Closure or Topics?!?!?


New member
"Closure Of Topics"


I understand that the subject matter discussed on this board is at the discretion of the administration, but I find it disturbing and bordering on sensorship when Topics like, "War on Drugs" and "Black Boxes in Cars" are locked down because they have nothing to do with guns, when other threads like the never ending "Jokes" series continue . I'm not saying that we should strictly enforce a topic lock down, but maybe we could have an "Off the Topic" area to openly converse about current issuues and personal intrests with like minded people, without cluttering up the "General" area.


[This message has been edited by chucko (edited June 12, 1999).]

Regarding an off-topic area. There is no such thing as an off-topic area. Seems the web and Usenet have so many places that any conceivable topic will fit in its own dedicated niche. I go to several of them myself, so I don't unnecessarily restrict the bandwidth, waste memory, and slow the search engine of TFL. Thank you for noticing the tightening of the published policies. We just made one move caused by overgrowth. So, lets all work together to ensure that we're not heaving out cyber flotsam and jetsam that merely forms an accretion on TFL's shores. It's one of the best resources on the Internet, lets keep it that way.

As an addendum, I note that HS in the thread about "Live Chat on Sat. Mornings" appears to be setting up a back-yard fence sort of chat area, which apparently includes the occasional mention of firearms. Hope to see you there.


[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited June 12, 1999).]
Mykl, now i want to say upfront, that i'm not wanting to start any kind of uprising or anything, i like tfl and enjoy the info and the people on here.
BUT(you knew there was going to be one), i was under the impression that the general discussion forum, was just for that, general discussions, stuff that didn't belong in any other part of the forums. i believed that being able to vent some of our frustrations on daily topics, our views on things, or just sharing info that don't belong anywhere else, was what this was for. i reckon i was incorrect, and that's sad. it was nice to have a place where you could post most anything that you wanted to talk about. i personally didn't think it was "cyber flotsam & jetsam", but that's just my opinion.
ok, i said my piece, just wanted you to know
what i thought. thanks..................bc

what me worry? hell yes!!

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 12, 1999).]

Ok, I can understand that. I wasn't aware of the new policies. Now that I know what the new guidelines are, and will follow them. I'm glad to hear that the motive for this action is purely resource conservation. I was concerned that there might be more of a PC slant behind it. Keep up the good work.

My curse is that I look for things to make sense.
We just made one move because of overgrowth. Is that good or bad? Personally Id be thrilled. Look at all the new members. They are here for some reason.
Another topic was locked because it was too one sided . The person/people being discussed could not present the other side.
Poor ignorant me. I thought we were discussing the situation as a situation, To this day I dont know whom we were discussing or how we could have heard the other side.

Having said all that I recognize the managements right to have it the way they want it.I expect the explanations to make sense.

Dance with the one who brung you.

Better days to be,

Mykl, reading my e mail is not a priority for me. Usually do it, at most, once a day.

I just read your message to edit my 'war on drugs ' post, but found it gone. Seems like you have lots of room for posts by others, but managed to delete mine before I had the chance to edit. I guess I use the wrong name, and ruffle the wrong feathers. Tattoos have a lot to do with guns. GLV

[This message has been edited by GLV (edited June 13, 1999).]
I just received your email reply of 00:31 this morning to my email of 14:43 yesterday, which asked you to edit the post. Unfortunately, I was sound asleep at the time of your response; occasionally sleeping being one of my few chronic vices. When I got up this morning & checked my email, I immediately sent you a reply, which you should have by now.

Regarding the "other" posts with questionable firearm content. All get the same courtesy extended to them in the form of an email request and the opportunity to edit their posts prior to administrative policies being applied. I believe that to be a mature and polite means of resolution. That will continue to be the policy.

I'm working through the plethora of threads and posts, beginning with the most recent, to read each and every one. All have redeeming social value, most have recognizable firearms related content. For those that don't have the latter, the policy above applies.

Folks, it's not a hard concept to follow. I seriously doubt that you would go to my favorite little red-neck C&W hole-in-the-wall and expect to do a Disco Boogie. Similarly, I wouldn't wear my sh**-kickers and best Stetson into a ballroom dance without some expectation of social repugnance (Marshals Walker and McCloud excepted). It's the same here. It's a firearms forum, and the policies establish some minimal expectations of conduct while here. Within those bounds is a tremendous latitude for social interaction, learning, sharing and organizing efforts.

Like any little bar (social institution!!) there are rules. Ya come in and bust the mirror behind the bar, mess with the girls, pick fights with the other customers, then the bouncer is gonna have a little talk with you. It's no different here. I'd prefer to smile and add in the topics, and for the most part I do. But occasionally, I have to don my "A**-H***" persona and deal with the unpleasantness. I'm told that I'm very adept at donning this persona, such that the few that actually know me swear it has been my demeanor since birth.

So there you have it. Read the policies. Talk about guns. Have fun. And by the way, Rosie asks that some of you "long horns" please stand a little closer to the urinal, as it's getting really wet down there.

Regards to all,

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited June 13, 1999).]
I imagine someone (apparently Rich) has to pay big money to "store" our comments. As one of the worst offenders of off-topic chat, I need to be reminded of that aperiodically. I apologize for my verbosity and can only offer as an excuse the excitement and joy I feel to be among so many great and intelligent people who appreciate guns, the Bill of Rights, our heritage and the companionship of like-minded lovers of freedom.
OK, guys, everyone *please* take a deep breath. I apologize for my absence from this thread. I had a party for about 50 people here last night and it went 'till the very wee hours of the morning.

The fact of the matter is that everyone here is correct. While the The Firng Line policies clearly state "All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or shooting", of late we have allowed this policy to slip. Thus we do have several unrelated threads on the Board.

Mykl, as some of you know, has been wrapped up in several other projects of late and has only recently been able to give his full attention to the Board. On his return, he found the posting of threads that are not firearms related. He chose to deal with the newly started ones first and emailed me on the others, requesting input and history.

In short, if it appears we've been heavy handed or selective in our attentions, I take full responsibility. The left hand was not informed what the right was doing.

Here's the resolution: I'll be conferencing with some of the other staff today to review TFL's stated Policies. In the meantime, anyone whose feathers have been ruffled, staff or Member, has my sincere apology.

Rich Lucibella
Perhaps the board needs and ODDS & ENDS section for items that we think would be of interest to others, but are not gun related. Sort of a "Hey, I found somthing interesting or scary, check it out" section.

What do you think?
Please bear with me. My ISP is down and up and allows me to come in for a few seconds at a time.

I'm trying to handle this (in addition to function problems on the Board), but it's real difficult to get everyone together. In the meantime, *any* threads regarding civil liberties and the Bill of Rights are welcome on this Forum, despite Forum "policy". The occasional joke is likewise acceptable.....we are not the Harvard Law School.

I apologize for the inadvertent deletion of previous threads. There is no one to blame for that but me.

Please stand by.
Rich, i was wondering if it was just me having a hard time getting on. i usually have TFL w/ my coffee in the morning, but the last 2 days it's been w/ lunch or after. ain't movin' fun?

what me worry? hell yes!!

Actually my post was meant to inform TFL memeber in the Melbourne FL area that if they don't have anything planned on saturday they could stop by and chat face to face.

I have edited it now to have some firearm related content.
Longhair it isn't just you. I've been having trouble getting in as well. Timed out, timed out, timed out, timed out...............


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Rich, Mykl: The Old Fart speaketh thusly, "Y'all doing great!"

Seriously, exploring various forums--thanks, Lord, for the time to waste--I strongly believe this is the best of all of them. At least when we don't know "the answer" or have expertise on a subject, most all of us say so and/or ask of those who do. Refreshing!

Given the prima donna nature of today's society, much less an independent bunch of cusses like us shooters, you guys have done well in maintaining control.

Keep up the good work!

Best luck, Art
I came to TFL because I'm a gun nut. I wanted to share gun info with other gun nuts. We all did.

But now it's become more than that.

There are plenty of good gun related websites out there, but none of them have this particular group of people, people whose opinions and attitudes I've come to have considerable respect for.

I, for one, want to know what these people think about lots of other things besides guns.

You know, "general" things. That's what I'd like to see in the General Discussion Forum. Things that, while not gun related, tell me more about the people I almost call "My Friends".

And now, the rest of the story:

The problem comes with threads like "What's Your Most Deviant Sexual Practice?", and "How To Remove Those Stubborn Grass Stains?" (hmmm...maybe that should be in one thread...)

Even religion would be so contentious an issue we'd have to have "Religion I" and "Religion II" and "Religion III" threads. We'd need a seperate forum for that one.

And the resources conservation point can't be ignored, either.

In sum, let the General forum be general. And let the the member's common sense be the first editor of content. It doesn't always work, but for the most part, so far, so good, IMHO.

Whatever the decision is, I'll abide by it to the letter. No praise is too high for the people who have put this board together and made it go! And we all owe it to them to toe the line, wherever it may be drawn.

Sorry, Mykl, but I think you are off base here and short-sighted.

The War on Drugs for example. Have you ever noticed that when the rise in crime we experience now started to increase dramatically, the federal enforcement of drug laws tightened up ( both late 60s). this has a direct impact on guns as it refutes the argument that guns are the real cause of crime, so the war on drugs must be considered when we talk about crime and RKBA. Asset forfeiture? One of the negative effects of the war on drugs. You don't need to be found guilty of anything to lose your property. This can be applied to guns and surely will. I think G&A ran a series about how this will be used to take guns and silence govt. critics in the near future.

Black boxes? Surveillance of anti-govt. militia gun owner types. Use their cars, cell phones, and computers against them. On Glock Talk, one poster mentions that about 15% of his hits at his gun-related web site come from the white house and dept. of justice. The NSA, I have read, has had, for many years, the capability to scan telecommunications for "keywords" that represent potential "threats to national security." Computers analyze the communications to ID signals patterns (that correspond to words) and flag the transmissions for more attention.

Wanna bet they aren't doing this to this site and its members right now w/ a new version of the same theme for electronic communications? We need to keep ourselves apprised of any and all potential threats to our rights as gun owners and citizens in general.

Wake Up! I don't want us to be blind sided b/c you didn't think it was relevant to guns, just b/c it didn't talk about "recoil" or "caliber" or "action." If it is a Chuck " the schmuck" Schumer speech, you can bet your butt its worth posting. Politics and developments in other technologies can't be ignored except at our peril.

Sorry if you took offense, but I am determined to keep my rights and wish that everyone of like mind and inclination be fully aware and prepared to do the same.

[This message has been edited by B Shipley (edited June 16, 1999).]
I understand closing threads and rarely deleting some replys. But I really don't get deleting whole threads (unless it is a revival of something already declared taboo). Is the deletion for space concerns? Or??
Deleteion of whole threads or individual posts is not our style, unless they're patently offensive or inflammatory.

The few threads that have been deleted are regretful...and due only to my poor instructions during a brief absence and my inexpeience with the new software release.

We are currently looking at options to resolve this.