Clerk shoots robber/baby snatcher

I agree GM2. This might have tried to spare this BG(only speculation), but a decision might have been made instead in the larger, overall picture that this wasn't going to happen.
Knee capping, Florida style

I think the many shooting of Bad Guys here in Florida? We have a CCW ability, we have the Castle Doctrine law. And even without a CCWL, a gun in your business needs no license. Or in your car.

Did you see the reference to the high counter? I bet she floated over that! Gun in hand! Taking a Mothers Baby, he must be mental. He is dead! we will never know, Aye.

The investigation is ongoing? Sure it is, the gun has most likely been returned, cleaned, and a box of Ammunition with it!
from what I understand - and I am not even referring to the fact that she shot and killed a person - this woman has been greatly effected to say the least with what happened with her baby. I heard she is still in shock about the baby part.
I think this story would have made the news no matter where it happened - Florida, California, Texas - wherever. A mom killing a bay snatcher is a great story.

You seldom hear stories about stores being robbed in Chicago because all of the merchants in bad areas have already given up on the notion of the police protecting them or of being able to protect themselves. So they spend thousands of dollars enclosing cash register area in bullet-proof glass. In some cases, stores have their merchandise under plexiglass.

Apart from those stores - which don't really get robbed, regular stores getting robbed is pretty routine. Once things get routine, they're hardly newsworthy any more. A ot of stores get robbed in the Chicagoland area every day, it doesn't make national news, it hardly even makes local news. They do get put on the crime blotter but that's about it.

If Illinois passes carry legislation, I think you will hear more stories coming out of Illinois about citizens wounding and or killing criminals as they exercise their constitutional rights to protect themselves.
One thing they said in the Sean Taylor story is:

Trauma experts said a serious wound to this large artery, leading from the abdomen through the upper thigh, is among the most difficult to fix and can quickly drain the body of blood. Too long a blood loss prevents oxygen from reaching the brain and vital organs.

Maybe she didn't hit this guy in the knee. News reporters are so stupid sometimes, they hardly ever get anything right.
Take a feel of your knee and notice how it is a big knobby bony structure with very little soft tissue around it. Every artery, vein, and nerve that goes to and from the lower leg goes through those little shreds of soft tissue. If a bullet hits the knee it is not much of a stretch of the imagination to think that the bullet or a bone fragment could do serious damage to one of those structures. Reliable stop? No. Risk of lethal injury? Very real, as demonstrated.
What is it with Florida? Seems a rather large percentage of SD stories come from that state. Is it really that bad?
Crime rate ain't too high in general here...
But we got a bunch of unskilled thug labor...
They just fail to realize how many floridians carry, how many ain't afraid to use them and that our citizens tend to run 100-1000% better shot placement ratio thn trained LEOs involved in shoot outs/ings.:D
