Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer

John McCain believes that every firearms owner has a responsibility to learn how to safely use and store the firearm they have chosen, whether for target shooting, hunting, or personal protection. He has supported legislation requiring gun manufacturers to include gun safety devices such as trigger locks in product packaging.

I'll have to do some research tonight after work, but that synopsis of what he supported I would agree. If the requirement was to 'include' a safety device but not 'mandate' it be used at all times, fine by me.

Does anyone have a handy link for this in detail?

If the above holds true that its just a requirement to include it with the product I would compare it to cars required to have seatbelts, doesn't mean I have to wear it.
what legislation


has Hillary actually voted for that was anti-gun. I keep hearing she is anti-gun while I do not recall any specific legislation she passed that was anti-gun.

In the case of McCain we can point to his work to stop gun show loopholes.

My GOD Toybox. Do your homework for Godsakes!!:mad:

Anti-gun Bills Hillary Clinton Cosponsored: Congress:
S. 368: Massively expand federal funding and control of local law enforcement. 110th
S. 456: Treat firearms offenses as though they were Mafia or gang-releated crimes. 110th
S. 527: Redefine more handgun ammunition as "armor piercing". 109th
S. 578: FBI to maintain gun sales records of persons on "watch lists" for 10 years. 109th
S. 620: Reinstate the expired ban on semi-automatic firearms and magazines. 109th
S. 645: Semi-auto ban plus a ban on some youth sportshooting competitions. 109th
S. 935: Fifty-caliber ban. 109th
S. 22: Omnibus gun control: gun show ban, lifetime juvenile offender ban, FBI record-keeping, much more. 108th
S. 448: Huge bill including a magazine ban, gun show ban, mandatory trigger locks, one-handgun-a-month, etc. 108th
S. 1034: Semi-auto ban reauthorization. 108th
S. 1431: Vastly expanded semi-auto ban reauthorization (more guns banned plus other anti-gun provisions). 108th
S. 1774: Permanently ban polymer-framed (so-called "plastic") firearms. 108th
S. 1807: Gun show ban. 108th
S. 1882: FBI to maintain gun sales records of persons on "watch lists". 108th
S. 1983: National ballistic registry of all new fireams, plus increased BATF power and funding. 108th
S. 2109: Ten-year extension of the semi-auto ban then in effect. 108th
S. 16: "Crime bill" including: gun show ban, lifetime juvenile offender ban, FBI record-keeping, much more. 107th
S. 767: Gun show ban. 107th
S. 924: Expand federal police power, specifically the federal government's role in "firearms-related incidents." 107th
S. 940: Gun show ban included in a large education bill. 107th
S. 1253: Register lawful gun buyers for a minimum of 90 days. 107th
S. 1788: Audit background check information; make it available for both criminal and civil inquiries. 107th

I guess there are people who will believe her garbage statements.:eek:
I'll have to do some research tonight after work, but that synopsis of what he supported I would agree. If the requirement was to 'include' a safety device but not 'mandate' it be used at all times, fine by me.

I disagree with it being fine. If you know your enemy, that is, the anti-gun political movement, then you realize that they are patient and their tactic is to whittle down our rights little by little until the right is gone or useless.

Requiring a trigger lock to be sold with every gun gives the impression that they should be used. So, the push for a requirement is a two step process.

Step 1. Pass a law requiring a trigger lock to be sold with every gun.
Step 2. Later, pass a law requiring the citizen to use the trigger lock.

Resist the anti-gunners, don't conform to their views.
Jesus Whyte, Toybox's post was one of the most surprising posts I have ever read. I mean it. I was absolutely dumbfounded! :eek:

Did you hurt yourself when you fell out of your chair!? :p

No offense Toybox, you're a good guy, read alot of your posts but you have to follow the candidates voting records a little more closely IMHO.
Uhhh guys, these three are professional politicians... They WANT to be elected so bad they can taste it... They will say or do anything to be elected.. If you believe what comes out of their mouths then you obviously believe the porno queen on the 'Payboy' channel is having 40 minutes of continuous orgasms...


I can see where you are coming from, but to me public safety and the idea that providing trigger locks with the hope that someone may use it to prevent some 5-6 to however old age kid from accidentally shooting himself or someone else outweighs the potential for your

Step 2. Later, pass a law requiring the citizen to use the trigger lock.

IMHO, step 2 could NEVER would they enforce that? Sometimes I just think that no control amounts to no common sense, there has to be some area (which is certainly gray) where public safety concerns and gun control mix. To me, this isn't gun control, you still can get the firearms, its just providing the seatbelt for the car. Naive???...maybe I am. Hey, I'm young, my opinion will surely change over time.
I really don't care what Hillary says, she still won't get my vote. If her Granppa taught her to shoot, fine. Maybe she will decide someday to get back into it. If she was a churchgoer, fine. Maybe someday she will follow the gospel. As for now, she doesn't walk the talk. Maybe some day she will.
April 13, 2008

Clinton: 'Not relevant' last time I went to church, fired gun

SCRANTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) – After a weekend spent making direct appeals to gun owners and church goers, Hillary Clinton said Sunday a query about the last time she fired a gun or attended church services "is not a relevant question in this debate” over Barack Obama’s recent comments on small town Americans.

“We can answer that some other time,” Clinton said at a press conference held in a working class neighborhood here. “This is about what people feel is being said about them. I went to church on Easter. I mean, so?”

Maybe she has confused "firing a gun" with "running down an airport tarmac in Bosnia dodging sniper fire." :D
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Cool Hand Luke wrote:

Maybe she has confused "firing a gun" with "running down an airport tarmac in Boania dodging sniper fire."

Or maybe there was a guy named Bob "Gun" who worked in the Whitehouse Travel Office. She fired all of those folks. But not only did she have them fired, which was bad enough, she had to make up a story about them being corrupt and dishonest. She's a scary female dog.
RDak wrote:
Jesus Whyte, Toybox's post was one of the most surprising posts I have ever read...


No offense Toybox, you're a good guy, read alot of your posts but you have to follow the candidates voting records a little more closely IMHO.
Well, I'm willing to cut Toybox some slack. The lamestream media hasn't exactly been Johnny-On-The-Spot in reporting this kind of stuff.

Fortunately, RDak, you found and posted the goods posthaste, and did a much better job of it than I did. Excellent work!
I'll ask again

I'll continue asking what has she voted for: What is reported is proposed legislation. I'd just like to see an actual list of what came up for votes and what passed.

The information that was posted in response to my original question appears to list legislation she signed onto as sponsor or co-sponsor. Her statements as reported are about various issues are not votes. I want to see some actual voting she has done as many of our posters claim she has voted on these bills that passed.

My opinion is she is anti-gun but opinions are like body parts everyone has them. Now fact about voting records can either be substantiated or they can not be. So lets see an actual voting history. I'll not be surprised to see that she has voted anti-gun. I expect her to.

Its the same criteria that others seem to use when a reference is made about McCain. A lot of position statements about him or by him but an almost non-existent voting record on firearm related issues.
The information that was posted in response to my original question appears to list legislation she signed onto as sponsor or co-sponsor. Her statements as reported are about various issues are not votes. I want to see some actual voting she has done as many of our posters claim she has voted on these bills that passed.
Unless I missed something, I couldn't find a single post in this thread in which any poster claimed Hillary has voted on any bills whatsoever. In fact, the first mention of the word "vote" in this thread was your first post. So to say "as many of our posters claim she has voted on these bills that passed" is not correct.

The topic of this thread is Hillary portraying herself as a pro-gun churchgoer, and how that portrayal conflicts with reality. She is definitely anti-gun as evidenced by the posted comments made by her and her sponsored/co-sponsored bills. Whether she voted for an anti-gun bill in committee, voted for an anti-gun bill on the Senate floor, or did none of those things doesn't change the reality that she is definitely anti-gun but is now portraying herself, at least in part, as pro-gun.
But Accountant, your seat belt analogy just goes to prove that one day there WILL be a law requiring the use of trigger locks because in most places today there are laws requiring you to wear your seat belt.
i don't believe her to be a pro-gun churchgoer anymore than i believe i can shoot myself in the foot with a .44 magnum and it won't hurt. i am 100% positive it will hurt. she is a lying,trifiling, backstabbing twit. and her husband is one too. she will NOT get my vote.
Step 2. Later, pass a law requiring the citizen to use the trigger lock.
IMHO, step 2 could NEVER would they enforce that?

Don't underestimate the gun grabbers. To find out how effective they have been over time, just look at gun restrictions today and compare them to the restrictions 40 or 50 years ago. Like I said, they are patient. If we give in and compromise on seemingly minor issues, our children and grandchildren will wake up one day without a 2nd amendment right.

And, to seatbelts... when our state instituted mandatory seatbelt law, they said it would not be a primary offense... that is, the LEO would never pull someone over just to ticket them for lack of a seatbelt. In my state, that changed about 5 years ago where they decided to make it a primary offence and they now DO pull you over if they spot you without your seatbelt. This same type of thing happens with gun law too. A law is created which seems innocent enough. Then, later, they expand that law to make it more restrictive.

So, we open the door to the gun grabbers anytime we compromise on even the smallest of issues.
Her statements clearly indicate that she thinks the PA voters have no critical thinking skills.

edit to add:

To believe this would require the willing suspension of disbelief.
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