You can carry your gun any way you want, provided you know what you are doing, are gun-aware, and have got accustomed to handling your gun without getting your heartrate up. When you reach that point, thinking that the gun is just a tool, and handle it without getting complacent, you can carry it any way you want. If you have to REMIND yourself to keep your trigger finger along the frame when clearing leather, or REMIND yourself to keep the trigger finger along the slide when reholstering the gun , or REMIND yourself to keep it along the frame anytime between clearing leather and reholstering, you're not there yet. If that is the case, I suggest you get used to handling your gun more often. The way I did this with my wife several years ago, when she got her CCW, and she got her own CCW gun (a G27 BTW), was to tell her when at our home range practicing,,,,CLEAR GUN, no matter what she was doing with it, or where the gun was, holstered, or unholstered. Then MAKE READY. We did this over and over and over, over several months, until she got enough practice in, to convince me she was safe handling the gun. I would tell her just before we went to bed at night,,,CLEAR GUN. The MAKE READY. I still to this day watch her every now and then, for signs of being complacent, or being reckless. Not because I don't trust her, but because if I catch her in a mistake, I WILL be all over her ass, making sure it don't happen again.
Stay Safe.