Clinton says he is NOT seeking to bankrupt gun makers

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His Billness says lots of things, strange that none are ever true.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Mailing List

Clinton says not seeking to bankrupt gun makers

By Randall Mikkelsen

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton said Wednesday that a class-action
lawsuit his administration has threatened against gun makers would not seek
to bankrupt them, but to make guns safer and harder for criminals to buy.

He also defended his preparation of the suit against charges he was
attempting an end run around a Congress that failed this year to back his
requests for tougher gun control laws.

The White House said Wednesday it was organizing a lawsuit against the gun
industry by some 3,200 public housing authorities. The suit, denounced as
``crazy'' by gun makers, would join lawsuits against the manufacturers by
several cities and counties seeking to recoup costs linked to gun violence.

Clinton told a news conference the housing authorities taking part in the
suit would not seek money from gun makers. They would aim instead to force
the industry to crack down on dealers who sell a large share of guns used in
crime, to change ''irresponsible'' sales pitches, and to require safety
devices such as child-proof trigger locks, he said.

``They're not trying to bankrupt any company. They're trying to make their
living spaces safer,'' Clinton said. ``And I think it's a legitimate thing.''

He said housing authorities spend $1 billion a year on security, but there
were 10,000 gun crimes in the largest housing projects every year.

U.S. officials said there were no imminent plans to file the suit, but they
hoped the threat of government involvement would help spur a settlement to
the existing suits.

Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo told a separate news conference that he was
hoping to convene negotiations toward a settlement as soon as possible.

The National Rifle Association denounced the plan as a ''reckless
harassment'' of a legitimate industry. Gun makers said it did not make sense
for the government which set up and enforces existing gun regulations to sue
the industry that operates under those laws.

``It's crazy. It's an inversion of responsibility,'' said Steve Sanetti, vice
president and general counsel of Sturm, Ruger & Co, gun manufacturer.

Said Paul Januzzo, general counsel of gun maker Glock Inc. ''They call it
pressure. I call it blackmail.''

Justice Department officials emphasized the federal government was not taking
a direct role in the lawsuit, unlike its filing of a lawsuit against the
tobacco industry seeking to recover some of the $20 billion in federal health
care costs attributable to smoking.

But both efforts reflected an administration determination to move ahead with
its policy goals despite a repeated failure to win support from Congress,
which defeated administration attempts to curb smoking and to impose new
restrictions on gun sales.

``I think we have enormously important public policy goals and if the
Republican controlled Congress wants to block sensible gun control and if --
and if they want to block tobacco policy that the American public supports
we're going to find a way to do it,'' White House spokesman Joe Lockhart

Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee
and a candidate for president, charged that the suit was an ``desperate''
attempt to use the courts to force policy changes that Congress would not

``It distorts the constitutional system of separation of powers and weakens
republican democracy,'' Hatch said in a release.

But Clinton defended the move as a legitimate exercise of executive
authority. ``I'm continuing to work with Congress, and I will do so
vigorously. But I think this was an appropriate thing to do, on the merits.''

The National Rifle Association, a politically powerful advocate of gun
ownership, quickly denounced the proposal as an attempt by the
``Clinton-Gore'' administration to set a ''dangerous legal precedent.''

``No lawful industry is safe. Who will they sue next -- automobile makers?''
the NRA said in a release. ``If some deviant person misuses your lawful
product, this administration will sue you, rather than hold the criminal

18:23 12-08-99[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Jeeze, I was just gonna ask if anyone had any memory of him ever telling the truth about anything...

I know, all pols lie. But the scum lies more than all the other liars.

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
Saw an interesting bit on CNN, of all places. The anchor asked one of the reporters about this and he said (approximately) "It's a typical Clinton maneuver. He picks on an unpopular business like cigarettes or Microsoft and goes after it. Nobody believes it will reduce the core problem, gun violence, but it will give everyone a warm feeling".

I couldn't believe my ears.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Yeah, just like Clinton said that little Cuban boy would remain here. And now His Billness is caving cuz a senile smelly old commie is ranting and the courts say that if it were American they'd side with the parent. Of course the Constitution and America mean nothing

If His Billness had a concept of true justice, integrity and something bigger than microscopic stones.....yeah and the Easter Bunny lays chocolate eggs.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited December 08, 1999).]
My reaction to His Worshipfullness:

Don't pi$$ down my back and tell me it's raining.

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Clinton says not seeking to bankrupt gun makers.

I remember two other things Bill said.

"I never inhaled" and "I never had sex with that women". What do yall think? Yea, that's what I thought too.

is it not amazing that the executive
branch ie, clinton, is circumventing
congress or the legislative branch by
using the court system ie, the judicial
branch to expedite their liberal agenda?
the clintons are dangerous.
Has Clinton EVER explained any of the following:

1. His obvious leaning toward double-talk, and his aversion to the truth.
2. His dismissive attitude toward constitutionasl guarantees.
3. The fact that his administration, while it continuously beats the drum for more gun laws, that would impact solely on the law abiding, has failed to prosecute prima facie violations of EXISTING federal law (the 400,000, or whatever the number might be at approximately 22:45, 8 Dec. 1999, FELONS who were prevented from obtaining handguns in particular, or firearms in general, by Brady or NICS Background Checks, when the most casual. attempt by such persons to obtain arms is a FELONY violation of EXISTING federal law)
4. The fact that The FBI, part of The Clinton Dept. of Justice has blatantly and on an ongoing basis, violated EXISTING federal law (Brady), regarding their illegally maintaining records of approved NICS background checks.
5. The fact that the same FBI spent 6 years lying about what it did, and when it did it, in the course of the Waco fiasco.

There is a long standing question that has been recommended for parents. It goes as follows: Have you spoken with your children lately? Well, ladies and gentlemen, have you. In this sense, your "elected things" are "your children", likely spoiled children, at that.
President Clinton said Wednesday that a class-action lawsuit his administration has threatened against gun makers would not seek
to bankrupt them


Justice Department officials emphasized the federal government was not taking
a direct role in the lawsuit



Gee, and they wonder why we don't trust them.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Remember when Clinton was really glad that the Greek people had such broad rights to show their feelings in a public protest, even against him?

Naaaaah, neither do I. But I remember when he SAID he was . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
This is way out in left field, but Clinton has some wierd fixation for significant dates. I really expected something to happen on Dec 7/8 as in "Yesterday, Dec 7th, 1941 a day,,,," I'm really on the lookout for Dec, 16th, it may be the big one.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
President Clinton said Wednesday that a class-action lawsuit his administration has threatened against gun makers would not seek to bankrupt them, but to make guns safer and harder for criminals to buy.

Sounds like he's trying to kiss us again...

And you know what comes next...

It's the political parallel to date rape, and we have a serial perp in office.


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
As Tony Soprano would so eloquently say: "Let's just call this what it is -- a Shakedown!"

And as his friend and capo, Paulie, would so eloquently say, "Nuff said."
Orrin Hatch may push for a bunch of gun control crap, but look at his statement - at least he respects the constitution and the separation of powers - he admits when he loses fair and square, unlike Clinton who is now trying to make an end run around Congress. I'd like to see if his lawsuit asks for money when/if it's filed - I'll be anyone a thousand bucks it will, in direct contradiction with what this statement says.
Jimpeel, that's what they blared out through the PA system as the tanks rolled in.

Futo, y'ever noticed that when someone sues a business or industry for something that's his own damn fault, the plaintiff *always* says, "This isn't about money, it's about doing the right thing"... right before they get a judgment for eleventy-zillion(tm WalterGA) dollars?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Clinton Lawsuit is about two things

1. To give the democrats a issue to beat the Republicans over the head with during an election year (as a group they support RKBA more).

2. To extort money out of the Gun owners, Dealers and Manfacturers like they did with the smokers and Tobacco companies.
I suspect the president's endoresoment of this is unconstitutional.

#1. it violates seperation of powers, ie BY-Passing a congress that won't agree to his agenda and resorting to blackmail instead (why isn't the JUSTICE department handling this????????).

#2. ATF could possibly make a ruling which states that all guns be sold with safty locks AS A CONDITION of sale by Licensed FFL holders (it would be a lot cheaper for the industry EN Masse to dump $10 a gun to master lock for a trigger lock) The industry SHOULD give on this one.. hell ruger & sw have been selling thier guns with lock boxes for a while.

#3 The finger print comment in Intratec's ad WAS in bad taste and judgement (yes you and i know prints CAN rust a gun over time, but serious gun afficianados are NOT buying tec-9's) It was a bad call. HOWEVER, there IS NO restriction of HOW or WHAT they CAN advertise (as again COULD be mandated by ATF/or passing of a law) HOW ON EARTH can a LAWSUIT be presented when NO LAW has been broken?? "hey man I saw this ad about tec-9 says the thing won't print (that conversation most likely NEVER Occured)"

#4 Crime in the projects??? DUH. Enclose poor depressed people in over crowded conditions and add a "liberal" dose of DRUGS, Disrespect for authority and LACK of adult supervision by responsible adults and guess what... you get CRIME. Guns or no guns the projects have ALWAYS been crime infested dangerous places. And BY LAW guns are NOT ALLOWED in many government provided houses.

#5 The FBI is saying crime is DOWN, so is it UP in the PJ's???

#6 The Pres. Is NOT a private citizen , he cannot engage in certain activities that interfere with his duties as president. he does not have TIME to be an activist. The is at LEAST a conflict of interest for the white house.

#7 ARE WE PAYING FOR THIS??????? Government lawsuits usually involve ANTITRUST or UNFAIR marketing policy... NOT the demonization of a product in lieu of laws and guidelines. Whose BUDGET is this suit coiming out of...????

The fact is.... gunmakers may have to have a lil meet as an INDUSTRY and discuss the trigger lock thing.. it would get a lot of the heat off thier backs.

And SOMEONE ought to COUNTER SUE right now OVER the violation of gun makers rights to FREE commerce. Its a heavily legistlated industry already.. you want to change it PASS SOME GODDAMN LAWS.

Can the FED. be SUED for blackmail?????

This IS NOT like cigarettes, where doctors /scientists are searching for cancer..

guns ARE dangerous when mis-used, THAT's an INHERINT FACT it the purpose they are designed for. I AM ALL FOR promoting gun safty. But I'm totally against forcing "smart guns" on the public.


YOU want to sue someone??? OK why not sue HOLLYWOOD over making films which promote violence and sell more guns than ANY amount of print advertising created by the manufacturers. Co defendants AHNOLD BRUCE STEVEN, WESLY and JEAN_CLAUDE. Think THAT will fly?????? NOPE violation of FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Where the HELL is the ACLU on THIS issue???

And HELL Clinton should sue HIMSELF by CREATING a surge in gun sales with BRADY2, and other legislative action.


I'm gettin g really TIRED of politicians and civil servants who think they are above the law. its time for a change.

off my soapbox and scratching my head...

Dr. Rob...

Except for one important fact you are dead on!
Where you err: it is not is EXTORTION

Blackmail: If you don't pay me $10,000, I will tell your wife about your affair with the secretary

Extortion: If you don't pay me $10,000 I will burn your house down with your wife and kids in it

The gun companies have done no wrong, there is nothing to blackmail them over

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!