Clinton says he is NOT seeking to bankrupt gun makers

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That was a crass example. The government would never burn your house down with your spouse and children in it! Why that would be ... would be ... hmmmm.

That would be like Waco.
Here's an article I just ran across. It contains a core truth with which we are all familiar. However, it is always good to see them vocalized by those with academic "pedigrees". If they won't listen to us gun-toting extremists, maybe a Yale Professor will do the trick for a few.

Yale Professor Says Gun Lawsuit May Have Harmful Effects
By Jim Burns
CNS Senior Staff Writer
13 December, 1999

( - A criminal justice expert and author of the best selling book More Guns, Less Crimes argues that a possible lawsuit by public housing authorities against gun manufacturers may do more harm than good.

Dr. John Lott told, "I think these suits are going to result in more deaths rather than fewer deaths. . . . It's an abuse of the legal system."

President Clinton, during a White House news conference last Wednesday, said the public housing authority litigation against gunmakers has a good grounding in fact.

"There are 10,000 gun crimes every year in the largest public housing authorities.
They spend a billion dollars on security and I think it's important that the American people know that they (public housing authorities) are not asking for money from the gun manufacturers, they are seeking a remedy to try to help solve the problem," Clinton said.

But, Lott believes such lawsuits are going to worsen the crime situation in America's public housing projects.

"Poor people who live in high crime urban areas like these public housing units benefit the most from having the option to be able to protect themselves. . . . Raising the price of guns through these suits is merely going to be price those people out of the market for being able to defend themselves," said Lott.

"The question I have for him (Clinton) is what advice does he give to someone who's living in one of these poor, high crime areas. What are they supposed to do when they are confronted by a criminal and there's no police around?" Lott said.

Clinton also said irresponsible marketing practices by gunmakers should be stopped as well.

"One company advertised an assault weapon by saying that it was hard to get fingerprints from. You don't have to be all broke out with brilliance to figure out what the message is there." Clinton did not say what company was using selling assault weapons using such a sales pitch.

Lott called Clinton's comment a "complete distortion."

"They say that fingerprint oil is easily removed from the gun . . . otherwise the metal on the gun can rust, " Lott said.

Another thing public housing authorities are looking for in the suit, according to Clinton, is "some safety design changes. We have a lot of gun manufacturers in this country who have been, I think, immensely responsible. If you remember a majority of gun manufacturers signed on to our proposal for child trigger locks. I still would like legislation to cover them all."

More legislation, according to Lott, would be counterproductive.

"This constant haranguing on deaths involving children greatly exaggerates in people minds what the true risks are. In 1996, for children under the age of 10, there were 8 accidental handgun deaths in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). There were 21 for children under the age of 15. If you compare it to the number of guns that are owned in America compared to other risks that are in the home, guns are extremely safe, as far as having to worry about actual gun deaths," Lott told

Lott thinks there are "more children under age 5 who die from drowning in waterbuckets than you have children under the age of 15 who die from accidental handgun shots. You have 40 children a year who die from drowning in 5 gallon waterbuckets under age 5. You have 80 children a year under age 5 who drown in bathtubs around the home."

[This message has been edited by Oscar (edited December 13, 1999).]
But he said, "They're not trying to bankrupt any company...". Why don't you people believe him?!

- Ron V.

NO....I invented the internet.

My question is... "how do you know the pres is lying???? " Wait for it....."His lips are moving" I feel this is true. But I have to admit I think he believes he is telling what to him is truth. I have watched him on TV when I know he is lying and I believe him.......... He looks so convincing and like he believes it.
Prevarication, Embellishment, fabrication, distortion of the facts, forgery, disception all colorful words for what we see/hear when that mans lips move....Ugh Is this his last hurrah?? God Save us. How can one man circumvent the system so much and remain in office? January 2001 will not come soon enough! Give me a break everyone knows that is is indeed an attempt to bankrupt the Gun manufacturers, Time to write those letters/faxes and e-mails! Can't believe that they are paying for this with our money or that it is even legal (as some have noted!)..............

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Yeah, sure they'll bankrupt the gun makers like they have bankrupted the drug makers! Just be prepared for that $2000 mouse gun and the $10,000 for that cop killer 9mm sometime in the future.

Guess I'd better get back to my Unimat and Dillion before may fingers get too tired.
Personally,I try to respect him, but i'd like to kick his a$$ with a ball-bat. We should ban those, they are dangerous.

If I ever ran for President, then can
I have the assurance that you would vote for me?

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Dr. Rob:

No, the industry should NOT conceed on the point of trigger locks. Always remember that when the gun control movement asks for a concession, if you give it they'll ask for more.

You want to live in a country where firearms have to be sold with gun SAFES?

And, no, he doesn't want to bankrupt the WHOLE industry; If he did, who'd arm his brownshirts? He just wants to bankrupt the portion of the industry that won't stop selling to private citizens. Small distinction, but important; Any company which agrees to never sell guns to citizens again, but only to the government, would be dropped from these lawsuits in an instant. And the frightening thing is, the gun manufacturers know this!

Sic semper tyranus!
Our beloved president is a self admitted liar. Since he lied under oath while testifying in court it is unlikrly that he tells the truth in his public statements.
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Clinton will take action on gun safety next year, the White House said Wednesday, contending Congress
has ``frustrated the American public'' by failing to tighten firearms restrictions in a year of mass shootings.

Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta, convened a brainstorming session of administration officials to come up with various actions Clinton
could take, either through executive authority, federal regulations or new legislation beyond the bill now stuck in Congress.

``We're not going to rely on Congress. We're going to find other avenues,'' White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said. ``It's our overall sense
that this is something the American public is demanding.''

The group Podesta brought together included Bruce Reed, Clinton's domestic policy adviser; Stuart Eizenstat, the deputy treasury secretary;
Eric Holder, the deputy attorney general; and Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo.

They spent about 90 minutes discussing strategies they could use to force Congress to pass gun legislation, or at least take up the issue,
during its election-year session beginning in January, according to a senior administration official speaking on condition of anonymity.

``Hopefully, that will cause the Congress to get off the dime,'' the official said.

Lockhart said administration officials are counting on the sense that a majority of Americans want some type of action on gun restrictions,
after an outbreak of violent shootings in schools, workplaces and even churches that have killed dozens of Americans.

Officials do not want to lose the momentum for change that was touched off by the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., in
which 12 students and a teacher were killed by two teen-age boys who then killed themselves.

``We believe that Congress has frustrated the American public on the issue of gun safety, that we have more than enough evidence that we
need to take steps,'' Lockhart said.

Wednesday's meeting came after the Clinton administration threatened to file suit against gun manufacturers in a bid to pressure them to
negotiate with cities and states seeking to recover the costs of gun violence.

The administration would act on behalf of 3,100 local housing authorities seeking recompense for gun violence.
I do not understand how a government(or city for that matter) who relies on these same manufacturers for thier equipment (military/ Et Al) can think that they have "standing" in a court case of this sort..... it seems to me that the manufacturers being sued should stop selling/providing anything to the sueing group.... any laywers wish to educate me?.... doesn't a plantiff have to have standing in order for a suit to commence??