Classic Arms pistol kits out of business? What happened?

I saw one on one of the auction websites the other day, about $225ish.

If it must be a BP hideout gun, what about the lil BP "Earl" that NAA sells, looks like a mini-me of a 1858 Remington. Kinda pricey though:

Ooh yes the summer edition of "Guns Of The Old West" did a pretty nice article on that "Gambler's Best Friend":D The author said that the .22 mags zipped out of that short barrel at just over 1200 fps.

BP guns are cool, but modern guns have their place. For discreet street carry get a concealed carry permit and a Kel-Tec P3AT (or a pricier Ruger Elsie Pea if esthetics are important to you and you don't want to do your own fluff and buff) and you can have 7 rounds of 380 auto to deal with your problems with instead of 2 of whatever that BP thing shoots. Buy a couple of extra magazines, load em, and keep em somewhere on your person and you get another 12 rounds. It'll make you feel a lot better about yourself if you stumble into a flash mob scene.

I'm not knocking BP guns; I love mine, and nothing's cooler, but......

True but I like being old fashioned. Besides, my primary upbringing, since I was very young had been knife combatives. I had been using a ridiculously HUGE Chinese DA DAO to chop bamboo bundles before going on to the more refined systems of Bowie Knife fighting. That is why the Mississippi riverboat saloon era of the 1820s to the 1900s fascinate me so much. One of my two bowies sit somewhere within easy reach in my riding jacket or belt all the time.

Now I don't want any of that to happen at all but if a flash mob happens to roll at me, ain't gonna be purdy and them young ruffians are gonna think twice 'bout forming flash mobs in the future. Just saying,
No, the BP, cap-n-ball version of the Earl is the one that i desire (various barrel lengths available).

(edited out about the find on the auction site, coulnd't refind)
No, the BP, cap-n-ball version of the Earl is the one that i desire (various barrel lengths available).

Ah okay...I am looking at NAA's website and I see it now. And I see that they are still producing the Companion and Magnum caplocks too. I've seen those just ONCE in the 2005 Cabelas catalog and never heard about them since.
Classic Arms pistol kits are now manufactured by Deer Creek Products.
However, I cant get a definite answer as to if they are going to resume production of the Twister kit.
GD Zombie threads. How do people find these things?:confused:

I have one of these pistols partially finished in one of my safes. My buddy bought it and did a lot of polishing on it and then gave it to me to finish. I never had any interest in it. And it takes .350 round balls.

When he got the gun I gave him 3-4 boxes of .350 balls but he doesn't seem to remember what he did with them.