed guard. All the better the guard was a former police officer . . . . one of dubious character just adds to the disparagement. Now that it is established in Big Media that she was an armed guard, all discussions about armed citizens can now be minimized in importance.

So instead of an armed citizen stopping a shooting which makes a pretty good case for CCH, etc, we now have an armed guard stopping a shooting. That is what armed guards are supposed to do. No help given to arguments favoring CCH. Problem goes away.
On today's Hugh Hewitt show, just as I was driving in front of the church in Colorado Springs where the shooting happened, Hugh interviewed Rudy and asked about the 2A in light of a CCW holder stopping the attempted church massacre . Rudy tap danced and said that the 2A is important, but tried to justify his gun control enforcement in NYC (I believe this to be as illegal and immoral as slavery). I needed a barf bag for that, but was happy to see it aired on national radio. Unfortunately this is really just preaching to the choir on this radio show. I doubt you will see Ms Assam on the Oprah show any time soon!
The fact that an armed citizen using a firearm to stop a shooting would NEVER make it into Big Media. They just can not permit that story to get out. So how do you fix it? In the case of the Appalachia law school shooting the little factoid of guns being used by student was simply disappeared.

Wow, you really didn't get that information on App. law school at all. As with Colorado, it did make the media, big media, but not repeated time after time. So folks missed it, but just because they missed it does not mean it wasn't there.

Where it may not have been covered well, Nugent went to the other extreme and created his own story, claiming the shooter at App. law school was stopped by an ordinary student he got his legal gun from his vehicle. That ordinary student was one of two off duty cops who got weapons from their cars, one even getting a ballistic vest and later cuffs. Nugent failed to mention the unarmed students who helped subdue the shooter as well.

As with App law school, the citizen in Colorado was far from just a citizen. She was a former cop and was at the church in the position of being security.

I don't see where the media is trying to bury the fact that Assam had a ccw. They mentioned that she was a security guard and that is actually true. She wasn't just a patron of the church who had a CCW and acted, but a security guard for the church. Similarly, they would not have noted that in the role of security guard, had she been a licensed armed security guard, that she had that license. The story as is relevant to most media viewers/readers/listeners is about the legal means by which Assam was carrying her gun. It was about the fact that she acted.
As with App law school, the citizen in Colorado was far from just a citizen. She was a former cop and was at the church in the position of being security.

That's right ... she was not just a citizen ... she was a SUPER CITIZEN. For some years she received a paycheck form a city/county/state policies department, so for the rest of her life she is endowed with SPECIAL POWERS that are FAR OUTSIDE THAT OF NORMAL citizens. Yes ... let us leave our safety and the carrying of guns to super citizens, people who carry a badge, or have once carried a badge, or maybe who have been empowered as security guards to guard the belongings and children of the rich.

This is exactly the kind of attitude the anti's are trying to breed. "Regular" citizens should have guns. Just "special citizens."

She was just a citizen. She was carrying with exactly the same CCW that I am, and no doubt took the same training (unless her former department still approves her to carry nationwide, which is doubtful if they actually did let her ).

So spread the word. This was a normal citizen who defended her community. And is a shining tribute as to why CCW is a good thing for all Americans.