CNN vote for/against .50 cal .....

Don't know how much you people wish to participate in this sort of thing any more, but .50 cal is obviously under fire (pun intended) and you may wish to add your voice.

The pros are winning 72% to 28% at time of submitting this.


PS: I've already voted for you, even though we can't own .50 cal. No the calibre isn't banned per se, but no range in Australia has a police licence to fire it as an approved firearm. (So I'm told.)
got to love there disclamer if the vote dosent go there way they just wright it off added my vote any way the no s still have it by a long way

To my knowledge, a .50 BMG hasn't been used in a basically this has become a fear issue based on potential.

We should invent a fictious "supergun", with all sorts of scary properties, circulate the story and see if the anti's bite.

Ban the .75 cal HP Wagner!!! :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You know, DC, I doubt if .50 BMG ever will be involved in any crime, other than simply existing. None of those big bore guns is easily portable, much less concealable by any stretch of HCI's imagination.

We should, however, ban the Diablo .666
it was 70 to 30 % for the no's.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
I sincerely hope they do not ban the .50 BMG. My Barrett is my backup piece to my 40mm grenade launcher...just joking of course!

Every poll I've participated in usually has the pro's winning by a large margin. I find it strange how you only hear about the anti's winning polls on the news.

Regardless, my vote submitted and thanks for the link.
I look at voting in these internet polls as a defensive manuever. We know damn well they will never report on them if they come out pro-gun so, better to "kill" it off by voting in everyone that comes along. At least it's made useless to the anti's.

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
I voted no, but of course. I don't own a .50 rifle but have shot more than a few (as well as a few Ma Deuces). The first one I fired was a cannon breech homemade jobbie using a the barrel out of an aircraft gun.

I wonder if the desire by the Dems to ban them was caused by a rapid anal puckering when they heard they were out there. :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

The above URL was just distributed to members via the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia e-mail "alert" system this morning. (Monday 18th)

Guess CNN can expect a "few" more votes from Australia ;)

How silly to say the .50 rifle has not been used in crime. 42 billion people have been shot to death just in the past year with this terrible weapon of war, and 286 billion wounded. Some of these killings were carried out at a distance of 89 parsecs with ease. This deadly weapon has been used to destroy whole planets and punch black holes in space. We must ban the .50 caliber rifle now!

- (Press release from Allgun Control, Inc.)

At one time in the US we took to heart the philosophy of 'I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it'. (de Toqueville?) Freedom truly was paramount.

Now, we are a nation of cowards, blathering like fools as we debate what new restrictions we want enforced against our neighbors. We've accepted that blight in our 'homeowners associations' by 'voluntary' enlistment when we purchase property. Now we apparently expect it in society at large.

So much for 'diversity' and 'empowerment'.

So, can I mount a bayonet on a Barrett? ;)

DC has the right idea - if we did 'invent' a fictitious 'super gun', I'd give high odds we could get the anti's frothing in fairly short order. I'll start the bidding - a 'laser-guided' bullet! ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 17, 1999).]
some one ought to do some serious cnc machining and re invent the 50 cal air rifle!

just think of it...

no regulated powder to buy

pump it up and breech any tanks armour
kill quietly at a thousand yards


it worked for lewis & clark

A .50 BMG being used in a crime!!?? The anti's are always worth a good laugh!

What did Arnie ask for in the first Terminator movie when he was "shopping"?
Something like a "30mm plasma rifle in 40 watt range". Hey if it was in a movie it MUST be true! Where can I get one!

Adapt, Innovate, Overcome

[This message has been edited by 2tapcm (edited October 18, 1999).]
This is just another attempt for the leftists to make a civilian army impotent against an opposing (or invading) army.

Have you priced these things? The semi-auto .50 starts at $6,300. And they are anything but portable or concealable!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">code:</font><HR><pre>Should sales of the .50-caliber rifle be restricted in the U.S.?
Yes 30% 3678 votes
No 70% 8667 votes
Total: 12345 votes[/code]

I don't care if these things are offered for $79.95 in a youth version with a free pack of bubble-gum; they are legal, pose no threat, any attempt to regulate is a post-hoc violation, and are of far less danger to anyone than my '89 Ford pickup. (I've got to start catching up on my sleep... ;))

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

funny thing is long range sport shooters invented the 50bmg bolt action

its been sporting purpose since the 60's

not that i thinbk sport purpose has any bearing on the second...

Not that it matter in this bogus poll, but I know of 1 case in which a .50 WAS used in a crime.

This guy went into a King Soopers and shot his estranged wife, he then went out to his car and opened the trunk and took out an sks and shot up a bunch of cars in the parking lot. The first cop on the scene took a shot from the guy's Second rifel, a .50 cal Barret. the perp shot at him as the car pulled up. Through the windshield and then his head. He was killed instantly.

Luckily, an armed citizen was nearby. He drew down on the guy while he was reloading knocked him to the ground and held him there. The citizen was an IRS auditor or a postal cop as I recall.

Anyway, this happened in Littleton colorado 3 or 4 years ago (well before coumbine).


This Act may be cited as the `Military Sniper Weapon Regulation Act of 1999'.


The Congress finds that--

(1) certain firearms originally designed and built for use as long-range 50 caliber military sniper weapons are increasingly sold in the domestic civilian market;

(2) the intended use of these long-range firearms, and an increasing number of models derived directly from them, is the taking of human life and the destruction of materiel,
including armored vehicles and such components of the national critical infrastructure as radars and microwave transmission devices;

(3) these firearms are neither designed nor used in any significant number for legitimate sporting or hunting purposes and are clearly distinguishable from rifles intended for
sporting and hunting use;

(4) extraordinarily destructive ammunition for these weapons, including armor-piercing and armor-piercing incendiary ammunition, is freely sold in interstate commerce; and

(5) the virtually unrestricted availability of these firearms and ammunition, given the uses intended in their design and manufacture, present a serious and substantial threat to the
national security.


(a) IN GENERAL- Subsection (a) of section 5845 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (defining firearm) is amended by striking `(6) a machine gun; (7) any silencer (as defined in
section 921 of title 18, United States Code); and (8) a destructive device.' and inserting `(6) a 50 caliber sniper weapon; (7) a machine gun; (8) any silencer (as defined in section 921 of
title 18, United States Code); and (9) a destructive device.'


(1) IN GENERAL- Section 5845 of such Code is amended by redesignating subsections (d) through (m) as subsections (e) through (n), respectively, and by inserting after
subsection (c) the following new subsection:

`(d) 50 CALIBER SNIPER WEAPON- The term `50 caliber sniper weapon' means a rifle capable of firing a center-fire cartridge in 50 caliber, .50 BMG caliber, any other variant of 50
caliber, or any metric equivalent of such calibers.'

(2) MODIFICATION TO DEFINITION OF RIFLE- Subsection (c) of section 5845 of such Code is amended by inserting `or from a bipod or other support' after `shoulder'.

(c) EFFECTIVE DATE- The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.