CNN's true colors

Saying Britain put the lives of its soldiers on the line to keep the world free is ridiculous. Any research involving the relationship between Britain and the Nazis reveals:

1)The core of the Hitler movement was an outgrowth of British occult societies run by Edward Bulwer-lytton. This is well documented in many books and has even been detailed on a television documentary produced by America's (Anglophile) Public Broadcasting System.

2)Many prominent englishmen including memebers of the Royal family at that time were ardent Nazi sypathizers, including Edward VIII.

3)British policy of appeasement and possibly help through the BIS allowed the Nazi movement to grow into the monster it became.


Also: America is (or was supposed to be) a republic not a democracy. In any event, since you brought it up, how much democracy was there in England's colonies (Africa/Asia) prior to the war? Englands influence in the US is not exagerated. England is the largest foreign holder of American wealth (Yes, greater than Japan). America's establishment is an Anlophile one, and one in which there are still many blood and business ties back to powerful families in England. Bush and Quayle both were distant cousins of the queen. Clinton it is hard to tell since no one seems to know with any certainty who his father was. In any event Clinton had (along with a number of his cohorts) an education at Oxford payed for by the Scholarship founded by that woderful British Racist, Christian hating Platonist, and Homosexual, Cecil Rhodes. If anyone gets Forbes magazine, several months ago there was a major editorial on how perhaps it was time for England and America to merge once and for all. Perhaps Cecil Rhodes' dream might come true after all.

[This message has been edited by Hoplite (edited July 06, 1999).]
Oh dear oh deary me. Hard to argue with people who were born without simple logic.
Sure Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser as were some others but the fact is 99% of the population were not.
Fact they went to war with the Nazis - so the war was a fake was it all those hundreds of thousands of British who died defending England and other countries were just my imagination?
British soldiers fought in many places around the world and not just to defend England itself.

Britian joined the war before they were themselves attacked, they could have cut a deal with the Nazis and sat out of the war.
Now if you were a man you would say this all to the faces of some WW2 veterans and ask them why they went to war and that they didn't fight because they thought Hitler had to be stopped.
Granted their wasn't democracy in a number of English colonies - but the blacks in America Australia etc etc didn't have the vote then either.
England is the largest holder of American wealth, so what ? someone has to be don't they.
If I were into conspiracies I'd be thinking about America taking over the world - Don't you want foreign investment ? America sure makes plenty of money investing in foreign countries like Australia and there is nothing wrong with that.
On a side note please tell your President to allow our farmers to sell our lamb unhindered to the USA, they shouldn't be punished because they produce a better product more efficiently the the American farmers and that Americans like our lamb.

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As for the rise of the Nazi movement - I'm sure the economic conditions of the day in Germany had a lot to do with the peoples attraction to Hitler - some more well read people could comment better as the reasons for the rise of the Nazis - but to put the blame for its rise on British appeasement is a Joke - sure Chamberlain and others weren't right but many other countries were wrong as well.
Maybe the German people who elected him were responsible ? oh no that makes too much sense. The German people seem to have accepted their responsibility for WW2 and that should be accepted rather than silly conspiracy theories.

Our ex Prime Minister bob Hawke was also a Rhodes Scholar as were other politicians.
I have discovered that the USA is planning to take over Australia - they have trained many US armed servicemen at the Albatross Navy Base(yes it's a real base) which I can see from my window. This has been going on for a number of years. Australia also trains regularly with the US armed forces in other places.
The army has blackhawk helicopters and they are painted black.
The New Zealanders are also in on this as they also have forces at Albatross for their SkyHawks. Also our New Collins Class Submarines are having an American designed software system installed , surely so they can take control of them when a war starts.
These McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, Burger King etc are being built in every town in the nation. I believe this is to provide a food source for the transplantation of the population state of California to Australia, they wouldn't like meat pies and tomato sauce. It fits because California and Australia have similar populations levels and climate.
Pine Gap and other secret US installations have been built to monitor Australian armed forces.
Albatross is also expanding and has got increased funding they are probably planning the operation for the year 2000.
Operation Ronald McDonald is being planned now - prepare of face the wrath of Ronald in the year 2000.

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Keep the gloves on boys, no bare-knuckling permitted ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Meanwhile, back on topic, I just got this reply from CNN:

Thank you for contacting CNN Interactive and for providing us your input.

Our goal is to present the news without bias. A copy of this note has been forwarded to the attention of our senior producers for consideration. Please continue to send us feedback concerning your thoughts about current events or your views on how we can serve you better.

Without bias, my arse.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Mr. ASS ASS (in)

I would just encourage everyone to read as much as possible on the subject and formulate their own opinions. The truth is on my side that is for sure.

British history of the last two hundred years (and beyond) is one of treachery and deciet. If there is any doubt ask the Boers in South Africa who had farms burned to the ground and their families murdered and put into camps. Ask the Arabs who were tricked into doing British dirty work and then double crossed after WWI. Ask the Chinese who were drugged and demoralized by England's Opium colony of Hong Kong. I could go on and on but everyone should get the picture.

Oh yeah and by the way, I never said that most of the British population were NAZI sypathizers (along with most of what else you accuse me of), but MANY of the country's leadership was. THAT IS A FACT. The families of those who died should ask them what it was all about!
Sure glad to see we're all on the same side here. Rather than being fragmented like HCI and its subsidiaries.

Wistful Grump
Since when was the Peacemaker intoduced in 1865? Another shoddy fact from the Economist.

Rabbit Assassin,

I don't think anyone doubts the sacrifice of Britain's soldiers, but the stupidity of the pre-Churchill government was appalling. The British derided the sub in WWI as "damned unenglish." This was by an Admiral. No wonder the Germans almost put their navy out of commission in both wars. The British were wedded to battleships well into WWII, and the Ark Royal's defeat of the Bimarck via her "stringbags" still took a while to sink in, a lot less time than it took the US to realize carriers and subs were exxtremely viable weapons The stupidity of their military leaders cost a million of lives at the Somme. Monty was one of their few good generals in WWII. The British military has always been full of gentlemanly idiots, esp. in the days when they had to buy commissions. The British have been too wedded to traditions in the past and this made their sacrifices unnecessarily large. I know the Brits invented the concept of "Blitzkrieg," but who implemented it?
C'mon guys...
for every bad Brit article we have 10 bad American articles. Fighting about mistakes in the past is fruitless and devisive...all that is necessary is to note the mistakes and learn.

So what if some Brits still get pissy about the Revolution...they lost we won.

Lets try to keep things in perspective

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Rabbit Assassin,
I've been waiting for months to call you "bunny butcher"! :D :D

DC, as usual, puts things into perspective. If we want to discuss history, as we've each been taught by our respective cultures, it would be more fruitful to discover why we were taught different "facts". (For example, ref my early, inaccurate Yankee learnin' about the Confederacy.)

More important at present, are the efforts of MANY U.N. member nations to inflict their "unarmed populace" policy on the U.S.! THAT is what we need to be fighting.

Rabbit Assassin, in the past, has been foursquare behind our RKBA. We need to listen to him explain how Australia fell into the hands of their current leadership - then prevent it from happening here in the U.S.

BTW, some of the damndest drinking buddies I ever had were Brit military in Germany. They wanted to drink, have fun, and chase girls! Americans wanted to drink and fight each other. I drank with the Brits! (Chapter Two told only around campfires when we play, "First Liar Doesn't Stand A Chance!" :D )

Blaming RA for British policies is as reasonable as blaming all white Americans because some of our ancestors were slaveholders.

The name of the game is "unity". If we are going to discuss the past, let's make it a learning experience or a distraction such as sox, cars, etc.

I'm bold enough to suggest Rich might tell us to discuss and learn rather than fight from entrenched positions. More importantly, rather than fight each other, let's:

Fight for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Rabbit Assassin: Please take Rupert Murdock back, I believe that he may be the anti-christ. His network and publications have done more harm to society than a thousand Larry Flints and Ted Turners ever could.
Sorry you are stuck with Rupert Murdoch , he is in alliance with Bill Gates they both want to rule the world, I don't know which one is the ant-christ.
Don't let him near sport. He ruined our rugby leauge with a split in the game with two different cpmpetitions for a couple of years. It's united now but it's not the same. I's even more about money than before - The Illawarra Steelers are dead - the StGeorge Illawarra-Dragons is a farce. Its still St George.
Keep him away he will destroy sport or put it all on Pay TV like he did in Britain.
I think we should swap him for the CARE Australian imprisoned aid workers plus a Serbian CARE aid worker in Serbia. Let the Serbians keep him and Bill Gates too. While I'm ranting and off topic - AMIGAS rule!!!!!

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rabbit assassin.
I wouldn't take any of it personally. It is every ones patriotic blood boiling up after the fourth of July. I think Americans are somewhat sensitive about our independence because we are proud of what our ancestors did but some people from other countries and even our own country are always trying to rain on our parade by finding and pointing out every negative aspect they can find about America during and after the war. I imagine it is something like whenever someone mentions Australia someone else says "Did you know that Australia was populated with mostly criminals by Britain." Interesting fact and part of Australian history but it has little if anything to do with Australia today. I also think that since Americans, Britains, and Australians have a lot of things in common they are like brothers that fight a lot amongst themselves. But like real brothers, they can beat each other up but if someone else tries to take on one of them then they all band together.

P.S. If any of you are from Canada I would not go see the South Park movie unless you have a really good sense of humor.
This is supposedly a true story. Some organization in Canada wanted to come up with a Canadian saying equivalent to "As American as apple pie." You know, "As Canadian as..."

The winnner - the best anybody could come up with - was: "As Canadian as possible under the circumstances." :D
Yep that last line says it all - so we may as well end any arguments there. Im proud to say my great great grandfather was a soldier in the 4th foot regiment and actually supervised a road gang after he was out of the army. All the rest were farmers free settlers. I don't mind those convict jibes - because my ancestors weren't :) unlike some other commoners/ I wouldn't be suprised if Bruce or HS had convict blood.
I wasn't trying to be belligerent at first. I just have seen Ivan post a few things I agree with and rarely hear, and interpreted the first post as a swing on him and probably at me too since I have said many of the those same things.

I certainly don't belittle the sacrifice made by people during WWII, I just feel that possibly (like most wars) it was caused by the machinations of people at the top and could have been avoided.

I also partially share an ancestry from and have lived in (for a very short period) England, and don't bear any ill will towards the COMMON person there at all.

I think one reason more importance is placed on the US as opposed to Australia and Canada (another place I have a lot of family) etc. is that these countrys are too small (population wise) to really have any effect on the cause of personal freedom in the world. The United States is really the only country at this point in the game where personal freedom has any importance and that still has the power to be a force for good in the world. Unfortunately it is being used for just the opposite all to often.
After starting that 'sub-thread' with the link to The Economist story - my apologies for any personal animosity it could have provoked between TFL'ers; let it stand for what its worth: Shooters are being demonized all over the world. Charlton Heston's "Cultural War" may well be WW III - no uniforms or battle flags and very often with weapons like booby traps, hidden in good intentions ('for the people... for the children...) and promises of '...a little temporary security'... or 'revised' history.

The United States is doing better than most - more free people, more clout; a longer tradition (despite The Economist's "history") in individual liberty - Switzerland's is five centuries older and keeping and bearing arms is compulsory there; no doubt having essential individual rights 'hardwired' into the Constitution helps. One great threat is urbanization - Australia has one of the world's highest urban densities - in the greatest empty space. City dwellers give up self-sufficiency easily - 'for a little temporary security'.

Here in Latin America we are often in danger of caudillos - strong men and weak congresses...

To the best of my knowledge every dictator has justified grabbing power proclaiming the ideals in the Declaration of Independence of 1776 give or take a few clauses. Afterwards, 'for the good of the people', 'special cases' and exceptions are decreed 'with great reluctance' - generally in favor of the incumbent supremo and cronies.

Almost without exceptions, they succeed because their opposition is split into bickering factions...

I am a citizen of Britain (subject?) and of Argentina. Also a Life Member, Legion etc. Of the NRA, of GOA and contribute to LEEA...because so many of you are keeping the United States a stronghold of individual liberty we are all benefiting from it - so I prefer not to be a freeloader in this.

(My father by the way spent the duration, 1939 to 45, patrolling the Atlantic Ocean in RAF Coastal Command ... against those 'dashed un-english sub things' :) )

Peter Knight (aka El Chimango Pete)
My goodness, Just got back to this topic and looks like I have upset rabbit assassin . My comments were over the great influence the British have over the coming New World Order. I will not back down one inch from this view. The average British citizen will suffer under a one system just as will everyone else.Look at Britain today. The people are so controled it is pathetic. As for the British soldiers in the past war,where would you get the idea I would defame their valor. We are talking about the serious threat to independent peoples everywhere in the world from the elites who are getting real close to putting the screws on the one big obstacle to their one world plans:The United States of America. Imperialism is Imperialism no matter who is doing it. The British Empire committed horrible crimes against the Irish, Boers, Zulus, Chinese, Indians, Americans, and others in their quest for domination. This is fact. NOw we see British leaders and London Banksters(and their counterparts in our own Federal Reserve System) as big movers in the NWO. Nato,the NEw world Army,is heavily influenced behind the scenes from London. New World Imperialism will make the old British Empire look like pikers. My outrage is directed against these elites who for the last century have sent brave men from all races out to fight their contrived and unnessisary wars . I am afraid it is leading up to another contrived bloodbath (WWIII) It is a shame the working classes of Europe in 1914 did not just say no to the planned Bankster war . The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 not only to seize the wealth of America but to bankroll future wars. It has succeeded immensely. From past history we can see where we are headed and it is going to be the same old c---!