Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer


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Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer

She described herself as a pro-gun churchgoer, recalling that her father taught her how to shoot a gun when she was a young girl and said that her faith “is the faith of my parents and my grandparents.”

"We landed under sniper fire..."
"A pregnant woman died because she couldn't pay the Ohio Hospital $100..."
:rolleyes: :barf:
I have said it before, if the thought of Hillary with an AK47 in her hands does not scare you, then you are truly fearless.:D
It is true she came from a Conservative family which she rebelled against in college. She probably was taught how to shoot by her father. But that still does not make her pro-gun. At least we don't have to worry about her becoming President. None of the candidates are pro-gun. Two are rabid antis, and McCain is only slightly more pro-gun than the Democrats. He has little chance in winning. It is going to be a bad four years for gun owners.
Does she expect us to belive it? She's a career politician. I put more faith in stories about aliens and zombies than I would her.
Wow, and all of this time, I thought she was a big government Socialist gun-grabber. I'm glad she cleared this up for me. :barf:
Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer
Ya', right. Uh Huh. Suuure. Like I trust anything she has to say, especially going into an election. It is pure politics. She's trying to cash in on Obama's gaffe. No way in he!! is she telling us the truth. :rolleyes::barf:
Two are rabid antis, and McCain is only slightly more pro-gun than the Democrats.

Agree. (well compared to Obama, McCain is a lot more pro-gun).

He has little chance in winning.

The Dems always look good until after the conventions. Time will tell.
She is just telling another lie. Just telling the media what she wants everyone to try and believe. I'm sure that there are gullible people out there that will eat this fake crap up.:barf:
You can't believe anything she says as there is always a self-interest motive in everything she does. Her views would immediately change if she were president. She and Obama are pretty much the same; only she is more realistic in most of her objectives.
It is going to be a bad four years for gun owners.

This is possible. However, we don't know how much or how little the landscape will change after the Supreme Court releases it's decision in Heller.

I'm positive it will affect the election, one way or another.
I think this may work against her really. She probably just pissed off some of her anti gun supporters, some of her anti religion supporters, and gained nothing from those she is trying to win over because they realize she is full of it.
what legislation

has Hillary actually voted for that was anti-gun. I keep hearing she is anti-gun while I do not recall any specific legislation she passed that was anti-gun.

In the case of McCain we can point to his work to stop gun show loopholes.
As soon as I capture the pigs that are flying around the neighborhood I'll send Hillary a congratulatory message on her conservative views on guns. Hopefully she won't be pinned down by sniper fire and will be able to recieve it....
toybox99615 wrote:
what legislation has Hillary actually voted for that was anti-gun. I keep hearing she is anti-gun while I do not recall any specific legislation she passed that was anti-gun.
First, you don't have to pass legislation, specific or otherwise, to be anti-gun.

Second, you may want to look here:
Keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them:

We need to stand firm on behalf of sensible gun control legislation. We have to enact laws that will keep guns out of the hand of children and criminals and mentally unbalanced persons. Congress should have acted before our children started going back to school. I realize the NRA is a formidable political group; but I believe the American people are ready to come together as a nation and do whatever it takes to keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them.
Source:, “Gun Safety” Sep 9, 2000

License and register all handgun sales:

Hillary Rodham Clinton offered her support for a legislative proposal to license hand guns. The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer, would require anyone who wants to purchase a gun to obtain a state-issued photo gun license. “I stand in support of this common sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun,” Clinton said. “I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry, such as Chuck is proposing.”
Source: Jun 2, 2000

Tough gun control keeps guns out of wrong hands:

I think it does once again urge us to think hard about what we can do to make sure that we keep guns out of the hands of children and criminals and mentally unbalanced people. I hope we will come together as a nation and do whatever it takes to keep guns away from people who have no business with them.
Source: Press Release Jul 31, 1999

Gun control protects our children:

We will not make progress on a sensible gun control agenda unless the entire American public gets behind it. It is really important for each of you [kids] to make sure you stay away from guns. If you have guns in your home, tell your parents to keep them away from you and your friends and your little brothers and sisters.
Source: Forum at South Side Middle School in Nassau County Jul 15, 1999

Don’t water down sensible gun control legislation:

We have to do everything possible to keep guns out of the hands of children, and we need to stand firm on behalf of the sensible gun control legislation that passed the Senate and then was watered down in the House. It does not make sense for us at this point in our history to turn our backs on the reality that there are too many guns and too many children have access to those guns-and we have to act to prevent that.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida Jul 5, 1999

Lock up guns; store ammo separately:

If you own a gun... make sure it’s locked up and stored without the ammunition. In fact, make it stored where the ammunition is stored separately. We’ve made some progress in the last several years with the Brady Bill and some of the bans on assault weapons, but we have a lot of work to do.
Source: ABC’s “Good Morning America” Jun 4, 1999​

For those folks who immediately agree that children and criminals and mentally unbalanced persons should not have guns, remember that the devil is in the details. In legal matters, one of the most devilish details is how you define terms. For example, in some statistics on children and gun deaths, children include persons up to age 21.

And then further consider how Hillary has defined other terms: being greeted by a child is defined as running with her head down while under sniper fire; previously being for NAFTA is defined as being against NAFTA; having her husband commit perjury for engaging in oral sex with a White House intern is defined as a lie by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy; etc.

However, there is one area where Hillary is very pro-gun: with her as commander-in-chief and the military, under her control, having all the guns.
All anyone has to do is look at her RECORD of being "pro gun????" Not a chance, she is back to lying and pandering. She is about as anti gun as Barack Hussein. But not as Elite or as anti USA as he and the Minister , Reverend Wrong..:barf: :barf:
In the case of McCain we can point to his work to stop gun show loopholes.
.... and legislation to force gun manufacturers to include trigger locks on all weapons. Can you imagine having to take a damn trigger lock off of your gun during a home invasion robbery? What a stupid idea.

From John McCain's Web Site

Gun Locks
John McCain believes that every firearms owner has a responsibility to learn how to safely use and store the firearm they have chosen, whether for target shooting, hunting, or personal protection. He has supported legislation requiring gun manufacturers to include gun safety devices such as trigger locks in product packaging.
“I stand in support of this common sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun,” Clinton said. “I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry,

Hmmmmm... that sounds very much like the position of the United Nations.