Civilian ownership of fully automatic weapons

Just fill out the required forms, go thru the required checks, pay the fee, and go purchase the firearm you want (if your state allows it).. What else is there to say?
I'd love to be a Class III owner. It's not that difficult from a paperwork standpoint. The real problem is that most nice Class III weapons cost as much as a vehicle.
No, they are not.

The legal purchase of an AK requires federal paperwork and hoop jumping, extra fees and taxes, and the location of an AK which was entered correctly in the machinegun registry before 1986. Those are a rarity and so command prices in the five digit range at least.

"Mighty cheap and available" does not ever describe legal NFA weaponry.

'sall right - ya gotta learn somewhere and somehow, right?

For the second part of the question...

Why shouldn't Citizens of the United States have the right to own Class 3 weaponry? The legal morass surrounding it doesn't totally stop that right - ya want it badly enough, you can go out and get it, right? Pony up the money and jump through the hoops... So that right has not fully been taken from us - at least not yet. Right?

Wrong. My income is not enough that I can purchase a $12,000.00 gun. No matter the mystique, no matter the need. I can not have one.

The price is artificially inflated by the legal requirements and (especially) the limited number of these guns in existance, since the registry was closed in 1986. There are no more being made.

Therefore, the whole system, in my opinion is unconstituational. It "infringes" upon my right to have one in every sense of the word, even though there is no law or regulation that specifically keeps me from exercising that right. I still cannot do it because of the current legal reality and its subsequent market.

And I firmly believe that AK47s should be mighty cheap and available to evey law abiding citizen of the United States who might want one. And that's that... ;)
Umm I don't know where you've been looking but legal AK-47s are MORE expensive than just about any other kind of rifle out there. Very few were imported before the 1968 cut-off date and very few were converted before 1986.

For every 10 or 15 ads for M16s you will see 1 AK for sale. About the lowest you can get a legal AK for is around $15,000 now.

Which is more expensive than most M16s, MP5s and Steyr AUGs.
I'll interject my personal feeling on this, please dont rip my head off. I dont see any legitimate need for a civilian to own a full auto weapon. The sole purpose of these things is to kill many people at once, they are military anti-personnel weapons. Before people respond with, "why do you need a handgun" argument, the difference in lethality of a full auto weapon compared to a handgun, is night and day. Both weapons are lethal, but full auto, much more so. Semi-auto weapons like the springfield socom .308 dont bother me, but the full auto thing scares me. If one of these guns gets into the wrong hands, there will be some serious damage done in short order. I'm entitled to this viewpoint, so please dont mock me, or try to tear me down. I'm just simply stating my position on a complicated issue.
You break more laws in 20 minutes on the road in your automobile than my select-fire FNC has in 20 years of sitting in safes.
Hey boofus, a question? Is there any legitimate need to own a full auto weapon? I realize they would be a blast at the range, but outside of that, what's the need to own one?
I need one because I want one. The same reason people buy Winnebagos and Enzo Ferraris and 55" televisions, and Gibson Les Paul guitars and Rolex watches.

If this country was founded on 'need' then you'd end up with communism where everyone gets what the government decides you 'need'.
Maybe you should go and get educated on the ramifications of legal NFA weapon collecting. Between the $10,000+ pricetag, registration, tax paid to the treasury department, local police chief/sheriff signature, finger prints, passport photo, background check by the FBI and ATF, 2-24 month waiting period, Brady Bill check and other federal hassles you can bet no two bit criminals are willing to go through the full legal process.

I might remind you that the greatest mass murder in this country involved a total of 0 firearms, much less NFA firearms. Remember 9-11?
I don't own one, but get to borrow one on a regular basis for some local sub machinegun matches here in Vegas (ahhh, the wild, wild west). If I could afford it, I'd own a few of them as well...just like I'd own a few more cars, boats, motorcycles, etc.

In the hands of a responsible person, they are no more deadly than your car or motorcycle or golf club. Just because it's a gun doesn't make it a killing machine.
Its also non-sensical to state that "If one of these guns gets into the wrong hands, there will be some serious damage done in short order."

Seriously - what is difference between pulling trigger as fast as you can vs firing full auto? Damn little. The semi .308 SOCOM is every bit as deadly as any full auto rifle. Its the person behind it, not the weapon itself.

Remember too, that 'amazing' shootout in California with two bad guys in body armor and ILLEGALLY MODIFIED full auto AK47's? They fired 100's of rounds.

They didnt kill anyone.

DC sniper? Semi-auto rifle and 10 people dead.

You dont need to own a sportscar either. All the places around me have the speed limit set at 65 max. Why do you need a car capable of soing 200mph? If I crash that thing in middle of traffic, a lot of people will be injured and die. But yet we decide to trust that people wont do that.

You're entitled to your opinion, but know this. Since 1968 the total number of people killed by legally registered full auto weapons is ONE. ONE person. And that was done by a crooked cop.

How many children died from bicycle accidents last year? I suggest you exert your energies banning those 'death traps' before coming around an obvious pro-full auto board and trolling for answers. Your stance pretty much shows that your mind was made up and you arent open to having your mind changed - so why bother?

Again, you are allowed your questions and opinions, but doing so here makes as much sense as going to an NAACP meeting and asking if "slavery was such a bad thing?" It insults the audience with no real good purpose.
Well id like to add a few things here..

1- While there is no real "need" to own NFA equipment, i feel that life consisting of only whats required wouldnt be much fun at all.. i mean realistically, do any of us need even 1/2 of what we have?
I know i probably dont need any of my guns, but they enrich my life and thats what its all about..

2- this "i cant afford one" crap gets old.. im 21 years old.. as of feb. 15'th
I live on my own, i have a vehicle payment, and i barely make 29k a year..
but due to the fact its IMPORTANT to me.. i managed to scrape up the funds to buy me an american 180 on my birthday, it cost me 11k.. i paid in cash..only paid 8 for my truck.. but if its high enough on your priority list, you can find a way to afford it..
you can get a mac for about 3k.. ive seen em go for 2.5..

3- while i agree that they are overcontrolled, how does this "Infringe" on your right to own one..
Do the FAA reg's "Infringe" on my right to own an aircraft?