CNN Town Hall tonight 9pm EDT, 8pm CDT with NRA participation

I learned a couple of things from Dana Loesch last night.

1. There actually is a law already on the books in Florida that could have been used to prevent the shooter from buying a weapon. It could have been used to detain the guy. I think the term used was the Baker Act.

2. The NRA produced a school safety plan after Sandy Hook to help schools increase security. (I’m kind of proud the NRA did this!)

And like him or not I caught Rush Limbaugh talking about the Town Hall Meeting and thought his analysis was pretty good. He referred to it as a left-leaning lynch mob but really, IMhO, did a good job of describing in detail everything that went on there.
I'm new to this forum and it seems there is a fair number of members hostile to gun ownership. It's surprising but not unprecedented. I used to know a guy that would brag about his AR's and NFA weapons but call for a ban on all semi autos. It's called "hypocrisy" and it's pretty common.

The NRA's biggest mistake in the last decade
was never getting out in front of the issue with
proposed legislation on limitations of ARs,
hi-cap magazines, bump stocks and other

So supporting the 2nd Amendment was a mistake?

"You can't look a dead kid's father in the face and..." That's crap. Strong character, concerned with facts and core beliefs, not staying in office, can look Death itself in the face and not flinch. Rubio isn't that man. Most politicians aren't. I guess he thinks liberals will donate to him now.

Anyone in a gun free zone is a target. I believe the local school system, FL, and the US federal govt should be sued for not providing security that could have prevented this. Anyone that believes a teacher has the maturity to carry a gun outside of campus but magically loses that maturity on campus is prejudiced.

I just sent Marco Rubio a sternly-worded email and a very sternly-worded voice message. I can't vote him out but I can send money to any challenger he has.

I recall in 2016, on another gun forum, the hope people had. Hughes Amendment would be repealed, silencers would become easier to get, national reciprocity for self defense, some even thought NFA would be repealed.........I was more cautious in my optimism.

I'm not giving up my guns. I will fight with all my power any attack on my rights. I just joined Gun Owners of America. I am on the verge of demanding my NRA Lifetime Membership money back, I could buy two lifetime GOA memberships with it.
CNN involved in anything will be a disaster for logic and reason.

Here, here, and there, there.

When I called GOA to join I asked if they had a counter-protest planned. "The media would just ignore it." He's right. The Left owns that sector of USA. Even Fox News constantly gets gun facts and gun laws incorrect.

GOA phone guy agreed with me "better to save our energy and money for when the voting comes."
I'm new to this forum and it seems there is a fair number of members hostile to gun ownership. It's surprising but not unprecedented.

I don't find it surprising. I believe it reflects the distribution of shooters generally. This board has a lot of people who are quite knowledgeable about arms themselves. If you ask a question about the traits of the magazine spring in a 1943 Rand 1911, there's a fellow here to answer. If you want to know about the need to retain the anodyzing on your AR upper when using a stainless barrel, there's someone who will tell you more about it than someone like me can remember. This is a shooters board.

My experience in gun clubs is that most people find what they really enjoy, 3 gun, pistol bullseye, trap etc. and develop that interest to the exclusion of most others. I've noticed that people tend to think that the thing they do is what is protected, but the things the other guys do is outside the core of the right. Pistol shooters may decry the dangers of rifles. Rifle guys complain that pistols are a criminal tool. Skeet shooters think everyone else is a hood. Other hobbies have similar fault lines.

Shooting a firearm really well and knowing everything there is to know about it is not the same as believing that the right described in the 2d. Am. is important. There are people here who believe it is antiquated and dangerous.
44 AMP said:
That Florida police chief (or sheriff, whatever he is) said he's going to have his officers with AR15s on that school campus, now.
Yeah, isn't that classic? Talk about locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen. The odds against any particular school being the site of a shooting are pretty heavy to begin with. The adds against a school becoming the site of a second shooting are astronomical. It's not like there hadn't been school shootings before. The fact that he now wants to flood the campus with armed deputies but didn't do so before is proof positive that he and the school board were fully on board with an "It won't happen here" mentality and that whatever security measures they had in place were nothing but security theater, inadequate measures taken only to create the illusion of security. And if he now thinks he needs five deputies where he previously had (or maybe didn't have) one, then a reasonable person might conclude that he knew one deputy wasn't adequate to cover a campus of that size, but they (whoever "they" were) made a conscious decision not to adequately staff security at the school.

In other words, the dollars were more important than the kids' lives. And that worked out just great ... right up until it intersected with reality.
In The Ten Ring said:
"You can't look a dead kid's father in the face and..." That's crap. Strong character, concerned with facts and core beliefs, not staying in office, can look Death itself in the face and not flinch. Rubio isn't that man. Most politicians aren't. I guess he thinks liberals will donate to him now.

Yes, IMO, Rubio came across as weak and pathetic. I applaud him for having the guts to go there, but he was too weak and wobbly in the face of all that hate. The right to keep and bear arms is a RIGHT, and as such, no one should have to feel ashamed to defend the right. The problem is too many don't know how to defend it. In terms of telling a grieving father you will not support gun bans, that is very doable. You do so in a kind way, not an acerbic way, but you explain that you can no more infringe on the right to arms after a school shooting then you could infringe on the rights of Muslims after 9/11, or rights of privacy, religion, due process, etc...after something like 9/11. You explain that the AR-15 has been legally available to civilians since the mid-1960s ('64 or '65) and weapons functionally identical to it have been available long before then. The Tommy gun since the 1930s and the 1911 semiautomatic detachable magazine pistol since 1911. But yet, mass shootings were not a problem back in those days. Which shows that the cause of these mass shootings is not the firearms, it's something else. One of the worst mass shootings ever was the Virginia Tech massacre, with 32 killed and 17 injured. That shooting was committed with handguns. So the technology to do so has been around for over 100 years now.

Some say, "That we even have to have this conversation/debate is pathetic!" but you could easily flip that and say, "That gun rights are even called into question after a mass shooting is absurd. We didn't call into question rights to due process, privacy, and religion after 9/11 with 3,000 people killed." The right to keep and bear arms should be as sacrosanct as the other rights.

Having your loved ones killed does not give you a moral high ground to stand on and demand the constraining of other people's rights. I also am sick of this "weapons of war" nonsense. For one, that is precisely what the right is about. Weapons of war. Tools of combat. It is not a "right" to weapons that the government approves of for you. No more than the right to free speech is a right just to entertainment or recreational speech and not political speech.

In addition, pretty much every commonly-owned gun in the United States is a weapon of war in the sense of being used by the military or grounded in a military design.
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Well boys, I did find this and I believe it has a semi-valid point. I'm aware that the federalist isn't exactly unbiased, but neither is CNN...

I do think there is a little something to this. Fudds who usually don't care so much about restricting AR15s might feel differently if their old Colt 1911, or Ruger 10/22 that they use to plink with their kids, is up for grabs. If you paid attention to the Town Hall, it seemed that an across the board semi-auto ban was en vouge. Even fairweather 2A fans will fight this.

At the same time, the Town Hall also catered heavily to emotion, and some folks with no opinion either way will likely be swayed.
I remember one outdoor range owner in Illinois
who said as the sales of ARs started to grow:
"These guns will only cause us nothing but trouble."

That plays into the hands of the gun-ban crowd, letting them decide which guns are "good" or "bad".
I am always bewildered when gun owners feel guilt after a mass shooting, like that moron who sawed his AR into pieces, as if he was in some way responsible for the Parkland shooting because he owned an AR?
You can't drink the gun-ban koolaid AND support the Second.
He sawed the barrel in half...instant SBR without a STAMP

That would have been delicious.

Somewhat similar to the Portland pastor that won an AR15 in a raffle but gave it to a friend because of course he could NOT have a weapon of war.

Or the Washington DC TV anchor person that showed off a 30 round "magazine-clip" on the air for dramatic effect not ever thinking that the law banning them in the area would EVER apply to him.

These folk need remedial 'sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander' training.