Coach Gun for Self/Home Defense


New member
I just picked up a Stoeger supreme coach gun and I'm pretty happy with it so far. I also have a Benelli M1 super 90. Despite the fact that I have a modern auto loader with rifle sights, high(er) ammo capacity etc. I bought the coach gun for home defense. I've owned two Mossberg 500s and an 870 police magnum for home defense, and I actually prefer the double gun.

It seems to me that the common opinion is that pump guns are the best for home defense. There are good reasons I suppose: higher ammo capacity, reliability, and that ominous sound of a homeowner racking the gun to show he or she means business.

But, I think there's a good argument to be made for the humble coach gun. While the pump gun has it beat hands down in the ammo capacity dept., I think the coach gun can hold its own in the other areas. A coach gun is more reliable than a pump gun. Once the action is closed, both shells are ready to roll. No feeding of shells means no possible feeding problems. Moreover, if one barrel failed to fire, it is far faster to pull the other trigger than it is to rack another round.

With respect to the intimidation factor, I think too much is made out of the fear a racked shotgun will instill in an attacker. Sure, it tells him that you're armed and you mean business. But, it also tells him where you are. And, if he's armed too, it might actually start a gunfight. Underlying the belief that the sound of a racked pump gun will scare off a perp is the assumption that the perp will choose "flight" when the fight or flight instinct kicks in. But, what if he chooses "fight"? Having a good shotgun in close quarters might give you an edge, but the last thing you want are bullets and buckshot flying around your home (esp. when some are flying at you).

Besides, if you put a standard riot gun next to a coach gun, the coach gun wins hands down in the visual intimidation factor. Rather than racking a slide and hoping the perp runs or gives up, what if the first the perp knew of your armed status was when he was looking down two 12 gauge barrels? If he still wants to fight, you've certainly got the jump on him. In America, anyway, I think pop culture has instilled a certain fear of and respect for the short barreled double gun (all the cowboy and mafia movies, I suppose). We Americans instinctually understand what the gun means.

As far as ammo capacity, I watched Clint Smith do a piece on Self Defense TV about using whatever gun is around for self defense. He showed how a buttcuff and a little technique will enable you to keep up a decent rate of fire with a coach gun. I have my doubts, however, that a reload would be necessary if I fired both barrels of the coach gun at a perp.

I keep a Glock 19 next to my bed and my HD shotgun (now the coach gun) a few steps away from my bed. My HD plan has always involved grabbing the handgun first and then making my way to the shotgun if time allows. I think it's always a good idea to back up your long gun with a handgun when you are defending your life. The reason is clear: in case the long gun malfunctions, it's faster to grab your handgun than to fix the long gun. The same is true for reloading. Especially with shotguns (even pumps or autos), it's far faster to grab your pistol than it is to spend the time reloading.

Bottom line, I think the coach gun is as good as the pump gun for self/home defense. Rather than getting another pump gun, I opted for the nostalgia of a double gun. It's now up to me to make sure that I know how to use it effectively. But that can be said for every gun on the market today.

The longer I own guns (and I have owned plenty) the more I agree with the K.I.S.S. principle. There are few guns as simple as the coach gun.
me too! I keep my Stoeger Coach leaning in near corner by bed/nite lite and Makarov in spare holster velcroed to bedpost. right bbl hi-brass #6, left bbl 3" Mag #4 Buck.
right bbl hi-brass #6, left bbl 3" Mag #4 Buck.

That's another good point. Two barrels means you can load different loads and choose the most appropriate one for the job. I read an article where the author used his coach gun for protection in bear country. He loaded bbl #1 with a magnum slug and bbl #2 with 000 buckshot. The only way to do this with a pump gun or auto is to stagger different loads in the mag tube and cycle the action until you chamber the round you want to use.
I would have no problem with a coach gun for hd. 2 rounds of 00 buck should definitely do the trick.
you said exactly what I think about HD with a shotgun. I use a baikal short bareled coach gun for home defense too, covered by a Glock 19 and a CZ SP01, Jeff Cooper said once that most of the gunfights involving shotguns very rarely involved more than one or two shots, I trust the man!
Beside, in front of a jury a coach gun don't look as "evil" as the black tactical made for kill semi auto or pump shotgun. Don't make me wrong I love my remington 1100, but...
Plom, I like them sandals. lol.;) I just never got the feel for the short barrels and dont get a good follow thru with it because their so short. I got a Baikal(Remington) Bounty Hunter 12ga. coach for sale cheap. If anyone is interested, PM me.
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I have NEVER been a believer in "racking a round in" as being anything more than some Macho talk and secondly, absolutly telling a bad guy where you are. If he is armed, his fear factor may drop a lot. I don't want a BG to have any idea of where I am, which will most likely be near the floor behing a door frame at least. He isn't going to EXPECT a shot or victum near the floor. You need to surprise them and never let yourself be a target.
I think in actuality, most "bad guys" really do NOT want to confront ANYONE. Generally, they break into homes they "think" are empty, owners out for the night.etc.
I sure don't get paranoid about being broken into, I had it happen one time in 50 years and of course, I was 50 miles away. They KNEW I was gone, I am sure they rang the doorbell, knocked on the door and tried to get me to turn a light on or something. I didn't do any of the above, they knew I was gone and of course they broke into the basement.
I don't have a problem at all with people having a gun nearby for safety sake, but SOOOO many in here sound like they HOPE and CAN'T WAIT to have a home intrusion so they can waste someone. I mean all they talk about is an 870 with extended mags, sidesaddles and all.
I admire your thinking, at least you (as I do) figure any situation can be handled within 2 shots.
I really doubt I will get broken into where I am in a running gun battle with BG's that will take 8 to 10 or more shots to stop it. That just seems like the old Rambo mentality and the stuff movies are made of, including bullets that make sparks, good guys never get hit and machine guns that can't hit anybody. It makes for fun movies, but is far from real life.
I actually just have a Berreta 390 with a 28"barrel. I really don't think a shorty barrel is a real help. It is pretty easy to prove to yourself too. All you need to do is go to a range and try hittting a man size target in a kill zone with any gun held close or short. Try it again with the gun shouldered. It is much like trying to point accurately at something with your finger held at your side as opposed to at arms length.
Anyhow, I am sure the flames will start from the Ramboesque crowd.
Best of luck and I hope you never have to defend yourself for real.
Double guns have played a role in HD since forever ..haven't heard or read many complaints about them..the perps are all dead :D

I to like those little coach guns ..ones on my list. :)
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don't have a problem at all with people having a gun nearby for safety sake, but SOOOO many in here sound like they HOPE and CAN'T WAIT to have a home intrusion so they can waste someone. I mean all they talk about is an 870 with extended mags, sidesaddles and all.
I admire your thinking, at least you (as I do) figure any situation can be handled within 2 shots.

I have actually been the victim of home invasion robbery. In fact, it's why I became a gun owner (I was unarmed at the time). Of course I hope that I never have to shoot anyone. But, I will never allow myself or my family to be the victim of someone depraved enough to attack a person in his or her own home. Any robbery is scary, but a home invasion robbery adds an addition dimension because it happens in the one place you expect to be safe.

So, my choice of home defense firearms is informed by the actual experience of having an up close and personal encounter with an armed intruder. There is very little time to react and you really have to take into account that adding a gun to the equation could actually make things more dangerous. In my case, if I had a gun in the house, it would have been very easy for the perp to get to it before I did (which would have been an error in planning, not an error in owning a gun). That's why I keep the handgun close and the shotgun hidden and a few steps away. And, in this instance, even with multiple perps, you'd be lucky to get off two shots with a long gun. If you even have time to get to your long gun, it needs to be COMPACT. moving around in the dark with a long gun and a perp hot on your heals seems impossible (to me anyway) with a 28 inch barrel shotgun. Coach guns, even with 20 inch barrels are much shorter overall than a pump gun or a semi-auto with an 18 inch barrel.

I don't relish the thought of "wasting" some perp. But, someone who is crazy enough to enter an occupied home and harm those inside needs to be put down difinitively.
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Nice post Ruger4570; personally I feel the same way.

There are a lot of folks in here that seem to think a "shotty", (now THAT'S a dumb word), is only good for HD and needs a ton of "tacticool" accessories in order to function.......

When I see these posts from folks who barely seem to know which end to point talking "all bad" about their HD gun, I just go to another forum for a while

Oh well, it makes me realize that there are some VERY uneducated people out there when it comes to guns, and more "edjumacashun" is needed....

Flame on!...:eek:
I watched some cable awhile back the show was about women Cowboy Action shooters. I don't doubt that one or more of the featured women shooters will shoot somebody. weapon of choice? the SXS shotgun. next is revolver.
FWIW - i keep my coach gun loaded with [unexposed] hammers down to keep the tension off of the springs

- With the action open, i squeeze both triggers all the way back and close the action.

- With the gun loaded, point it in a safe direction, and pull one trigger at a time to make sure that both hammers are down and the gun is safe.

- Now all that is needed is to break open the action, cocking the hammers

- I recommend a quality leather shellholder like Galco [they're not cheap, but are well worth it]
I have a 20 gauge Stoeger Coachgun with an Oklahaoma Leather shellholder that holds 6 shells (#3 Buck) in addition to a .357 mag Winchester Trapper model with a 16" barrel. I leave the Coachgun unloaded but shells nearby, I figure I can crack it open and plop 2 shell in in a jiffy. The Lever action Winchester is around if I have more time to react. This may not be the perfect home defense plan but it is better than nothing and a fair balance when you take into account the child safety (visiting grandchildren) factor.
I figure that in the case of a home invasion one shot from the shotgun would probably scatter the lowlifes. Sleeping with a .44 mag under your pillow and having an arsenal in every room would probably be some peoples fantasy but that would just creep out my wife!
BTW, my home has been broken into when I have not been here and much stuff stolen so I really am holding a grudge against anyone in my home without my permission!