CNN's true colors


Staff Alumnus
Just checked into CNN's site, and found this little gem as the lead story:

Americans everywhere will take to beaches and city parks, mountain peaks and river valleys, to celebrate the deeds of a group of separatists who waged an eight-year insurgency against what they saw as a tyrannical British government.

Wow. That isn't just a wee bit prejudiced, is it? Talking about our Founding Fathers in the same terms as terrorists, and that snide little "what they saw as" comment makes me wonder if maybe CNN is getting their operating capital from China.
I read that too, but I was just skimming and I never looked at it that closely like that... I think you're right! Maybe I'll write them! If they were a British news channel I'd understand, but they should be writing something like,

"Proud Americans across the nation will take to beaches and city parks, mountain peaks and river valleys, to celebrate the end of a patriotic struggle to win OUR freedom from a tyrannical British King, who denied our fore-fathers their 'God-given rights.'"

Whatdya'll think?
I wrote to CNN, reminding them in no uncertain words that those "separatists" and "insurgents" gave them the right to say crap like that.

I also told CNN that they were off my bookmarks, and would get no more cash from me via banner ads.

Bastards. On this of all days, to trash the Founders... good thing I don't have a CNN toadie before me right now. Good for the toadie, that is.
Gee, I kind of like that wording. It's a little more historically accurate than the common belief that they created our little socialist utopia/shopping mall with a wave of their hands.

Makes us look a little less nutty.

Hey, at least we don't wear them white-powdered wigs! ;)

I see what you mean. Maybe the American public needs it spelled out for them like that, in modern words the can relate to. It does sort of put it all into perspective. Can you say "Wake up call"? The only difference now, is that the tyrannical government doesn't need to ship reinforcements across the ocean. They're already here.

7-4-99 340PM EDT What do you expect from Ted Turner who gave one million to the scummy Un, married a Communist traitor,and is a big collaborator with Gorbechev whohas helped wreck the former US military from the Presidio in Kalifornia. Of coarse, CNN willsay nice things about Britain. Brits, I believe , are the biggest boosters of coming Global government(Klinton is only errand boy for the London Banksters). British Imperialists cannot wait until the day their sorry crowd is back in official power in America. One could easily see during Nato agression against Serbia that Brits were and are the big movers in Global movement. Control comes out of London and the US is the cannon fodder for the new world order. I digress a bit,but turn off your TV and get a shortwave radio for the truth.
Just remember that CNN also stands for the "Clinton News Network", and they make sure that it goes exactly that way.
BTW, have you noticed that they and the rest of the media are starting to make a big deal out of George W. Bush's military service, but never once mentioned Klintoon's running off to Moscow and organizing anti-war demos. in England during the Viet Nam unpleasantness.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security."[/quote]

-Benjamin Franklin

These words explain everything that's wrong with Americans and our government today. It's my favorite Founding Father quote.

I wrote it down and taped it to the side of my tool chest at work. One guy sneered, then later complained about health insurance plans that make you use specific doctors. I reminded him of the quote, even spelled out it's relevance for him. He didn't get it.

Another guy thought I was trying to say something about being a temporary employee for so long without getting hired on permanently. He didn't get it either, duh!

These are the kinds of people that bring me down. Bring all of us down. And they are everywhere. Even if they voted, what would they base their choices on? It's depressing. And embarassing. These are Americans???

CNN is good for picture shows of our latest international meddlings. I don't watch TV anymore.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 04, 1999).]
Teddy Boy has stated that CNN does not have foreign correspondents. It does not matter that Joe Blow Newscaster is standing in downtown Left Armpit, Mudvania he can not refer to himself as a foreign correspondent.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
7-4-99 954PM EDT Just read that article from the economist. Proves my point. Brits are still smarting from the Revolutionary War when a ragtag group of New ENgland Militiamen started it all by chasing the B------S(Iwould spell it but no profanityhere) all the way back to Boston. Gads I cannot stand those pompous people.Neither could the Founders! What areally makes me made is that American civilians sent so many private guns to Britain after 1939 because Britain had disarmed its people in the twenties . I am sure those guns never got back to America.
Ivan. I'm sure you're right about all those guns never coming home. I do know of one that did, years later. I believe it was a Springfield 1903 that had been made into a sporter. It was returned with a brass inlay thanking the owner for the loan, or something to that affect. The atricle was in an AMERICAN RIFLEMAN some time in the 60's, if I remember correctly.
Paul B.
The Economist needs to do a bit more reading before they pushe that load of crap. Anyone here think the NRA revealed its legislative might by disembowelling the 1968 Gun Control Act in 1986? And how about the Seminole Indian reference? By May 10th 1842, when the United States delcared the war over, without I might add the benifit of an agreement with the Seminole nations, the total cost had reached 40M dollars.I doubt that there was no purchase of arms there. The drover reference alway cracks me up. Cowboys were for the most part black. Could there possibly have been some fear of an armed black man in a town filled with white women?What a complete fabrication and distortion of reality.

OBTW: I believe that the Seminole people still are in a state of war against the United States. They have never, to the best of my knowledge, signed any treaties ending hostilities.

Usually stuff like that goes over the CNN wire on days when Ted is ticked off because Jane hid his Scotch and Anti-depressants.
In regard to the program on the donation of arms to the British during World War 2, I believe another two reasons for Britain being a lightly armed nation at the time was that the British Army had abandoned so much equipment at Dunkirk that they were pretty much without their originally issued gear and weapons, and after World War One (you know, that "war to end all wars") the British government so thoughtfully divested itelf of all of those unpleasant reminders of death (rather than their poor choice of signing into their treaties or ententes or whatever they were that got them into the mess) by dumping their surplus weapons into the Atlantic Ocean.
Ivan while Americans sent guns - thousands of British and allied soldiers were dying and America was sitting out of the war saying it's Europes war not ours. I see you think sending some guns over which were used by the home guard is a bigger deal then sending men to die.

Your comments disgrace the memory of the british soldiers who put their lives on the line to keep the world free.
If I were into conspiracies id look at ww1 and ww2 and see that the USA entered the war late and think that they were actually part of a conspiracy to rule the world with the Germans. That makes as much sense as your stupid theories.
It took Britain the USA and the rest of allies to keep the world free. Im sick of these comments from ignorant Americans attacking the British or some other nation without any idea of the facts. Take note Ivan America is not the Saviour of the world - it is a joint effort between all allies that has kept everyone including the US free.
Note this is not directed to everyone here just the ignorant few.
Ivan I bet you get your pompous view of the British from tv shows. I have to tell you tv isn't always real.
I'm Australian and proud of it but can't let attacks like this on the British go undefended. From the content of your posts Ivan I think you should head over to it's more your crowd there.
As for freedom what country has the longest running democrAcy Ivan ? care to take a guess ?
Also remember your founding fathers also had their back pockets very much in mind when ut came to the revolution - take that issue out of it and the USv would have become indpendent peacefully sooner or later just like Australia, Canada , New Zealand and others did.

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