Clinton's 14 Million $ gun "buy back"

EtCetra,LLC from Copperhill TN. has Black Powder Derringers for $29.95 each in lots of ten. Probably get a bigger discount for buying more. Turn them in for $100 each make a profit to buy a better gun and more ammo.

Et Cetra 1-800-642-1600 POBox 929 Copperhill, TN 37317

Item number 150-005


Joe's Second Amendment Message Board

Why is the frggin HTML turned off???

[This message has been edited by nralife (edited September 10, 1999).]
I hope it comes to my area.
I have one of my great uncles guns to get rid of. Its a cheap Belgian 22 short flip up breach loader made in the 1890s. The barrel has been cut a little too short and the stock is just s**t.
It's about as safe to shoot as a homemade job.
I'll sell it and donate the money to the NRA.
Daren T.,

So what you are saying is that the government is not being stupid about this. they are spending the money under the guise of a "buy-back", but really what they are doing is conditioning the people to turn in their weapons?

Kind of a Pavlov dog deal? :) :)

(I'm starting to drool already...AKk!)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
John-Heck I don't know but whatever Klinton is up to I really don't think it has anything to do with crime and this was really the only spin I could put on it :)

John the last time I posted I did not pay much attention to your reference of Pavlov. Remembering PSY-101 Yea I guess that is what I am saying. Like all gun control.


Hmmm. $50 a gun? Not bad if we get together and build zip guns! Imagine an 18 wheeler pulling up to HUD. On the side is the TFL logo. We unload crates of plywood, pipe and rubber band fabricated zip guns (our cost $5) and sell them to HUD for $50. Deduct rental of the truck and we'd make thousands. Anybody want to buy stock in TFL, Gunmakers for HUD and other stupid governmental agencies? Just kidding of course.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I've told this story before. They have tried gun buybacks in Memphis twice. In the first one they offered $75 worth of gas and grocery gift certificates. I took a RG .22 that I bought from a guy at work for $10 and turned it in. I made a good profit on that one. :) I also took all the cash I could muster and worked the line looking for something worth buying. No luck. Everything turned in was just junk, nothing at all worth anywhere near $75. Seems that people were taking advantage of the buy back to get rid of junk they couldn't sell, didn't work or were afraid to throw in the garbage.
The second time they offered $25 dollars. They had all of 24 guns turned in.