clearing the house

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Point taken Divil. However, as previously stated, what if he goes but doesn't stay gone? Second, if he's alone and I have the drop on him, I'm calling the police. I'll tell him not to move until the police arrive. If he does run away, of course I'll let him leave, but I'm not telling him to leave. If I have the choice, I'd rather see him in jail.
If anyone has a safer plan, I want to hear it and it will become my new plan.

I'm not meaning to be argumentative but I think your plan is the LEAST safe thing to do.

The BGs don't share your plan. The odds of getting ambushed/attacked are impossibly high. You don't have backup and Mr BG knows it. He also knows that he DOES have back up and he likely trusts that backup or he wouldn't be doing robberies with him.

The absolute last thing you should be doing is trying to cuff the bad guy. No way, no how. If you want to yell for him to get on the ground, fine. I still think it's a bad idea but do what you want.

Assuming he doesn't have a visible weapon, I would tell him to leave. If he leaves, great, if he doesn't, we're at a stalemate. I'm not shooting unless he's threatening. You can't go looking for his buddy unless he's gone or neutralized.

Again, I can't imagine a scenario where I would try to physically detain a bad guy. No way.
EricReynolds said:
I make #1 lay on the floor as I call the police, holster, speakerphone, kneel on #1's back, cuff him, search out #2...

I just don't get why you assume #2 is going to obligingly remain stationary while you're occupied with cuffing #1. :confused:
I think you are concentrating your energy in the wrong direction. Rather than think about how to get yourself out of a bad situation with no good solutions, I'd concentrate on figuring out how not to be in that situation.

I think Peetza has a good point that the goal here isn't really to detain bad guys, stop theft, or something similar. It is family safety. That is the primary goal and to the extent you are doing anything else, it should immediately serve that goal.
As I see it, the OP has pretty much created a "no win" situation for himself. He has a BG down on the floor, but there's another one somewhere in the house. In addition he apparently has two kids in different rooms elsewhere in the house. So what are some of the bad things that can happen.

[1] BG 1 resists as the OP approaches and attempts to secure him. And BG 2 is still somewhere in the house with the kids unprotected as the OP and BG 1 struggle.

[2] BG 2 ambushes and knocks out or otherwise incapacitates OP as OP is holding or attempting to secure BG 1. Now BG 1 and BG 2 have free reign of the house with the kids unprotected.

[3] While OP is busy with BG 1, BG 2 finds and gets the kids, and maybe uses them as hostages or a diversion.

It's pretty hard to figure a way to make anything good come out of trying to hold on to BG 1 while BG 2 is somewhere in the house.

A lot of course will depend on exactly how the house is laid out and exactly how the event unfolds. But my approach would be to forget about engaging a BG. As I see it, my first order of business would be to round up the kids, and any other authorized persons in the house and get everyone together in a reasonably defensible place of safety -- and call 911.

As I see it, my primary job is to protect the innocents in the house and not necessarily to deal with the BGs.
fiddletown said:
A lot of course will depend on exactly how the house is laid out and exactly how the event unfolds. But my approach would be to forget about engaging a BG. As I see it, my first order of business would be to round up the kids, and any other authorized persons in the house and get everyone together in a reasonably defensible place of safety -- and call 911.

...and that's how you beat the Kobiyashi Maru scenario! :)
what if he goes but doesn't stay gone

If he comes back, same rules apply. I mean, once he leaves, you're not going to put your gun away and go back to sleep :)

I suppose the most important issue for me would be: does detaining him reduce the immediate risk to me or my family? I don't believe it ever does, so I would never try it (even though the guy doesn't deserve to escape)

Edit: didn't see those other posts since my last, they all pretty much nailed it.
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