Close Call Horror Stories

I was in a bad part of town one time at about 2 AM and when I got back to my car I opened the door and was dialing the number to return the call of a friend and I looked over and saw two large men african american men walking pretty steadily over to my vehicle(Ihad the interior light on and the car wasn't started just yet and my keys were still in the door, even though it was a bad area it was a secluded parking lot of the business).

Anyway I opened my glovebox which had the gun and put my hand on it while it was in the glove box as you can't brandish and I suppose they got the hint from the distance that I had a weapon in there and turned around and ran back to wherever they came over from.

We all know that things like this in bad areas/urban environments are common but when you sit down and think about it hard it really makes you ill to think that someone would kill/beat the living hell out of just for a few bucks in a wallet.... I don't drive an expensive car haha, it's amusing they even targeted me.
A few years ago, it was reported in the Armed cCitizen that a woman called 911 in Denver and said a man with an axe was chopping through her front door and she had children with her and she had a gun. The 911 operator told her to put down the gun immediately. fourtuneately she didn't and the BG was dea d in the house when the cops got there. Report problems to the 911 operators, don't follow their advice.

Don't take this as nit picking, but I assume you know you made some mistakes. Being in a bad part of town late at night *and* talking on a phone in an interior lit car, no keys in ignition and motor not running, etc.

Write 100 times, "I will not be a doofus again." ;)


Do you know the motive for the shooting? Also, what was the outcome for the shooters after they were arrested?


Do you know the motive for the shooting? Also, what was the outcome for the shooters after they were arrested?


The motive for the shooting was an argument between the perps and victims over the outcome of a drag-race. The shooter was convicted of 2nd degree murder, the driver (as I understand it) got off for his cooperation with LE.
I have several, but this one is the most recent. I have told it before on some forums, so you might have already seen it.

I was lying in bed one evening, watching TV with FirstInLine, when I heard a big THUMP and the house shook. I rolled our and slipped into my robe and grabbed the nearest gun, a S&W M&P in 32-20. I had been cowboy shooting that day, so it was in a low=slung, tie-down holster and belt. I walked down the hall to find my #3 idot son had let a couple of fellows come in through the front door. I started to query them and found out that they had missed the corner at the front of the house and had driven their car over my front lawn and run into the house.

One of the fellows had NO English and the other one was only somewhat understandable. Luckily, he was the (relatively) sober one. I sat the two of them on opposite sides of the room, about 15 degrees apart from my vantage point, and about 10 feet away from me, and told son to call 911. The drunk said "No 911," and the sober one put his hand on my son's arm. We went through this a couple of times.

Finally, I commanded my son in my best DI voice to call the police and the drunk started to swear in Spanish and lunged up from the couch toward me. As he straightened, he found himself looking down the barrel of the S&W, hammer back. He sank back down on the couch, discovered he did have passable English and started calling me "Sir."

I didn't have to fire that time, but the little guy never realized how close he and his buddy came to making a mess in my living room. I was told later they had both been deported, again.

Get this, the 911 operator that was still on the line is screaming at me to PUT DOWN MY GUN! I am like NO WAY but when your deputy's arrive I will meet them with empty hands.
Yep, you need to learn to be a better victim. :rolleyes:
Seriously I would probably have hung up right there.