CNN vote for/against .50 cal .....

The fact that people don't want the .50 BMG (Big Machine Gun ;) ) in the hands of "civilians" (read citizens) is what's SCARY!

I can think of four reasons to own one:
1) Target practice on the plains (NOT planes).

2) Competition

3) Just for the fun of it.

4) Just in case......Lord please let it never be needed.

By the way, I don't own one, and probably never will, but I hope a lot of you out there DO. ;)
Has anyone read the articles about the custom/semi custom light weight models out there? They're gaining in some popularity and sure look like fun!

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"(T)hese firearms are neither designed nor used in any significant number for legitimate sporting or hunting purposes and are clearly distinguishable from rifles intended for sporting and hunting use"[/quote]

Curious, here I was under the impression that the revolution in .50 BMG rifles was pretty much started and brought to fruition by and for the long range bench shooting community and that the military applications only came about after the fact.
Just FYI, the CNN report last night did say that a .50 was used in an attempted armored car robbery last year in Altlanta. Showed lots of holes in the Armored car, and a lot of cool footage of the US Army Sniper School demonstrating the .50 going through a safe, manhole cover, concrete blocks, etc.

What they failed to mention was the high cost for the .50 rifles. Hmmmm, nobody want's to destroy that image that they are only $29.95 at Wal-Mart, and no mention of the $2-3 cost per round to shoot...

Oh yeah, they also mentioned a .50 smuggled from US to Ireland was used to shoot 9 British soldiers in Ireland and Cuban exiles being prosecuted for a plan to use 2 .50 rifles to shoot down a Castro aircraft. But then, criminals always use whatever they can, right?

All in all, just another small step in the plan to eliminate all firearms....


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
dz, thanks for posting the text of the law. Interesting how they mention the .50 by name--if worst ever came to worst, perhaps Barrett should introduce the .49 Special. :)
Say it in any tone of voice--it's just not threatening, and that's all they really care about, deep down.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
New and Improved! The .49 Friendly!!! Goes really Fast, and is too accurate to use on anything but Targets. For the seriously amiable competitor! Come see the newest Barrett .49 Friendly at the Mountain Dew Booth at your nearest Extreme Sports Display, today! :D


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

If you did use a 50 in a crime - Really - what would be the differance from a .30-06? You have the same results...

This just stems from the arguement "You dont really NEED that." What a LAME argument to be used in the United States! Who said ANYTHING ABOUT NEEDS? Screw NEEDS. If this was a NEED based country - no one would have an Lincoln Town Car or a Lexus... NO one NEEDS to Drink BEER - it aint a vital nutrient (Dont Flame me guys!) Foot Ball is not a NEED. We dont NEED 99% of the crap shoveled out by the media. This isnt Cold War Russia - this isnt a Red Squar Bread Line... THATS NEED Based.
We are Americans. We have WANTS.

As bad as the movie FIGHT CLUB is - I hope is puts some Back Bone into this spineless nation like the movie COLORS put gang violence into our every day lives.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
At the Gun Rights Policy Conference in St. Louis last month, a fellow from the 50 Caliber Shooters Society gave a talk. very interesting. It seems that the legislation they are pushing ostensibly to ban the .50 BMG contains a provision to extent it to any "sniper rifle", i.e. any centerfire rifle with optical sights. Obviously, they create a climate of fear over the 50 BMG, then use it as a means of justifying going after every hunting rifle in the country.
here is another wrinkle

there are uppers for the AR 15 to mount a screw breeched 50bmg
the lower is defined as the rifle

because an AR can shoot the 50bmg
could the ban extend to the whole AR?
look at what happened when Olympic made a 7.62 x 39 ar pistol
steel jacketed rifle ammo became banned AP
because of one pistol sized upper...

You can't buy a rifle OVER .50 cal right??

so how come I can still buy a dinosaur stopping 600 or 700 nitro express double rifle? I mean hey.. we don't have elephants or dinosaurs in the states either. So how come you can buy a nitro double (at a HUGE cost of course) and you CAN'T buy a Howdah double pistol (without paying the x-fer tax).

I've never shot a .50... but I have been near one going off... man that thing sends up a vortex of dust that any spotter worth his salt could target. Guess that when it PAYS to have a "ballistic advantage" of a mile or more.

Oh and what would the service life of your aluminum AR lower be after launching 20 rounds of 50 cal? Bet that Small take down pin opening would be a LARGE one pretty quickly. Best to stick with guns designed AROUND the cartridge rather than "adapting" existing weapons systems to the beast.

Just musing,

You know, I got to ask "SO WHAT" if the .50 has never been used in a crime. What has that got to do with anything? If they ban it people will just build .49 caibers. It's just another way to alarm people. Don't forget, the media will use any issue it thinks will work against gun owners. You want to maintain freedom? Destroy the current media power brokers. They are the one's our politicians are cowtowing to. They are the ones who who decide for you what issues are important. They are the ones who are your ultimate and mortal enemy. They want to direct society to be in the image they think is right. You people need to recognize that it is the media who is behind our loss of rights. I say that maybe freedom of speach isn't as valuable as they make it out to be. Maybe, unless each of us has a voice, then free speech isnt! To my way of thinking, the second amandement is more important than freedom of speech (the first amendment) for without it we will be lead as the power brokers (media owners) see fit. I will fight for the second amendment more strongly than an antigunner might fight for the first amendment. The .50 debate is just a red herring. Where do you stand?

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited October 19, 1999).]
I've got the perfect super weapon... shoots a bullet the size of a needle over 1,000 yrds accurately. Goes so fast that it will pass right through someone without them knowing or leaving a mark. If you coat the neddle/bullet with a posion, when it passes through someone, it will appear as though they had a heart attack. A weapon like this could be made in a handgun size, very small and concealable.

That ought to scare the crap out of um...


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I placed my vote, bringing up the total to about 74%

I don't own a .50, either, but I was thinking in terms of those who own those Desert Eagle .50 AE hand cannons.

Talk about knock-down power--both for the target and the shooter!

I just wish the friends of the people would can these half-assed attempted to ban this and that gun and do what's right: ban evil incarnate!

Then again, I can hardly expect them to outlaw their own existence...
We're at 76% at the moment.

Thanks to all TFL members who voted (or will vote ;) ). Great thanks to all our "extra-territorial" members who voted. Special thanks to Bruce for the "heads up"!

Vote early, vote often!
Don't forget to vote for our dearly departed!

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 20, 1999).]