CMP .45's

You won't be seeing any Singers in the stores, or via mail order, sorry. Those would go directly to auction and bring much, much more than $2,000.
As I am sure everyone knows, there were only 500 Singers made; reportedly all or most went to the Army Air Forces. If so, most probably went down over Germany and are not going to be coming back. The odds of even one Singer being still in inventory are so remote as to be near impossible.

I guess I should stock up on canned tuna and start aiming for $3500 minimum

....x10 on the CMP auction site. It's one of the very few places where there is almost zero chance of it being a fake and items there routinely bring money well over market value. The running joke is "of the 500 Singers made, there are only about 5,000 left". I do agree with James though, it's a pretty remote chance that there's any in inventory. But you never know, There were only 500 Winchester educational order Garands and a few of those have popped up on the CMP auction. I managed to buy one long ago, not from the CMP, but it's legit and not a reweld.
All I know is, CMP is a great thing. Some of the carbines I've seen photos of from the recent release are fantastic.
$1000 for a M1911A1? I won't be buying one, but the price is probably right.
I hope we can see the Berettas in the future. I wouldn't be all that interested, but would be great for CMP. Also if they started selling new production target pistols, like Ruger MK IIIs. I hope this opens the door.
Chances of a Singer coming up are near zero. Like others said, if it makes it to auction they will bring market value. Non-matching Singer is probably going to be at least $10k. Every example I have seen (not in person) have gone $30k+.
However there is a fair chance to see some Union Signal guns come up. Still will go well over $2k. Current value of a matching Colt is already well over $2k

Reading this thread makes me almost physically sick to think of all the "plain vanilla" 1911A1 pistols that I bought for 100 bucks or less & then resold for 150.oo or less over the last 3 decades.
("Smart too late" fits well.)

yours, satx