Clinton's 14 Million $ gun "buy back"

Jim V

New member
I was just at and read that Ol' Slick will be announcing a Federal sponsored gun "buy back" progran run by HUD. There will also be a $1000000 study on how effective such programs are. IDIOTS

I am not doing well on providing the direct link to the article. After three tries I am giving up. You will have to click your way to the item in question. :(

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited September 09, 1999).]
"The city of Compton recently attempted a buyback program--though the effort foundered because officials said they could not accept guns without obtaining the names and addresses of those selling them."

Didn't some guy sue a city that was proposing a buyback because, as proposed, it would violate several federal firearms laws? Is this the Compton case the writer is referring to? I would search TFL, but . . . .

About the $1 million study: I'm going to write Clinton and Cuomo and ask that they make sure this study is conducted independently. If HUD studies themselves, you know the outcome will be more ammo for HCI.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
Yea, I heard the same thing this morning on the radio on the way to work. Thanks for the link, I'll find time to read it, but it always ends up being the same old thing....
Those who generate these gun buying efforts are typical of the liberal feel good element in this country. They are the kind of people who revel in the plea: "Even if it would save only one life, wouldn't it be worth it?" (The rational answer to which is usually, "no.") Passing a gun buying
program, to them, is like a religious experience. They take it on faith that even the most impractical process will produce the desired outcome. It doesn't matter that they've passed a bad law or implemented a stupid measure, purely the act of passing it or implementing it makes them feel better! Gun buying programs have never and will never work, but it makes people think that at least something is being done.

As we all know, most of the problem is that the current laws are not enforced, and that the criminals themselves aren't being punished. The rest of the problem is the simple fact that criminals, by definition, DO NOT obey the law and do not use the gun buying programs. Fact is, they love these programs...Less chance of being blown away by the honest citizen that needs to protect HIS OWN LIFE! These gun buying programs mean nothing to the criminal; they will only
affect the law abiding - which aren't the problem as they are the ones who aren't committing the crimes.

NUF SAID about the do-good liberals of our society. Better quit and go out and run a few rounds through my trusty .44 to bring down my blood pressure!

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Yes, the spokesb... er Spokeswoman said that "even if it saves the lives of 20 kids it would be worth it" ... Not that I want any kids to be killed, but it's that d*mn feel good attitude!
Oh, TR! You just don't understand! Let me explain all this to you - it's really very simple. Rosie O'Donnell said (choke)... (gag)... (spew).

Equating their emotional drivel to caring about children really upsets me. Then, when they follow up by screaming through their alligator tears that any disagreement with their simplistic, totalitarian drivel is what hurts children, I get so angry I've blistered my computer monitor and frightened the neighbors.

If these dipsticks would read Lott, Mustard and the gang, they'd find out how to reduce violence.

Then, if they'd read a bit about the NRA, LEAA, et al, they would learn about how to put violent offenders out of reach of the children.

Finally, if they'd throw out their Dr. Spock books and realize that there's more to kids than soccer games, they must might learn a bit about parenting!

Jeez. Valium, Prozac, and Maalox! It's a great way of life.
How much money will be going to cover the deductibles & reimburse the insurance companies for all the damage done by BG's breaking into cars to steal guns for the $50?

If you want to get some of your tax dollars back, see if you can dig up a "junker" and swap it for the money.

A little math:
$15,000,000/275,000,000 = $.0545** cost to every man, woman & child in the U.S.

($15,000,000/$50)/275,000,000 = 0.1% of all guns allegedly in the US taken "off the street" - including non-functional pieces

Why? What good will it do? None. Period. Not to mention the number of people that will take the $50 and put it towards a better gun.


** math corrected - thanks cdonath! I think I forgot how to divide after 6 quarters of calculus :)

[This message has been edited by Danger Dave (edited September 09, 1999).]
It's amazing how so many otherwise intelligent Americans turn stupid whenever they hear the word "gun."

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited September 09, 1999).]
As George Carlin once said (I think it was on Dennis Miller):


He went on to say that he was SICK TO DEATH of hearing "it's for the children" for EVERY DAMN THING that TPTB wanted to do.

Personally, I feel the "it's for the children" campaign has replaced wrapping one's self in the flag as a motivator to the sheeple. (After all, it's no longer "fashionable" to be patriotic; we're all "right-wing Christian whackos" now, so TPTB had to come up with a different approach.)
Uh, let's try that math again.

$15,000,000/275,000,000 = $0.05 cost to every man, woman & child in the US. (You didn't notice the e-2 at the end of your calculator display.) That will persuade a lot of people to support it: "just 5 cents to get all those guns off the street? sure!" despite the absurdity of the statement.

$15,000,000/$50 = 300,000 guns bought. That number would actually be _much_ lower, due to government overhead; methinks they'll spend $5-10M in administration.

300,000/275,000,000 = 0.1% of all guns. That tiny amount includs the non-functional piece-of-junk BB gun I wasted $2 on, and would be thrilled to make a $48 profit on (gee, I could buy a Jennings! piece of crap, but it would actually shoot!).

Hmmm. <strokes chin> Hmmm. Five cents per person to make people think they've done something to solve "the gun problem"? Might actually be worth's one more grand-sounding but useless step that will help burn out general support for gun control. After enough "doing something" [useless], people should start to think that they've "done something" and will find something else to fuss over. Put another way: after "Brady prevented 500,000 gun sales to felons", "$15M spent to buy back guns", "70% of gun dealers shut down", and many other grand-sounding but impotent actions, people have got to conclude that what needed to be done has finally been done. "Look at all the things we did to stop guns! We must be done now." Hmmm. Maybe I'll toss in a nickle to make the anti's think they've actually done something...and send another $100 to the RKBA group of my choice.
Hey, who cares about the math. They can just send me that check and I will put it to good use by purchasing a rifle or pistol of choice (or both) for every member of TFLs and an adequate supply of ammo to go forth and teach a non shooter the responsibility and enjoyment that go along with being a gun owner.
"Federal Money to Buy Guns" means my taxes going to a buy-back of
questionable purpose. Imagine a no questions asked car buy-back to curb drunk driving. That would mean that people would be selling worthless junkers OR steal cars to sell at the buy-backs...while all other taxpayers would be footing the bill for the insanity.
We need to get the word to these people who want to turn their gun in that unless it is hot or used in a crime its probably worth more than $50 at the local gun store. Lets really give the gun banners heart burn, and keep these guns on the street.

[This message has been edited by Alan B (edited September 09, 1999).]
Alan, you're missing the business opportunity here ...

We listen for the program to 'come to a neighborhood near you'. Go down to their little event, and walk down the line. Ask to see the firearms, and ... make an offer for those worth more than $50. Buy them for your own collection, for your kids or grandkids, etc.

I heard in DC they took in a Luger worth $30K. I don't really believe that, but it does get you thinking ... ;)

BTW, I am not kidding about this. I did read elsewhere on TFL where a gun store owner did something similar, and put a box in front of his store with a sign referring to a 'gun turn-in program). He actually got some free guns. If people are going to be indiots, why shouldn't we help them out? ;)
My first reaction to gun buy back programs was the same as the everybody else in here-Stupid, won't work, idoits. Then I began to think, maybey these people are not stupid. This just might work, ultimatly this may help to achive their ultimate goal!! Americans will get USED TO OR ADAPT TO turning in firearms to the government!!!!!!!!!!! People they may be flanking us and we do not even recognize it! This is not something we can legally combat on the grounds of the 2nd. I am not sure how to properly combat it, but I do feel we must fight this.

Most of Stalins political enemies in his rise to power thought of him as stupid or inept, up intill they marched to the firing squad!

I like it. Then I can try for a chance on Network TV to demonstrate that a dangerous firearm is now in safekeeping with a "safe" citizen for more than the govt was willing to pay. Capitalism beats Federalism every time!

Unfortunately, the Liberalazzi will assume that I've co-opted the point. (Ain't that the point?)
If Klinton would start the buy-back program with the FBI HRT and the BATF it might save more than one child's and/or adult's life.

(Side bar: Everybody loves Renos boy John Danforth. Is the fix already in?)
I heard and read from a couple sources that the DC buy back netted a couple real pricey antiques...a WW2 gun and a Civil War gun...what do ya wanna bet the Honorable Mayor Marion Barry snags them, cashes them in and hosts a huge crack party?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
If this thing happens, the money's going to be spent. My suggestion would be to gather up any broken junk POS you can find, sell it and donate the money to the NRA, GOA or like orginazition. Use tax dollars to support the cause!
I realize that $14,000,000 is chickenxxxx in the grand scheme of government spending, but as it's not slicks money, doesn't he need congressional approval to spend OUR money?

Better days to be,
