Closure or Topics?!?!?


Your feedback and comment on both sides of this issue is most welcome! It is critical to us as we wrangle with the administrative issues and consider the plethora of options of how best to deal with non-topic discussion and its inevitable consequences.

Please feel free to continue to comment on this issue; express your concerns and any experience or observations which you think may assist in our decision making processes.

Believe me, as an ancient annointed denizen (no Net back then) of the cyberscape, from before the inception of bulletin boards, and as my worn and letterless keyboards on all my computers (yes, I still have my Apple IIe & IIc, AT-luggable & 386 laptop up and running, mostly out of sentiment however) will attest, I'm in the running for top contender for Der Gabbfest Meister. So, both sides of this issue are near and dear to my heart. That's why getting your input is so important to us... We're as personally and preferentially embroiled in this issue as each of you.

Keep'em coming!!
I was right there with you on the Apple II Mykl.... 300 BAUD !!... sheesh....

One thing that I have always valued about finding a group of people similar interests is becoming FRIENDS with them. Seldom in life do I have someone who I enjoy conversing with that I only converse with on one topic.. even Guns.

It was my impression that the original intent of the General Forum was to allow us to discuss things such as sports, movies, motorcycles, cars, etc... with people that we already had much in common with (guns)..

Use the Search Engine to check the posts from Last fall to the General forum and I think you will see what I mean.

Just my two cents.

My final word on this issue:
We have amended the Policies to allow for any discussion of "Civil Liberties issues". However, this does not convey our entire intent.

We recognize that we have a really good thing going here on TFL. Like many of you, I have made a number of real friends here. To ask you to refrain from friendly conversation would be a bit too formal, we think.

Feel free to post to this Forum any topic you wish. Just use your best judgement. We're not so much worried about the bandwidth as we are about the "personality" of the board.

Fair enough?

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited June 19, 1999).]
Cool! I've never had a problem on closed threads. It is your board after all (and a d*mn good one too). The deleted threads was the only thing 'raised my eyebrows'.
Rich, Mykl, and group: While I may not always agree with the timing of a closed thread, I understand the necessity.

Deleted threads are like hiding dirt under a carpet. I would rather not see it done. The policy stated by Rich is, in my opinion, a good one. GLV
I do not agree. It is not "fair enough".
It is above and beyond the call of duty.
Thank you, Rich.
Mykl & Rob: You guys with incredibly powerful Apple IIs were the rich spoiled kids. I was still stuck in the pre-cambrian, with the lowly Commode Vic20.

Rich & Mykl: Thanks for the guidance. I, like many I imagine, am more than willing to follow the rules to the letter to avoid the "acretions to TFL's shores", but as pointed out, we need to know just exactly what is and what is not an "off-topic" post. Like Dennis, I am a terrible offender, and like Dennis, I think "using your best judgment" is more than fair. I just want to be clear that it is OK to post some non-gun-related, non-civil-liberty-related, yet interesting topic threads (?). I got chastised a little today by posting about hockey. The "best judgment" idea may very well work to accomplish the goal of maintaining a dignified TFL "personality", but I wonder if there couldn't be just a tad more guidance as to how off-topic we ought to stray. Jokes? Current events? Sports? Computers/Software? I wasn't planning on asking about sexual deviancy or laundry, but is the former stuff still OK if in my judgment, it will be of interest to many at TFL?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited June 21, 1999).]

Yeah...jokes, Puter stuff...errr, sports I guess.....stuff that is of interest.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

Okay, If you're opening this up to a confessional:
I saw 3 of the computers that I learned and worked with "in the beginning" of the Boston Computer Museum. Talk about making one feel antiquated!
Ok, you guys! I started out on a 704 and then graduated to a 7094. And you should've seen my Wang! It was very fast.