Clinton NRA life member?


New member
The Washington Times reports that Mr. Clinton recently claimed to have been an NRA life member. An NRA spokesman replied that Mr. Clinton must have indeed inhaled, because there are no records of his ever being a life member of the NRA.

Another part of the article describes a 1996 photo of the President holding an IMPORTED SEMIAUTOMATIC SHOTGUN ("an assault weapon!!!!!!"). Whoooo, boy, we'd better get that pic into wide circulation.
Not really sure why Klinton would've claimed to be a member. Unless he was trying to point out how he once was a member of an "evil force" and then wised up an got out. Hmmmm. The only Prez that I know was a member (aside from TR) was Bush. But, I think he sent his card back and asked to be un-membered. Do you know if that photo of Klinton with the gun is available online? Maybe at the W.Times website? I would like to get my hands on him, um, I mean on that picture of him. :D -Kframe
Aw, c'mon, you know that WJ only said that to make the real NRA members look bad. ;)


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society
If true, then it shows the political winds are changing against his anti-freedom rhetoric. The extreme gun control imposed by the Clinton admin has aroused a lot of formerly-apathetic gun owners and non-gun-owners to wake up and oppose the deterioration of freedom. Of course we must never rest on our laurels, because algore and bill bradley and others have anti-gun high on their list...
Yes, George Bush Senior gave up his membership in the NRA,not because he thought the organization was too soft on anti gun measures,but because he didnt like the hardliners in the Nra who didnt believe in giving up ANY rights. And we now have many gunowners that like the son. I say the son is like the old man. Cant trust either one of them. ANd as for Clinton being in the Nra. Why not? NRA, since the purge of the hardline progun members, is really a soft organization now;ready and willing to compromise with the powers to be.
I doubt WJC would attempt to place his hands on a firearm...he just might pee his pants.

The closest I've ever seen him in proximity to a "weapon" was in a photo that George Hill aka Kodiac posted on TFL about three months ago. Taken of Walter Cronkite at the helm of his sailboat(off Martha's Vinyard, I'm sure) you see the 1st Nag and WJC himself, sporting what appears to be a Presidential Woodie in his khaki was, to say the least, hilarious.
I think Billary was a soccer player! ;)

You'd have to ask Monica about him "holding" any "assault weapons"!

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!
Maybe this is part of his revisionist history, or his "legacy". Same as how he is trying to perpetrate the idea that the American people stood by him during his impeachment. The SOB!
Since you mentioned Klinton and weapons and posting pictures, I tried to get a jpg file
to paste here but it would not work for me.
It was a cartoon of Klenton looking down at his locked trouser's zipper with longing. The caption read
"The Proper Use of a Trigger Lock"!

If any one knows how to properly cut & paste jpg files from one web page to another, I would appreciate it if you could post the instructions or email me at

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 11, 1999).]


Use the [ ] instead of the {}

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Two things.

1. YES, there've got to be pictures of Clinton holding shotguns--I still remember a time when he went duck hunting in Arkansas. He got nothing, came back perfectly clean and non-mussed, and called his shotgun a rifle, but he went. I think it was about the time the AW ban was on deck and he was proving that he didn't hate "good guns." I don't recall talking to anyone who was fooled.

2. NO, I doubt he was a member. Clinton is a master of telling little lies like this to make a story better, he honestly doesn't seem to think anyone will take offense, just a little tall tale between us buddies. . . and if you read the article, he was indeed saying that he was a life member and had an NRA jacket but then came to his senses. He also said no one lost a hunting or sporting firearm because of any of his "accomplishments." I deal with Sixth graders who do the same thing all the time--ask where their math homework is and they want to tell you about reading. That's NOT WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!!! Ummmmm . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
JFK (AKA "the Good Kennedy") was a life member of the NRA. Or so I heard on a political discussion right after the elections. I forget who the speakers were, but they were pro gun rights.
correct about JFK being a NRA member. There were no anti gun laws in his day. Every president since John Kennedy have been anti gun in some way or another except Reagan who had it together in his first term anyway. Klinton is the worst by far, but Nixon, Bush, Carter , Johnson and Ford all did their dirty part in supporting either ATF coppers or ant-gun legislation. People forget that the ATF was running wild under Nixon. I dont forget.
Clinton had the National Registration Association in mind.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Regan was an NRA member. When campaigning in the NH primary he spoke at a gun club. His opening statement was roughly, 'Ladies, gentleman, and fellow NRA members.' The room erupted in applause. The shotgun Clinton used in his famous duck hunt was a Benelli Super 90 fitted with the vent rib hunting barrel. He was set up to use it by former Oklahoma congressman and NRA board member, Bill Brewster (Ben? maybe) prior to the 1994 assault weapons ban.
Klinton claims to be a life NRA member-fundraising

by ANY means possible!

Clearly, he still thinks he can lie with impunity, or maybe the dope he "didn't inhale" was laced with something much stronger!

By John McCaslin


NRA poster boy

If Vice President Al Gore invented the Internet, then President Clinton was a member of the National Rifle Association. Or so both have claimed.

Inside the Beltway has confirmed that at a recent private fund-raising dinner, Mr. Clinton revealed to guests that he used to be a card-carrying member of the NRA he now decries.

We've gotten hold of a transcript from the Democratic National Committee fund-raiser, held at a private residence in Atlanta on Oct. 29, in which Mr. Clinton stated:

"The second thing I want to say is, it may be popular in the South, but I think it's wrong -- I don´t think it's so popular anymore --even the new Republican Party is for whatever the NRA says they ought to do on these gun fights.

"Now, you know, I once had a lifetime membership in the NRA. I've even got my jacket there. I'm sure they revoked it somewhere now.

"But you listen -- hadn't anybody missed a day of deer season on what I've done -- nobody. And nobody's been knocked out of one sporting contest for what I've advocated.

But there are people alive today because of these background checks. We did the right thing."

Wayne R. LaPierre Jr., executive vice president of the NRA, was shaking his head yesterday.

"I can't believe it," the NRA chief said. "You know, if he's that delusional maybe he did inhale."

Do you mean to say Mr. Clinton was telling another tall tale?

"He never had a lifetime membership, he never had a jacket. He made it up," Mr. LaPierre said.

The NRA, he stressed, keeps excellent records of its membership roster, present and past.

Which isn't to say Mr. Clinton didn't do his share of hunting in his lifetime. In fact, Bill Powers, director of public affairs for the NRA, is kind enough to supply today's column art -- a popular NRA poster from 1996, showing our
president clutching a Beretta semiautomatic shotgun during a duck hunt.

That same weapon, by the way, while not specificallybanned under Mr. Clinton's signature, is identical in function to semiautomatic firearms that the president has said are bad.

White House spokesman Barry Toiv, at the request of this column, was busy searching Mr. Clinton's wallet yesterday for an old NRA membership card.

"Perhaps he is an honorary member," Mr. Toiv suggested.

Finally, as for Mr. Clinton taking credit for instant background checks when purchasing guns, Mr. LaPierre says "he's even delusional" about that.

He recalls that the president initially supported a "waiting period" for gun purchases, while "we were in favor of the instant background checks. What's on the books now is closer to what the NRA advocated."
Hey, isn't that the hunting trip on which somebody shot a protected species of duck? I do recall something of the sort.

Sic semper tyranus!
Oh, that explains it. For some reason the NRA must have made BILL CLINTON an HONORARY MEMBER!
Sometimes I actually feel sorry for Clinton's flunkies. I bet they watch CNN every night with a cold feeling in their stomachs to see what they'll have to explain the next day.
"He said what? &%%$#$@& . . . ."


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I've got a little story to tell here... Two years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a once-in a life time turkey hunt. Guided, all paid for. I had three weeks before the hunt to get everything ready. Since I had not been hunting since I was 21, I did not have a shot gun. Found a nice one on the internet. Sent in my check expecting to get it within a week. The last one I had bought was back in the mid-60's. I live in CA. I won't go into the details, but after 6 weeks and $75 later I was finally able to get the gun. What got me into the RKBA fight. I missed out on that turkey hunt due to all the gun control laws... Now for Klinton's comment...

"But you listen -- hadn't anybody missed a day of deer season on what I've done -- nobody."

The man does not have a clue about reality.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.