Cleaning jag broke


New member
Received my brand new traditions trapper flintlock pistol. Started to clean the barrel before storing it and ran a couple patches down through to clean it. It’s a plastic cleaning jag on the 4th cleaning patch and it got stuck so I pulled a little harder and the threads pulled out of the cleaning jag is stuck at the back of the barrel. So I figured it would be easy with the air compressor to just blow air through the flash hole but it won’t budge. I’m going to try to move it around with a screw driver but if that doesn’t work I’ve heard of people dumping 4f into barrel through the flash hole and shooting it has anyone done this before and if so about how much is a safe amount. I imagine only a little will do it.
If you want to be considered for a Darwin Award, make sure you GoPro it.

But seriously, try higher pressure compressor first.
You’ve never seen people sprinkle a tiny bit of 4f down into the flash hole to get stuff unstuck. I didn’t say put 100gr of 4f powder into flash hole. Had 120psi with a sealed rubber tipped air gun. I’m thinking about just taking a long lighter and lighting it by the jag to see if I can burn the patch away because the jag is a lot smaller then the barrel
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"...imagine only a little will do it..." Yep. Doesn't take much to destroy the gun and probably your hand by shooting out an obstruction. Air isn't going to work. The jag doesn't seal the barrel enough
Take the barrel off put it in a padded vise and bash the thing out with a brass rod and a plastic mallet. Assuming that's possible. Otherwise, you need something with a wee hook on it. Like a coat hanger.
The right tool for the right job

Well, by now you have had enough time to figure out what you could have done better as most of us, working with these SideLocks have found out. I still make mistakes and seem to be getting better at resolving them as time goes on. I have lost count on the junk that I have had to cleared out of a bore. ..:rolleyes:

It's obvious to you that you did not use the right tool for this job. If you can get air through the vent, then why not pour a little paint thinner down the bore and let it soak into the patch. Then light it until you burn the patch and melt the plastic jag. Now you have a big glob at the bottom of the bore that you can remove with a worm jag or screw jag. But first you will have to buy at set of these as well. ...... :)

I once had to remove a ball-point pen, one piece as a time. Now that one was a bit of fun. .... :rolleyes:

Good luck and;
Be Safe !!!
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If the jag/patch is all the way in there, you might try a trickle of 4f. Problem with that is if it doesn't work, you have some fouling in there that you can't get to right away.
Just trickle some powder in it and shoot the thing out. Do NOT use a screwdriver to try to dig it out. Straight compressed air wont work it has to be a blast of air like the co2 dischargers do....And get a brass jag or bore mops. I don't use patches anymore, just mops.
Whenever you get it out, invest in a good solid brass cleaning/loading rod. You can also use a stainless steel rod with a plastic or brass muzzle protector. Also never use a plastic jag... use brass for that.
Years ago TC ramrods tips weren't pinned on I know of at least a half of dozen that came off in the barrel.Every one was shot out with out any trouble.Just make sure the stuck jag is down on the powder the air compresser might have moved it some.I relly don't know if the cleaning jag being off the powder would hurt but better safe than sorry
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I don't want to be in the category of TXAZ but it maybe that the rubber tip of your
air nozzle closed off while pushing it to the touch hole.

Be nice to me, it was only a suggestion.
I've shot out an obstruction in a cap lock action. No big deal. Taking the breach plug out is easier said than done. I've never gotten one to budge, in four different barrels.
Lots of good suggestions.
Make sure that whichever method you try that you first take some WD40(or something similar) and spray down the bbl soaking the stuck patch and inside of bbl. The more oil the stuck patch will absorb, the easier it's going to be for the jag/patch to start moving.
Once I got the patch good and oil soaked, I'd start again with several blasts of compressed air or a co2 discharger. If that didn't work I'd graduate to the next more evasive step
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Went and got a full 50 caliber kit figured I’d just use the ball extractor since I thought it would be easier to extract plastic got it started into the jag went to pull and pulled the threads out of extractor so now I have a jag and a metal extractor stuck in barrel
Update got it out. Started heating the barrel with propane torch then the extractor fell out here I didn’t strip threads the bushing twisted up and I couldn’t re thread the rod back into it. Put the extractor on right this time and was able to screw it into the half melted jag and pulled it out
Fantastic !!!

was able to screw it into the half melted jag and pulled it out
You did good and we thank you for your experience and "we" have all learned from it. .... :)

Be Safe !!!