Class III Weapons


New member
Are there any states where class III wepons are easy to get.Do you have to get a class III license to get class III wepons(if so are there any shall issue states for class III).
There are many states that allow "class II" weapons.

Buying a NFA (National Firearms Act of 1934) Title II weapon is a somewhat involved process, the way I understand it. Having never purchased one, I shouldn't be the one to tell you the process.

There are others here that are much more knowledgeable than I.

Since this is an NFA question, Off ya go to that Forum...
head over and bone up on NFA terminology (Class III is a dealer of NFA firearms,
not a type of firearm). then towards the end, it will show you snapshot of
states and their friendliness towards private ownership. cross your fingers and
hope you live in one which are more permissive v prohibitive.
Yes, there are states where it is easy to buy NFA weapons. Here where I live, if you have the money, there is nothing to it. I have no way of telling you about anywhere else. Some places have state or local laws against it.

You don't need any kind of license to buy title II weapons (at least as far as the federal government is concerned). You are simply paying a tax on the purchase, not getting a license.
Some states do have state level permits. What state are you in?
Getting Title 2 items is standardized across the board, hardest part is getting a signature. supposing your state allows NFA.
Just for the sake of statistics, how many people have approached their local chief law enforcement officer with paperwork in hand and been turned down for a signature.

I am just interested to see how common this is.

Please, first person accounts only.
I was turned down by the local chief of police. Took it to the sheriff and he has been signing them ever since. I know for a fact the chief of police has signed off for a friend of his to purchase a MAC-10.
Ok, there's one. In that case it was only a very minor set back that was quickly over come.

I am kind of anxious to hear the results of this. In every single thread on the internet that even hints at NFA weapons, someone chimes in that the hard part is getting the sign-off. I just wonder how many ever tried ?
My current sheriff won't sign, previous wouldn't sign for cans. Next county north won't sign for anything, next county south signs for everything. Each individual CLEO can deny signing for you for any reason they desire, be it you keyed his car, or stood up his daughter on prom night.
Right, I realize that.
I am just wondering how many people have actually gone to their CLEO PERSONALLY and were turned down. So far, we have one.

FWIW, I have gotten sign-offs in two different Nevada counties from two different law enforcement entities (total of something like 10-12 times) and there was nothing to it.
When I said what I said about those counties, it means that real people tried to get sign offs, and that's how we know who signs what. ;)
I purchased an MP-5 way back in 1989 when I was 22yr old. I went to the local Sheriffs office and he signed it with no problem. Unfortunately I sold the gun a year later because I needed $. Now the darn thing would be worth $13,000!!!! OUCH!!!:mad:

More recently a buddy of mine went to the local small town pd where he lives and the chief didn't even realize that it was legal to own mgs, sbrs & suppressors!! After showing the chief the BATFE regs he finally signed off on the paperwork for a suppressor & sbr.

Here in Oklahoma it's usually not a problem. We are a very "gun friendly" :) state. As different as day & night when compared to my previous home state of NY!!!
I wonder how hard it would be to try and get a class III firearm in my state. :D Seriously, when I do get out of this state I think the only type of class III firearm I would get is an AOW shotgun or maybe a silencer. Full autos are way too expensive to buy and have huge waiting periods. :eek:
Besides the previously mentioned naming problems you have, Texas is fairly straightforward, along with many states.

The county I am in (Tarrant, that's Ft Worth mainly) the signoff is nothing.

Both the county sheriff and my local PD chief will sign anything I've asked.

My PD chief wanted to meet me in person once, but now I just leave stuff at the admins' desk and she calls me in a day or 2 to come pick up the signed forms.

He told me he had way to many problems to worry about some guy buying an NFA weapon the correct way and that he couldnt' care less how many or what I bought, he just wanted to "look me in the eye" the first time.
I've gotten sign-offs from 2 different Sheriff's (same county, intervening election) before my last move. I'm told the Sheriff of my current county will not sign off, but I haven't needed one since the move.
i was approved (Seattle). another denied - appealed and 1 was approved within 24 hrs.
thereafter every one has been rejected when new police chief came to town and now
pushing gun control. county sheriff was Dave Reichert-R (yes, now congressman) who
refused...then, during campaigning for office, acted like he never knew what NFA
firearms were and said he'd "look into it". new sheriff wont sign. State Patrol turned
down, citing professional courtesy and deferring to city police. went to prosecutor's
office and at first, he seemed eager, then was scared to sign (my cousin, the

so i now do the end run and bypass local CLEO and just go direct to BATF
and have since, acquired half dozen toys via the INCORP route.