Class III Weapons

available in WA now are AOW, silencer and DD. grandfathered are SBS, SBR and MG if legal criteria met prior to enactment of prohibition. your only chance for full auto would be dual residency in neighboring OR or ID or to set up 'foreign' corp in those (or MG allowable) state.
If your LE will not sign off for no other reason then he does not like guns. All you have to do is go see your local DA if you dont have a record they should not have a problem.

Not calling you out on it or anything, VUPDBlue.....

But I think many people assume its 21 for NFA, since, well, doesn't that sound reasonable?

I have read the regs somewhat extensively, and don't recall an age mentioned. Maybe the Feds thought that the states would take care of that? Or there just wasn't too many teenagers buying machineguns in the 1930s?

Regardless, whether it was an administrative oversight (possible, I admit) or not, I can absolutely assure you my buddy aquired a full-auto AR-15 conversion 20+ years ago at the age of 19.

Then, as now, even in "gun-friendly" Arizona, the Phoenix PD, nor the Sheriff's Office, would "sign off". I confess, we haven't tried pushing them on it lately. We do have the County Attorney willing to do so, however, and we have been cruising along in that mode for quite some time.
No offense taken, Arizona. I don't doubt your story, but according to the United States Criminal Code:

The national Firearms Act of 1934 (Title 26, U.S.C. Chapter 53) and the Gun Control Act of 1968 make formal provisions for the private ownership of these weapons. For an individual, (i.e. non – firearms dealer or police department) these requirements are:

Be a US Citizen at least 21 years old.
Be of sane mind.
Is not an abuser of drugs or alcohol.
Have never been convicted of a felony.
Pay a $200 Federal Transfer Tax on each weapon purchased. (This is a one – time tax, NOT a yearly tax).
Fill out BATF Form 4 - This involves getting a Signature of the "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" in your area signifying that he has no knowledge that you will use your weapon for anything other than lawful purposes.
Have your fingerprints taken and submitted to BATF with the above information.
i dont think your friend is in any realistic danger here. but earlier all they had
to do was to revoke the approval. case law is clear that when BATF come
across info subsequent to the approval, that all that is needed is disqualify
the application on grounds that ....(blank). Firearm is declared contraband
and must be relinquished. so your friend got lucky. :)